“Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru…”

“Hmm…?? Doesn’t it mean that intelligence is not provided ?? What is the situation again?? ”

Ye Qi was sitting on Polly’s head and was sailing at sea, and suddenly found that the telephone worm in his pocket was ringing, and he guessed suspiciously.


“Bounty hunter Ye Qi… I am Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Sengoku!! ”

What the!! Sengoku….

Ye Qi looked at the phone worm with a serious face in surprise, he didn’t expect that the marshal would talk to him directly, he looked up to me too much…

Did he get into the eyes of the marshal so early ??

“Hahahaha….!! I didn’t expect that the marshal of the navy would talk directly to a bounty hunter like me, what an honor!! ”

Ye Qi suddenly said with a look of excitement on his face.

“However, you shouldn’t have come to Xingshi to ask about sin, right? If you blame me for cooperating with the Navy to borrow naval intelligence, you can go directly to Commodore Gregory. ”

“I didn’t threaten him with a knife around his neck, he gave it to me willingly, and I just listened to it.”

Ye Qi did not hesitate to push everything to Brigadier General Gregory, saying that he had nothing to do with it.

“Passing naval intelligence to outsiders at will violates the naval taboo, and I have sent someone to escort him to Justice Island to explain it properly.”

Sengoku said with a serious and deep face, as if he was going to execute Brigadier General Gregory.

On the Isle of Justice?? It’s a celebration banquet….

Ye Qi thought disdainfully.

Although the four seas are not as dangerous as the Great Shipping Route, they are very important to the Navy, which is the foundation of the Navy and the world government, and no one can be allowed to shake it.

The great voyage is a cruel road of trials, and the four seas are the novice villages that give birth to new blood, which are so precious that no one can move.

“But… If you get naval intelligence, we will also sanction. ”

“Sanction me?? Hey, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me, he gave me the information, and I just listened passively. ”

Ye Qi said as if to neuropathy.

“We have investigated this matter clearly, and you also understand the intelligence capabilities of the Navy, so don’t tell this kind of lie that deceives imps.”

Sengoku did not directly convict him, as if to slowly drive him to a corner.

“Well, since you guys know that I’m not talking nonsense, let’s get straight to the point, what are you going to do about it??”

Ye Qi was also not talking nonsense, and asked directly.

“The charge of obtaining naval intelligence with conspiracy is enough to put you in Advance City, and you will spend the next few decades in prison.” Everything outside will have nothing to do with you, whether it’s treasure or something else, even fresh air… It’s not yours!! ”

After a while, he was talking, as if using psychological tactics.

“However…. You now have a second path. ”

“You’re young, but you’re only 14 years old, and we can treat you like a child who doesn’t know what to do and has no one to teach. If you are willing to join the Navy, the Navy will teach you that you can make up for it later. ”

“If the merit is enough, it can even make you the highest combat power of the navy!!”

Sengoku squinted slightly and said seductively, as if guiding a lost child.

“Join the Navy?? Make up for it?? ”

Ye Qi repeated as if speaking to a silly fork.

Let the Warring States suddenly understand that it is impossible to pull him into the navy.

“In fact, I also thought about joining the Navy before, after all, it is not good to rest under the big tree, there is still a fixed salary to take, three meals can be managed, and there is also a head on the head when something happens.”

“But ah… The navy is so strict, there is no freedom. If something goes wrong, you will be scolded by the chief. The most important thing is that when I just enter, I can only be a miscellaneous naval soldier, and I can’t stand it when I see that everyone is inferior. ”

Ye Qi complained and said with dissatisfaction, as if he really wanted to join the navy.

“If you become a naval soldier, I can recommend you to go to General Zefa for further study. And it will also count your current merits in hunting pirates, and then at least a colonel will be able to command a warship on his own, as long as you do not do anything to betray the navy, no one will say anything about you. ”

Sengoku directly promised.

Of course, if you really count the merits of the East China Sea, the commodore is the bottom, after all, it is to suppress most of the pirates in the East China Sea, and the influence is also terrifying, and the pirates who suppress the entire sea area are breathless, and even have a tendency to catch all of them, it is not too much to come directly to a major general.

“Hmm…. Then I will use the merits of hunting pirates in exchange for pirate intelligence, I don’t want the rest, you can leave the warship or something to others, as long as you don’t trouble me. ”

Ye Qi discussed with a smile.

“Little ghost…!!”

“Hahahaha…. Warring States, you were actually tricked by a 14-year-old ghost!! Hahahaha…”

Suddenly, there was a sudden laugh on the side, and the face of the phone worm also changed from serious to laughter, and even tears laughed, which made Ye Qi also open his eyes.

“Karp, you shut up for me!!”

The Warring States even roared with shame and anger, and the green tendons on his forehead exploded, and he looked even more fierce through gritted teeth.

“Little ghost, do you really want to enter the city??”

Sengoku roared viciously.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, let’s get straight to our point. Do you want to cooperate with me, give me information on the bounty criminals, and I will kill them. Of course, the bounty cannot be less, and I also need information on capable people. ”

Ye Qi said seriously.

He knew from the beginning that the Warring States would not attack him, and at most he wanted to suppress himself, unless the Warring States knew his purpose or was stupid.

One for wealth, the other for the elimination of prisoners of all kinds. And both sides need to face each other, and they do not exclude joining forces, and they are both sane people, there is no reason not to cooperate.

“Why do you want intelligence on capable people??”

Sengoku asked, while pulling out a report on the treasure hunting pirate Gerard, which recorded almost half of his life. Of course, many details are missing.

Ye Qi paused expressionlessly.

“Refusal to answer…”

“Before cooperating, you first leave the East China Sea and go to the South China Sea, the red-haired Shanks has already arrived in the East China Sea, he is a pirate in the New World, very strong, now you are not his opponent, at least you must be an adult thinking about the possibility of defeating him.”

Sengoku didn’t ask why he was hunting the capable, but he himself was thinking about the reason.

“South China Sea?? No, I am going on the Great Voyage, and the four seas can no longer satisfy me. ”

Those who have the ability to fruit, as long as their brains are not kicked by a donkey, and they are not too poor in ability, as long as they want, most of them can break into the great voyage. Therefore, the Great Route is where the most capable people are available.

Of course, it is also a hell for the weak.

“The great voyage is not comparable to the East China Sea, where a large number of strong people have gathered, even the pirates with a reward of more than 100 million are also very numerous, and your strength is not enough to hunt the pirates in that sea.”

Sengoku shouted, he didn’t want the Navy’s excellent eagle dog to die like this.

“With Polly here, at least it’s okay to stay alive. And the pirates of the four seas have not satisfied me, and the bounty of the strong is valuable. Therefore, except for those who are capable, don’t tell me if the bounty is less than 30 million, I don’t want to waste time rushing for trash fish. ”

The corners of Ye Qi’s mouth turned up slightly, and he said very arrogantly.

“I hope you can achieve the point of being like the East China Sea in the Great Voyage, and when the time comes, I will give you the title of Seven Martial Seas.”

Sengoku said solemnly.


“You’ll know later, let’s leave the East China Sea first.”

“I’ll leave the East China Sea, but not now. I don’t want to come back when all the treasure I worked so hard to collect is gone. ”

When I don’t know, if I don’t say it, I don’t want it yet.

“Whatever you want. But in the low-key point of the East China Sea, don’t die…”

“I want money, and I want life!!”

“It’s better that way. Little ghost, call me when it’s time, and I’ll arrange things for you after that. ”

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