Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 209

After hearing Bai Jue’s words, Chen did not feel angry, but chuckled and said, "Hey~~ Since you found out, there is no way, but dare to appear in front of me after seeing my power , I really have to admire your courage, Bai Jue!"

After speaking the last sentence, Chen's eyes became sharp, and even the smile that hung on the corner of his mouth had evolved into a grin at this moment. With Chen's transformation, the surrounding air suddenly became cold, and it was creepy. The coercion broke out in an instant, and even triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

Bai Jue felt bad, and was about to escape, but before he could take any action, his body was nailed to the ground by a dark stick. From the stick, a strange energy sent him. Immobile.

"What's going on... my body..." Bai Jue desperately tried to control his body, but he was still powerless, and the pitch-black rod not only restricted his body, but also constantly absorbed his chakra.

Until this moment, Bai Jue could no longer pretend to be calm, his face was full of horror, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi who was walking towards him step by step, and said in panic: "What do you want to do? Don't forget. Now, you and us are in a cooperative relationship. Our common goal is the coalition of the five powers. Killing me will not do you any good!"

"Partnership? Hahaha~~~"

As if he heard a joke, Tatsun laughed, then looked at Bai Jue jokingly, and said: "That kind of thing doesn't exist at all. From the beginning, I never thought about really joining forces with you. I want Uchiha to take The soil should have the same idea. We are just using each other to get what we need. The so-called cooperative relationship is just a joke. If his goal is really achieved, then he will be the first The one who wants to get rid of is probably me!"

Although Bai Jue didn't know what restrictions he was under and couldn't move his body, his consciousness was clear. After hearing the name Uchiha Daido in Congchen's mouth, his eyes widened and he looked extremely surprised and nervous. Asked indifferently: " could it be possible, did you know about taking soil...what do you know?"

Seeing Bai Jue’s expression, Chen seemed to feel very happy. Perhaps it was because his character was affected by his strength. I don’t know when he started to have this kind of despair and fear that he liked to see his opponents in front of him. The expression, now he is already the same as the Uchiha Tatsumi who was walking on the thin ice in Konoha, but an existence that scared the entire Ninja world.

The powerful power brought him not only the change in strength, but even his xinxing gradually changed as the power became stronger.

Chen heard Bai Jue’s fearful words, looked at Bai Jue who was nailed to the ground by the Chakra stick jokingly, and said with a sneer: "Hehehe~~ I know something far beyond your imagination, but these have been You have nothing to do with..."

Immediately after Chen's eyes gathered, a black flame appeared out of thin air, and finally fell on Bai Jue, who was unable to move.

"Ah~~~ Yeah!"

The black flame instantly spread to Bai Jue's whole body, making Bai Jue desperate to live, and screamed in extreme pain.

"ALFY won't let you go...ah"

The black flame burned Bai Jue's body, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail. It seemed that he knew that there was no hope for survival. Bai Jue stared at Uchiha Tatsu viciously, cursing, and finally let out a painful wailing. .

Chen watched with cold eyes from beginning to end, until Bai Jue was completely turned into ashes.

Chapter 361: Decision with Soil

Chen watched with cold eyes from beginning to end, until Bai Jue couldn't feel alive at all.

"Hmph, seek your own dead end!" Chen retracted his gaze and said indifferently, before extinguishing the burning Amaterasu fire.

At this time, Bai Jue had already been burned to the extent that only ashes were left. A breeze blew by, and then drifted away with the wind, disappearing without a trace, except for a pool of black scorched earth where it burned before.

After killing Bai Zetsu casually, Chen sneered and whispered to himself: "Since Bai Zetsu dared to watch me, he must have been ordered by Uchiha to take the soil. Killing Bai Zetsu means that the agreement between us has broken. But this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. The person who should feel the headache is him. He has been here for too long and he should go out for a walk."

Immediately after, Chen did not linger anymore, controlling his body to slowly rise into the air, then he chose a direction and then flashed back, disappearing.

At the same time, at the moment of Bai Jue's death, all the Bai Jue clones who were fighting against the Ninja Alliance in various parts of the Ninja Realm felt their senses, one by one, in the moment...

"Damn it, the main body... the main body is killed!"

"Asshole, the main body went to monitor Uchiha Tatsumi, but was killed. We must kill Uchiha Tatsumi."

Immediately after the Bai Jue army reacted, they shouted angrily one by one, wishing to smash the culprit Uchiha Tatsumi to avenge their bodies, but now it is during the war...

"What's the matter with these guys?"

"I don't know, what seems to happen to them!"

"Don't worry about so much, this is an opportunity, take advantage of this, kill all these guys!"

The Nin Lian people who were fighting with the Bai Jue clone army, although they did not understand what happened to the Bai Jue army, they were stunned when they saw the enemy they were fighting against. They would not miss such a good opportunity, one by one. Seeing the timing, they launched a fierce attack on the Bai Jue army. Many of the Bai Jue clones were killed by the people of Nin Lian when they did not react. When the Bai Jue clones came back to their senses, their army Many people have been killed by the Ninja League, and they suffered heavy losses for a while.

The news of Bai Jue's death had been sensed by these clones split by Bai Jue, and the soil hidden in the dark naturally received it.

Somewhere in the hidden deep forest outside Yunyin Village in the Kingdom of Thunder, with a wave of spatial fluctuations, a figure with a spiral mask suddenly appeared. This person was monitoring the soil of Nagato in secret. The de facto controller of the organization.

He originally followed Nagato to Yunyin Village in the Thunder Country. He came to reclaim Nagato’s reincarnation eye, but before that, he still let Nagato exert his last remaining energy, and then reincarnate. Eyes recovered, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the development of the matter was not proceeding according to his ideas.

At this time, Ji Tu was in a bad mood, and he no longer had the kind of calmness of strategizing, because he had received the news that Bai Jue was dead, and it was the object he made Bai Zetsu monitor, Uchiha Tatsu!

This means that Uchiha Tatsu no longer cared about their so-called cooperative relationship, and completely tore the agreement between them. What made him more anxious was the information that Bai Jue passed back before his death!

Looking at the direction of Yunyin Village, where the gunpowder smoke was filling the sky at this time, he said in a deep voice, "This guy Nagato has not caught the two people of Yao and Kiuwei. We have no time. Wait any longer, the situation is very bad..."

"There is no way, the people in Ninja League already know the importance of Renzhuli, and the protection of Renzhuli must be very rigorous. It is not easy to succeed!"

At this time, a hoarse voice suddenly came from behind the soil, as if responding to him, and then I saw a group of black things emerging from the ground behind the soil, it was Heijue!

Take the soil to understand what Kurozu said, the current eight-tailed and nine-tailed human Zhuli seem to have become the key to this war. The people of Ninja will definitely not let these two tailed orcs appear, but these two remain He is determined to win the next beast, no matter what, he will seal the eight tails and nine tails.

Take the soil and said in a deep voice: "The matter has been out of control. Bai Jue is dead. The information he sent back before his death has confirmed that our previous guess is correct. Uchiha Tatsumi really has the ability to make tail beasts, although I don’t know what method he used, but he has indeed made the tail beast, and there is news that is very unfavorable to us... Uchiha Tatsumi seems to have completed that step..."

Having said this, there was a tremor in the voice with soil, obviously, his current mood could not calm down at all.

Hei Jueyan's face suddenly changed, a trace of panic appeared in his eyes, and he said anxiously: "You mean..."

He nodded his head with dirt, and continued: "Well, Uchiha Tatsumi has merged with the tail beast and became the legendary Ten-tailed human pillar power. Now he has no scruples. With our current strength, he can't compete with him. Contend, just as we regard him as the greatest threat, he must now also want to get rid of us. We are now in a dangerous situation."

After a period of relaxation, Hei Jue has recovered his calm, no longer as panicked as he was at the beginning. At this time, he said in a deep voice, "This is really bad, what are you going to do next?"

Tai Tu calmed down his nervous mood for a while and said: “We can’t wait any longer, otherwise the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for us. Let’s ignore the strength of Yao and Kyuubi, and now we must take back the eyes of Samsara as soon as possible. Then activate the Outer Golem."

After hearing the words with soil, Hei Jue said with some uncertainty: "Is this really okay? Without Yao and Nine tails, the Outer Golem can't fully play its role!"

Dai Tu explained: "Now I can’t manage so much. Uchiha Tatsumi may attack us at any time. We must have something that can compete with him. We only have the slightest possibility when we activate the Golem, even if we cannot win. Passing him, but it may make him jealous so that he won't be easily shot at us. In this way, we can buy time and capture the remaining eight and nine tails."

Hei Jue heard the words, did not raise any objections, and replied: "Understood, you can decide!"

"How is it with you? Have you found the names of the five major countries?"

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