Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 216

"Almost enough..." Gaara couldn't help muttering to himself as the ball of sand enveloping the human world was getting bigger and bigger.

"Ning!" Gaara squatted on the ground and shook his hands toward the middle, only to hear a dull sound from inside the sand ball, and the whole sand ball shook for a while and then returned to calm again.

"Solved." Gaara lightly sighed, finally getting rid of this rival.Although it seems to be very relaxed, the danger is not enough for outsiders.If Gaara hadn't been guarded by sand, it would have been defeated.

Just when Gaara stood up to support the others, there was an untimely noise in the sand ball.

"Huh?" Gaara frowned, standing still staring at the sand ball quietly.

The noise inside the sand ball became louder and louder, and even the sound of "dongdongdongdong~" had spread.

With a "bang~", the sand ball was broken in an instant, and it was the human avatar wrapped in the sand ball by Gaara.

"Ah, I almost followed your way again." The human road, Payne, came out of the sand ball and turned and said.

Chapter 372: Fighting Human World 2

Human World said to Gaara: "Do you think the same move will work for me?"

Gaara coldly snorted, "How can I know if I don't try."

It turned out that when Gaara summoned the shield of sand, the human world had left an extra eye. As expected, after the shield of sand, Gaara quickly changed his skills to form a sand ball to wrap the human world.The human world who had been prepared for a long time would definitely not be able to catch it, directly breaking Gaara's sand ninjutsu from the inside.

"So..." Gaara stared at the human world for a long time and couldn't help but said: "The strength has increased, no wonder you dare to say such things. It seems that ordinary sand ninjutsu can't do much for you. Up.

"Is the realm of the gods that you mortals can guess?" The human world Payne looked at Gaara with disdain. In his opinion, Gaara didn't know anything.He was defeated by Gaara before only because of careless reasons. Now he has been repaired through Hell Road, not only his body is completely repaired, but his strength is also greatly improved. It is not easy to defeat Gaara. Loose thing?

Gaara did not answer him. He has nothing to say about this guy whose head is already teasing. He admitted that the guy in the sky who can release gravitational repulsion is indeed very strong, but it is not too strong to be defeated. As for the statement of God, it is simply nonsense.

Gaara's shoulder shrugged slightly, and the gourd cork behind his back was quietly opened.Streams of golden sand flowed out of the bottle.This is Gaara’s killer feature. All the sand in the bottle is the sand that Gaara is most familiar with. Not only is the operation more familiar than the ordinary sand, but the power is also stronger than the ordinary sand.

The three mysteries of the Ninja World, Tsunade’s age, the sex of Uncle Snake, and the amount of sand in the Gourd Gourd.

No one knows how much sand there is in Gaara’s gourd. Usually, Gaara uses the sand in the gourd mixed with sand from the outside world. Although it is less powerful than using all the sand in the gourd, it consumes more energy. Carats are also less.Unless it is a crisis situation, Gaara will use all the sand in the gourd.

A strand of sand surrounds Gaara, like a chain of sand.Gaara stretched out a hand and all the sand and brain gathered in his hand, gradually forming the appearance of a shuriken.

"Is it finally coming to the real?" The human world couldn't help becoming serious when seeing Gaara's movements.He discovered that he actually felt threatened on Gaara’s sand. Knowing that he is already a dead person, he can actually make a dead person feel the threat of death again. Even if the human world is hard-talking, he dare not look down on it anymore. Gaara.

Human Dao's body tightened and bent forward slightly, holding two chakra sticks in his hands, carefully watching the sand in Gaara's hands, he felt that if he was not careful, he might fall again. this.

"Sand Shuriken!"

Gaara quickly threw out the sand shuriken in his hand, and in an instant, the shuriken formed by the compression and condensation of high-density sand rushed towards Penn of the human world with the whistling wind.

Seeing this, Penn, the human road, raised one hand and quickly shook the Chakra's stick to bounce off Gaara's sand shuriken.

With a "ding", there was a ray of sparks when the Chakra's stick and the sand shuriken met.After he flicked off the shuriken, Payne couldn’t help calming down his slightly trembling hand. He did not expect that the sand shuriken shot by Gaara was so powerful that he almost didn’t even have a strengthened one. Able to follow.

However, Gaara's attack was not the only one.A lot of sand shurikens gathered around Gaara in a short moment.He stretched out his left hand toward the sky, then pointed at the human path Penn, and slammed the sand shuriken at the human path Penn.

"Damn..." The human world Payne knew that Gaara's sand shuriken couldn't hold on, so he had to escape his attack.

"I want to see how much sand in your gourd is enough for you to splurge!" Gaara's sand shuriken did not work after several times of moving around. Gaara's sand shurikens didn't work, but they were stuck in the ground in vain and lost Gaara Chakra's control later became a puddle of sand flowing on the ground.

"Not much, but it's enough to defeat you!" Gaara flashed a fierce light in his eyes, and did not stop the sand shuriken attack.Instead, he continued to use the sand in the gourd to condense into a shuriken and shoot towards Penn, the human path.

A sand shuriken was condensed from Gaara's hands, and it continued to attack Human Dao Penn, as if he was shooting with a machine gun. Human Dao Penn was busy dodge the shuriken, and there was nothing at all. Idle to attack.The only fly in the ointment is that there is no detonation talisman attached to the shuriken, otherwise it will be more powerful, and it will be more worthy of the title of sand machine gun.

"It's useless, God won't be defeated by your boring moves." After dodge, the human world kept using verbal attacks in an attempt to disturb Gaara's mood.As everyone knows, Gaara's mind is no longer comparable to that of ordinary ninjas after a round of tempering.

If it is a normal ninja, it will definitely stop the attack and switch the attack mode when it hasn't hit the target for a long time.But Gaara did not like this, and the sand shuriken continued to attack Penn, the human path.

"It's stubborn!" Seeing Gaara wasn't moved by the human world, Payne couldn't help but look a little colder.In his opinion, as a god, he had been discouraged by himself. As a mortal, he should have been grateful for Dade's stop of the attack and arrested.As a result Gaara did not follow the script of the human world.

"Almost..." Gaara suddenly stopped attacking. The sand in the gourd did not form a sand shuriken again, but surrounded Gaara again.

"Why... Finally, your attack is useless to me?" Human World Payne couldn't help but speak when seeing Gaara stop the attack.

"No!" Gaara raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a chuckle: "But my attack has been completed!"


It turned out that the vicinity of the human world had already been occupied by Gaara's sand.I saw that the place where he was standing now was covered with traces of Gaara Shazi.

"That guy who claims to be a god, you're done." Gaara confidently said to Penn on Earth.

Chapter 373: Hungry Ghost Road

I saw Gaara squatting on the ground with both hands and making seals, and said softly, "Goodbye."

"The real prison sand is buried!"

The sand that had covered the entire battlefield instantly softened, assimilating the land into a part of the sand.All the land within a radius of tens of meters where the human road was located collapsed.

The human world was caught off guard, and his feet were already entangled in sand. This is the Chakra with his breath in Gaara Gourd, and it is not so easy to break free.After struggling for several times without success, the human world couldn't help but look at Gaara fiercely.

"everything is over."

As the ground collapsed, the human road was deeply buried in the ground two hundred meters deep, and the sand close to his body was constantly rubbing and tearing his limbs.

"Sand-bound pyrotechnic explosion!" With the ground shaking, the human road buried at least two hundred meters deep in the ground completely lost its ability to move.

Gaara after doing all this just silently took back the sand in the gourd.Now is not the time to relax. Even if he solves this enemy, it doesn't mean that all the enemies who have come in have been solved. Everyone except him is still in battle.He now needs to support people on other roads and help them resolve the battle as soon as possible.

After putting away the sand in the gourd, Gaara turned my head and just saw Kakashi walking towards him.I couldn't help asking loudly: "How is it, did you solve it over there?"

"Fortunately, I can barely kill him." Kakashi nodded and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. He hadn't faced such a strong enemy in a long time, except for the original Uchiha Tatsumi. No one has given him such a strong sense of oppression for a long time.

"Can you continue to fight?"

"Reluctantly, there is not much Chakra in the body."

Gaara threw to Kakashi the special weaponry pill that Tsunade gave him before, and he didn't use Tsunade's special weaponry pill to deal with the human world. At this time, it was just right for Kakashi.

Kakashi took the bingliang pill thrown by Gaara and thanked him and swallowed it. He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to work hard to restore the amount of chakra in his body.

Gaara hurriedly stood around him when he saw this, to help him guard, in case an enemy approaches Kakashi at this time.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

After adjusting for a while, Kakashi finally recovered 70% to 80% of the chakra. The amount of chakra in his body was not too much. After taking Tsunade’s special bingliang pill, he recovered very quickly. After a while, I completed the supplementation of the Chakra in the body. At this time, I was taken aback by Gaara's question, and then suddenly realized.

"Are you asking me about this eye?" Kakashi pointed to a faint blood stain under his left eye.

Gaara nodded.

"I didn't master the strength when I used the big move, and it turned out to be too hard. It's not a problem, let's go." Kakashi got up and greeted Gaara to leave. He didn't tell the truth, I don't know if it is. For some reason, he felt that he could use the kaleidoscope to write round eyes and hide it for a while, then try to hide it for a while.Wait until he gets rid of Tsunade's inspection before making a decision.

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