Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 230

In that case, why bother to torture each other?Tatsun has Ino in her heart. It is precisely because of this that Tatsu cares about Ino so that she is so different from Ino. Obviously, Jing also has Tatsun in her heart, and even her feelings for Tatsun are more important than Chen's feelings for her Come more enthusiastically.

At this moment, even a fool understands what to do next, and Chen is obviously not a fool.He picked up Ino and escaped from the alien space in her exclaim.All the way through the sea, through the mountains, through the wilderness, through the forest.

Ino has been completely fascinated by Chen's embrace, waiting for more than ten years, and suffering from lovesickness for more than ten years. Now he finally got the response from his beloved. The feelings he gave were no longer unilateral, but gained. Lovers' most sincere response.At this moment Ino didn't want to care about anything. She felt that she was already the happiest person at the moment, and she didn't want to care about anything else.

Galloping all the way, when I landed, I could feel Ino's loss of consciousness for a moment.Chen couldn't help laughing: "Silly girl, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Mu Dun's Four Pillars Family Art!"

A house entirely formed by wooden escapes rises from the flat ground. Wooden escape is good for this. It can play a big role both on the battlefield and in life, and can be erected even in the wilderness. A house for people to live in.

Although Yichen's current realm does not use these things at all, Ino not only wandered around the Guimen Pass for a while, he was already frightened, and coupled with the previous battles, I am afraid that he is already exhausted at this moment, and he has to think about Ino. status.

"Well, you are also tired today. Rest early. I'll just call me if I have something next to you." Chen patted Ino on the head and turned around to leave.

"Don't!" Ino stretched his hand to hold Chen, his eyes seemed to be begging a little: "Don't go so early... Can you accompany me?"

Chen hesitated for a while, sighed, and let Ino draw himself closer to the room.He was pitying, but he didn't see the sly in Ino's eyes.

However, the atmosphere became silent after the two entered the room.Tatsun was not an active person in the first place, and his actions towards Ino today are the most daring things he has done in his life, and even though Ino dares to love and hate, he will inevitably feel embarrassed when facing his sweetheart. of.



"You speak first…"


Ino sneered: "I didn't expect that the sections of those romance novels are true, so let's talk about it first."

"Are you... okay lately? Don't get me wrong, I mean physical."

Ino: "..." Although she has never been in a relationship in the true sense, she still couldn't help but anxious about Chen's performance, and she couldn't help screaming "Nerdy" in her heart. How could there be such a chat.

"Also... okay." As soon as the voice fell, Ino began to regret it.Although Ino has seen a lot of novels and movies, she has a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but it is the first time she really talks about feelings.

The atmosphere was already very embarrassing, and the air in the entire room was solidified under the further promotion of two people who didn't know anything.

"In this case, I'm leaving first, you have a good rest." Chen couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere in the room and wanted to go out.

Ino was shocked and rushed over and hugged Chen: "Don't... don't go, okay." His tone was no longer as strong as before. It turned out that Ino hadn't emerged from the shadow of death since the beginning.No matter how mature she is, she is just a teenage girl.

Uchiha Chen's muscles tightened instantly when Ino pounced on her body, but gradually softened when she heard her begging that seemed to be weeping slightly.He sighed lightly, turned around and hugged Ino, patted her back lightly.

"Tonight... stay." Ino, who buried her head on Tatsun’s chest, said this as if he had exhausted all his strength. If Uchiha Tatsun lowered his head, he could see that Ino was extremely shy at this moment. The ears are red.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Tatsuno was stunned after hearing Ino's words.

"Tonight... stay?"

Ino's body became weak. At this time, she became more shy when she heard Chen repeat what she said again. She didn't know where her courage came from, so she dared to say it so frankly and boldly.Before she could think of such words.

Chen lowered her head and glanced at Ino, and found that her pretty face was flushed, her eyes were silky, and her body was weak and boneless.I saw her eyes cast a shy look at Chen, and Chen was a little lost in the autumn waves in her eyes.

No matter how dull Chen Chen was at this moment, it was time to understand Ino's meaning.


Chen was blocked by Ino's mouth before he finished speaking.I don't know why, Tatsu feels that Ino today is particularly bold and moving.The beauty was in her arms, and she had no time to think about it at this moment. Closing her eyes and feeling the sensation of the beating of the heart, the feeling of mate between lips and teeth.

For a long time, the lips are divided.Chen gently put Ino on the bed with his flushed face, stretched out his trembling hands, and then retracted after only halfway through. It's not Chen's advice. This is a common problem for men and women in love for the first time. Suffering from gains and losses.

"You...really thinking about it?"

Ino didn't speak, he held Tatsun's neck and kissed it again...

Chapter 398: Goodbye, Chen!

"Lightly close together, slowly twist and pick up, it was first six years after neon clothes. The big string is noisy like rain, and the small string is like whispering. Noisy and miscellaneous, big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate. It's slippery, and it's hard to get under the ice in Youyanquan. The cold and astringent strings of the ice spring are frozen, and the freezing will stop for a while. Don't be sad and hateful. At this time, silence is better than sound. Finally, draw carefully, the four strings sound like cracked silk."

The time is fast, or it can be short.When Ino woke up, she thought she could be happy for a century, but it was obviously impossible.If possible, Ino would rather all this be just a dream, but there will always be a time when a dream wakes up, and after waking up, what you have to face is the reality that you have to face.

Today Ino is like this. Yesterday’s escape from the dead and long-lost reunion made Ino very bold and crazy. These were things she didn’t dare to imagine. Ino once thought about when she would be countless times. I handed it over to Chen for the first time, but didn't expect it would come so quickly or so suddenly.

It can be said that if this matter hadn't happened, Ino wouldn't have made up his mind to hand himself over to Chen so quickly. If he really talked about Chen, he would have to thank Jin Jiao Yin Jiao.

After Ino got up, she shook her head, who was still not fully awake, and her eyes were full of complexity as she watched Tatsun lying on her side and breathing evenly.As said before, Ino never thought that she would entrust herself to Chen so soon, but she would never regret it. This was something she had thought about for a long time.

It seems contradictory to say this, but if this happens to a person, it is a very normal thing to suffer from gains and losses, and want to get but fear to lose, this is a common problem that everyone will have.

And now Ino has completely entrusted himself to Chen, but will this really bring good results?No, it won't. Obviously they are in different positions.

As a ninja from Konoha Village and as a member of the Ninja Alliance, Ino is not only facing the Akatsuki organization led by Uchiha Daido, but also the Eagle Team led by Tatsun.Fundamentally speaking, they are on the opposite side, not just on the opposite side, but more by hatred.

Chen, it can be said that apart from Yannin Village who was not poisoned by him, which Ninja Village in the other five countries did not go to make a fuss?It is impossible to reconcile and turn back, or even if Tatsun promises Ino to be willing to turn back, will the people from the five major countries agree?If they don't swallow Chen Sheng alive, it is considered good.

Why are you not doing it now?They simply cannot beat Chen, just like when Chen Qiang grabbed the Amber Purifying Bottle before, if they had enough strength to deter Chen, would they easily hand over the Amber Purifying Bottle?Or that they have the strength to compete against Chen, who knows if they will fight decisively to the end.

On the one hand, he is the person he loves most, the lover who has just had the closest contact with him, and on the other hand, his village, his partner, and his family.It's not easy to be caught between the two. Sometimes Ino would think of giving up like this, and forgetting Chen after so many years, but so many years of persistence, so many years of love is so easy to forget?

She also thought about it, regardless of the disputes in the Ninja World, letting the Ninja World toss at will, she and Chen Shuangsu Double Breath would never ask about the world, but Chen is so angry that he wants to persuade him to retreat. Impossible, she didn't try it last night, but the result was a failure.

Ino sighed lightly, his eyes were gentle and watery, and he looked at Chen like this, as if he wanted to imprint Chen's body description deeply into his mind.The expression in his eyes revealed such a moving and passionate love.

The world is safe and secure, and will live up to the Tathagata and live up to the Qing.

"How can I achieve the best of both worlds..." Ino was very distressed. At this age, she should have taken care of her delicate flowers in the flower shop, but the ninja career made her have to embark on the path of maturity in advance. Especially war is undoubtedly the best catalyst to make a person mature.

Now Chen was sleeping in front of her, one of the culprits that caused this war, if it weren't for him, this war that would spread to the entire Ninja World would not have occurred.Without him, perhaps the world would appear more peaceful.

kill him?

This thought suddenly appeared in Ino's head. She knew exactly what kind of threat Uchiha Tatsumi was to the Ninja World. If Tatsuno died, then it would definitely be more pros than harm to the entire Ninja League. thing.

Ino looked gently at Chen, who seemed to be asleep. After a long while, he seemed to have made up his mind. He turned around looking for a ninja bag. The battle last night was so fierce. Clothes and other items were thrown around. Now I want to find something back. I can't find it.

Ino managed to endure the shame in his heart and found his ninja bag, and took out Kunai from it.The sharp point was facing Chen's heart, and Chen still hadn't woken up at this time. As long as Ino's heart was cruel, he could directly pierce Kuwu into Chen's heart.

"No, no..." Kuwu was in a stalemate in mid-air for a long time, and Ino slumped to put down her hand. How could she be able to do it with someone who has been a favorite for more than ten years.Ino felt as if he had been hit by an illusion, and unexpectedly thought of Chen like this.

For her, this is simply a blasphemy of her own feelings, which is a kind of infidelity to her own feelings.

"How could I be willing to act on you..." Ino stretched out his hand as if to touch Chen's face, but thinking that she would have had such a thought before, she couldn't help feeling of guilt deepening in her heart, she sighed and looked sad. Withdraw his hand.

She felt that God seemed to have made a big joke to her, or that she had done some heinous things in her previous life, and she would torture her like this in this life.

A tear slipped from Ino's face and "tick" on her hand.

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