Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 233

But at this moment, Chen suddenly felt an extremely weak and very unstable Chakra outside the wooden house, and he couldn't help frowning.You must know that Chen chose a random place to start the wood escape technique. Although it is not a rare place, it is not a place that everyone can find, and Chen feels that the breath of Chakra is somewhat familiar.

Now that someone came, Nachen stopped talking with the system, and walked out the door with his clothes on.

Originally Chen thought it would be the ninja coalition who accidentally wandered here, but when he opened the door and saw the people, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Xiao Nan?"

Chen unexpectedly looked at Xiao Nan, whose clothes were tattered and Chakra was extremely unstable in front of him.In Chen's impression, no one seemed to be able to force Zhi Dun's Xiao Nan to such an extent.

Regardless of Xiao Nan’s strength, Payne, who is next to her, is an existence that ordinary people cannot match. Although Payne is really nothing to Chen now, but for those ninja coalition forces whose top combat strength is scarce, that It seems to be an insurmountable moat.

But apart from the Ninja Allied Forces, Chen couldn't think of other existences that could hurt Xiao Nan to this degree.

At this time, Xiao Nan, who was about to run out of Chakra, reluctantly lifted her head up after hearing Chen's voice. After she saw Chen's voice, she was slightly taken aback. After all, the two had met each other and even wanted It's not because of the guy in front of him, Nagato wouldn't risk going to the land of Thunder, it can be said that everything has an inescapable connection with Uchiha Tatsumi in front of him.

However, after seeing Chen, Xiao Nan did raise that heart and then put it down again. After all, with her current state, it would be useless to be vigilant in front of Chen.

Xiao Nan reluctantly raised a sigh of relief and stood up: "Yes...It's you..." Before she finished speaking, her feet were dark in front of her eyes, and she fainted in front of Chen.

"Hey..." Looking at Xiao Nan who passed out in his arms, Chen was a little bit dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, this guy fainted before he finished speaking, but he was slightly frightened.Previously it was only remote sensing, but now she was sensing the dry meridians in Xiao Nan's body at close range, and she couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This guy, how can he manage to chakra in his body, he is dying, and even the body's own reconstruction function is lost.As we all know, the most important thing in the ninja is the chakra. If there is no chakra, it means the death of the person. After the chakra is exhausted, the body will automatically extract the chakra from the body cells and spirit. supplement.

But Xiao Nan's current situation is indeed that even the body's autonomous functions are gone, and the only remaining Chakra is also exhausted.

"I really don't know how you got here." Chen shook his head helplessly.

Chapter 403: Xiaonan's experience

To be honest, Chen doesn’t want to have anything to do with Xiao Nan if he can. Anyone who has seen Hokage knows that Xiao Nan is Nagato’s forbidden. It’s not that Chen is afraid of Nagato, but he doesn’t. He didn't want to be out of line, and Ino had just left. He was a little unhappy now. Although he had seen a lot of help with the system, he was still a little irritable after all.

Looking down at Xiao Nan who was in a coma in his arms, Chen thought for a while and took her back to the cabin.He still cares very much about who is beating Xiao Nan like this, everyone knows that if he wants to hurt Xiao Nan, Nagato will definitely not sit idly by. Since Xiao Nan is already like this, then Nagato doesn’t need it. Said he must have lost.

Chen couldn't think of anyone on Hokage's face that would be Nagato's opponent, but after contacting the system before telling him about those things, Chen had to care.Could it be a hidden master who defeated Nagato and injured Xiao Nan.This is a major event related to his journey to the next world, and there is no room for sloppy.

Chen now thinks that these are all fruitless, and everything will not be known until Xiao Nan wakes up.

Chen put Xiao Nan back on the bed, simply treated her with Chakra, and then let her own body mechanisms to recover from the injury.Chen is not the Virgin, if he can recover by himself, Chen doesn't need to do anything extra, he now has time to wait for Xiao Nan to wake up by himself.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Nan unconsciously groaned in his mouth lying on the bed, and his body that hadn't moved involuntarily began to tremble.Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly: "This...Where is this?"

She lifted her body from the bed with difficulty, and when she looked up, she found Chen sitting on the chair.Xiao Nan's pupils shrank, and his body tightened in an instant. Whether it was heard from Nagato's conversation with Madara, or personally felt, it gave Xiao Nan the feeling that this man is dangerous!

Chen raised his head, staring at Xiao Nan's face with deep eyes, and said, "You are awake."

"Uchiha Tatsun..." Xiao Nan said Tatsun's name word by word. In front of this man who is even ashamed of Nagato, Xiao Nan didn't dare to move in any way. With her current state, even if she wanted to escape Can't do it: "Why are you here."

Uchiha Tatsuno grinned, did this guy forget what happened before.But Chen didn't bother to explain this. It was always only himself who questioned others. No one dared to question him yet and asked, "Nagato, shouldn't you be with you? Why are you alone now?"

I don't know if it was Chen's illusion. When he said the word "Nagato", Xiao Nan's expression faded and disappeared.Had Chen not been more familiar with the human heart after receiving the emotional gift package produced by the system's surprise, then he would have never noticed this flashing gloom in Xiao Nan's eyes.

"Why should I tell you?" Xiao Nan insisted.

Chen coldly snorted, and his whole body vigorously vibrated, and his icy killing intent turned into sharp swords toward Xiao Nan: "Woman, you'd better figure out the situation now. You have to know that you are following Who speaks."

Under Chen's substantive murderous aura, Xiao Nan seemed to be a sailing boat moving forward in a storm, which could be overwhelmed at any time.Suddenly, Xiao Nan's expression changed, her body was shaky, her pale face was blushing abnormally, and she spouted a mouthful of blood with a "wow".Originally, Xiao Nan's body wasn't very agile, it was just that he had just regained consciousness, so suddenly bearing Chen's murderous aura almost didn't faint again.

Fortunately, Chen had already withdrawn his murderous aura when he saw that Xiao Nan's body was wrong, and he didn't make Xiao Nan faint again, but now Xiao Nan's injury is more serious.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Nan realized that she was no longer an "angel" of the Akatsuki organization, and no longer had the care of Nagato, Yahiko, and Jiraiya.Xiao Nan laughed miserably, her pale face was covered with helpless tears, watching Chen resigned and closed her eyes: "You kill me."

Chen looked stunned for a moment and almost didn't react. When did he say he was going to kill?Is it now popular to kill people after asking them?Is this the most popular surface question nowadays?

For a long time, Xiao Nan slowly opened his eyes when he didn't feel the coming of death, and looked at Chen puzzledly: "Aren't want to kill me."

Chen's mouth twitched: "When did I say I would kill you? If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't save you."

Xiao Nan looked at Uchiha Tatsu indifferently, and said suspiciously, "You saved me? Aren't you in the same group with those guys?"

"A group of people?" Chen frowned: "Speaking of which, who is chasing you, Penn, isn't he with you."

Hearing Payne, Xiao Nan lowered his head, obviously remembering something unfortunate, and then whispered for a long time: "Yahiko is dead... Nagato is also dead..."

"??" Chen felt that the amount of information in Xiao Nan's words was too great. Although the strength of Nagato is not considered to be what Chen now looks like, at least those eyes were owned by the Six Dao Immortals back then. If Nagato didn't want it, no one could easily kill him. In the original book, Naruto also relied on his mouth to escape to make Nagato change his mind.

"Dead? How did you die?"

"Dokage!" It seems that the name of the enemy was mentioned. Xiaonan's eyes gradually revealed the ferocious meaning: "Nagato went to the land of thunder to recover Yawei and Kyuubi not long ago, but I didn't expect to be attacked by people. Nagato was in battle. Unfortunately, the ninjutsu of Tukage died.

"Tukage?" Chen touched his chin. It seemed that that guy didn't have the power to kill Nagato. Chen probably guessed that it was just Nagato who wanted to die: "Then what about you? After Nagato's death, you Are they chased and killed here?"

Xiao Nan was silent for a long while, still immersed in grief. After a long time, he opened his mouth to tell his passing. It turned out that after the battle in Yunyin Village, Xiao Nan took Nagato and left, but Nagato was already running out of oil at that time. At the point of dryness, it didn't take long for him to breathe. The distraught Xiaonan could only plan to bury the bodies of Nagato and Yahiko before deciding to take revenge.

Although Nagato had always made it clear to let her escape and not to avenge him, Xiao Nan did not intend to obey Nagato's instructions. With Nagato's death, her only bondage in this world was gone, and she was already dead. Zhi's plan to retaliate against everyone. The first person she wanted to revenge was to bring the soil. However, what she did not expect was that the soil would automatically find her and take Nagato’s body. She was also seriously injured by Uchiha's dirt. Fortunately, her abilities were quite special. In addition, the target of dirt was Nagato's corpse. She didn't take her seriously, so she had the opportunity to escape.

Chen's expression was startled, but he didn't expect this result. No wonder he brought the soil to reclaim the body of the silver horn. It turned out that the reincarnation eye has already been handed, and the nine-tailed chakra is close. It seems that things have begun to develop in a normal way. Si nodded and said, "That's it?"

"that's it…"

Four hundred and fourth; The price of revenge

Suddenly, Tatsun seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Xiao Nan with a smile but a smile, and said, "You don't know that, the guy who claims to be Madara is actually not the real Uchiha Madara, the real Uchiha Madara. He died more than ten years ago."

Chen had already torn his face anyway, Chen didn't intend to conceal his true identity for Tai Tu.

Xiao Nan was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "Are you serious? But isn't that kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes something that your Uchiha family only has."

"I lied to you to do something." Chen said disdainfully: "That guy is indeed from the Uchiha clan, but it is not Madara, but Madara has found a successor more than ten years ago, named Uchiha Dai Earth, in order to be able to resurrect Uchiha Madara later."

Tatsun talked to Xiao Nan, clarifying the unknown things about Uchiha Madara with soil.

"In other words, at the beginning, we were really in contact with Madara, and then we changed to another person? No wonder the character gap between them is so big, but all of this is your guess, right? What evidence proves all this."

"I just said I know, believe it or not." Chen spread his hands and made an expression that is as good as you are happy to Xiao Nan.Chen had said these things to Xiao Nan on a whim. He couldn't say that this was the news he knew when he saw Naruto in his previous life, right?

" guy." Xiao Nan said lightly, knowing that he has nothing to do with Chen, and Chen's words are probably right. After all, the differences in personalities between the two people before and after are so big, and there are also differences in some small habits. Yes, these Nagatos didn't pay much attention, but as a girl, Xiao Nan could clearly feel it. From this point of view, Xiao Nan knew that Chen's words were true.

"Does Uchiha bring soil?" Xiaonan's eyes gradually cooled, as if thinking of something.However, Chen wouldn't know what this woman was thinking. He coughed and said, "Don't think about it, you can't beat him with your current strength. Not to mention that he is about to gather the nine beasts now, even if It’s a kaleidoscope that you can’t deal with."

"Aren't you still missing eight tails and nine tails?"

"In fact, the Outer Golem does not necessarily require a collection of tail beasts to activate. Other methods can also be used instead. For example, the Zhuli of the past generations reincarnated from the dirty soil, they still retain the tail beast Chakra they held before their lives. , Unfortunately, not long ago, that guy just took away a man with nine-tailed chakras from my front. I can’t think of a surprise, those chakras are enough for him to motivate the golem."

Chen stretched her waist as if she was saying something unrelated to him, but didn't know that his words set off stormy waves in Xiao Nan's ears, and the Golem of the Outer Dao could already be urged, so Nagato attacked Yunyin Village. Isn't it meaningless?

That Uchiha and Tuma Mingming already had a way to mobilize the Golem, but they still let Nagato attack the Ninja Headquarters. This was simply asking Nagato to die.

Xiao Nanqiang endured his grief and anger, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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