Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 243

This also means that Naruto is isolated and helpless at this moment, and can only escape Chen's fatal blow on his own.

In other words, everyone thought Naruto was going to end, and even Kirabi couldn't bear to look at it. He stretched out his hand to cover his eyes with sunglasses, as if he didn't want to see Naruto being slashed in half. .

"Clang!" This is the sound left by the slashing of gold and stone.

At this very moment, a mysterious smile appeared on Naruto's face: "Hey, it's not over yet." In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Naruto actually stretched out two nine-tailed Chakra hands from his waist. Those two big hands could hold Chen's offensive before the Meteor Meteor knife hit Naruto.

Chen's face couldn't help showing a strange expression, "I didn't expect you to have this hand."

"Unexpectedly..." Naruto had a smug expression on his face, but this expression only flashed and then he showed a cautious expression, because he realized that this time is not the time he should be smug, this time it is not like the previous practice On the opposite side of the day, the enemy who almost destroyed Konoha Village."Hmph, this time I must take you back to the village!"

"Really?" Chen smiled strangely: "Do you think my attack is only that simple?"


I don’t know when, the blood-red ghost spirit on the meteor knife began to gradually erode Naruto’s two Chakra hands, following the two Chakra hands, it has begun to reach Naruto’s body. Eroded away.

"This...what is this! Let go of me, let me go!" Naruto stared at the ghostly spirit flowing down Chakra to him in amazement, and he wanted to cut off Chakra's output in a hurry. It turns out that it’s useless at all. This ghostly spirit seems to have been attached to Naruto’s Chakra, following Naruto’s Chakra, it begins to flow into his body, into his meridians, and into him. In the blood.

The blood-red ghost evil spirit began to erode Naruto's body, constantly absorbing the Chakra from Naruto's body, physical strength and even vitality!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! While Naruto's strength continues to strengthen himself.

And at this moment, Nine Tails in Naruto's body also seemed to feel that Naruto was wrong at this time, or that the power of the ghost evil in the Meteor Star's meteor knife had followed the chakra overflowing from Nine Tails to the Sealed Land, and was preparing Invade this sealed land.

Nine Tails very cleverly shut off the output of Chakra, and even closed the entire Sealed Land to the outside world.The most intuitive performance in Naruto is that he directly exited the Nine Tails mode, revealing Naruto's original appearance.

At this time, Naruto had already fallen into a coma due to the erosion of the power of ghosts and gods, and he had no idea that at this time, Kyuubi had shrunk in order to protect himself.Because the power of the ghost evil spirit in the Falling Star’s Meteorite Blade is the blood evil that has been passed down to the Emperor’s Blood Killing the Sky, it can even be said that as long as the Falling Star Meteorite Knife is held in the hand, it is equivalent to the second Emperor’s Blood Killing the reincarnation.

The strongest thing about Emperor Blood Killing lies not in the gorgeousness and power of his skills, but in the fact that he can take the killed enemies as nourishment to strengthen himself after he is covered with bloody fog. This is also officially why the Meteor Meteorite can The cause of erosion Naruto.

Chen saw that Naruto had quit the Nine Tails mode and knew that at this time, Nine Tails chose to disconnect Chakra's output in order to keep himself, but Chen didn't say anything, but snorted coldly, "It's still useful to keep you. I will let you go this time."

Naruto’s body dwindled at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Chen did not continue to absorb it. As he said, a living Naruto is more effective than a dead Naruto. At least now he needs one to live. Naruto of Naruto forced out the four generations.

That's right, Chen's goal is the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshui Gate, or to put it more clearly, what Chen values ​​is the Nine Tail Yin attribute Chakra contained in the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshui Gate soul.He needs to use Naruto to lure the appearance of Bo Feng Shuimen.

Tatsumi had a faint feeling when Sasuke left without permission. Perhaps that Oshemaru hadn't really died, but was still subtly trying to change Sasuke with his own thoughts. According to the original work, he waited for Oshemaru to regain his power. In the future, all generations of Naruto will be summoned.

Although the world of Hokage has been completely damaged by him, and he can no longer follow the trajectory of the original book, Chen still believes that the four generations of Hokage-Bofeng Water Gate will appear, and the wheels of history will always follow inertia. Come and roll, even if there is an extra winged butterfly, Chen, it will still return to the original track of history.

Four hundred and twentieth chapters: fight again two

Because it was a clone of the nine tails in Naruto’s body, the system could not clone the part of the chakra that originally belonged to the yin attribute of the nine tails, or that the nine tailed chakras in Chen’s body are the same as the original Madara Only the Yang attribute Chakra is absorbed by the Outer Golem.

The Yin-attribute Nine-Tailed Chakra is because when the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshuimen used the ghoul seal, the Yin-attribute of Nine-Tailed violent evil was dedicated to the god of death along with his soul and sealed in the god of death.

In other words, Bofeng Shuimen sealed the Nine-Tailed Chakra with his own soul. This is why Chen couldn’t clone the complete Nine-Tail completely. After all, even the current Nine-Tailed is incomplete. Part, how to get the missing part.

Maybe someone or why other tail beasts are intact when they are cloned, but not nine tails alone?That’s because when Chen obtained the chakras of other tail beasts, they were not separated from their souls. The chakras obtained by Chen Chen were chakras of complete tail beasts, not chakras of incomplete tail beasts, so that they could be cloned. A complete tail beast came out.

"Stop it!" Kirabi was taken aback. When he saw Naruto's body shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, he had even forgotten even his favorite mantra in a panic.

Kirabi clenched his fists and clenched his teeth, and the eyes under the sunglasses became extraordinarily cold. If the eyes can kill people at this time, I believe that Chen has already been screened by Kirabi's eyes. It is a pity. Without this kind of operation, Kirabi didn't have any special actions under the eye of Itachi and the ghosts.

"Uchiha Chen, you bastard!" Kirabi was shaking all over, if possible, Kirabi really wanted to use his seven knives to slash Chen away.

Not only because of what Chen did in Yunren Village back then, but also because of Chen's current methods are cruel.Although the time he spent with Naruto is not very long, it is considered to have established a good relationship. After all, although Naruto is not a good brain, he has the strongest skills in making friends and talking about it. .

Itachi stood aside and stared at Kirabi. Although he didn't agree with Chen's approach, he didn't mean to stop him. Not to mention that Chen was his younger brother. When Chen was in Konoha, he wanted to protect himself. He had to pretend to be an idiot and suffered all the ridicule. He has always felt a sense of guilt for Chen, not to mention that he is being controlled by the rebirth of the dirty soil at this time, and the root of action itself cannot be controlled.

And after Chen absorbed all the chakra and vitality in Naruto's body, Naruto's whole body had been shrunk to the point that only a layer of skin and bones remained. If it weren't for the ups and downs in his chest that would prove that he was alive, it would be strange. The rabbi thought that Naruto was sucked to death by Chen.

He threw away Naruto’s shrivelled body, because he knew that it would be useless to absorb it anymore. After all, Kyuubi closed his passage, and Naruto’s vitality was almost bottomed out, he could only rely on it. Weak breathing to support herself.If Chen sucks it down again, it is very likely that Naruto will be sucked to death.

This is what Chen doesn't want to see. After all, Naruto can be used to lure Bofeng Shuimen, but the dead Naruto can't attract Bofeng Shuimen.

"Ah, it feels pretty good." Chen couldn't help feeling aroused after absorbing the chakra transformed by Naruto's vitality in the Meteor Blade. Such a huge amount of chakras and such a pure amount of chakras are almost comparable. A small-tailed beast, after absorbing Naruto's power, the injuries suffered by Chuck that had been consumed by fighting the elemental source before, were completely healed."No wonder the amount of chakras of Uzumaki Naruto is terrifying, and it really deserves its reputation." Chen sighed, the amount of chakras of the vortex clan is indeed too amazing.

Coupled with the reincarnation of Naruto as Asura, the power contained in his body cannot be underestimated.Even if Chen has never become stronger by absorbing others' vitality, she can't help but want to try it again.

" your strength improved like this?" After watching the entire process, Itachi's brows frowned more intensely, because he didn't want his younger brother to become stronger by absorbing the vitality of others Evil ninja, and the blade full of evil aura in Chen's hand, even he felt his heart beat faster.

He had never seen such an evil blade, even more evil than the breath of death.

"Oh? My respectable brother, you still think for others as always, even now." Chen turned his head and looked at Uchiha Itachi jokingly.

"Answer me! Chen!" Itachi stared at Chen with a serious face.At this moment, his mood is extremely tense, for fear that he will answer yes at this time.Because in that case, it means Chen has gone astray, and in that case, even if Itachi fights for the life of this filthy reincarnation, he will stop him.

Seeing Itachi's nervous look, Chen couldn't help but smile.He knows his brother, but knowing it doesn't mean he agrees.Long before he chose to exterminate the clan, the relationship with him became rigid.

"So what, what is it not?" Chen's expression was very strange, and no one knew what he was thinking.

But after hearing this sentence, Itachi breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was said to have been very unaware of his younger brother since he was a child, he still knew some of his younger brother's temperament. Since he has said so, then It means that Chen didn't do this. Since Chen is not the evil ninja he thinks in his heart, then Itachi is relieved.

Suddenly, Itachi's face changed, as if thinking of something.

"Chen, you go quickly, now I am in a state of rebirth from the dirty earth, controlled by someone, and leave here, otherwise I am afraid I will hurt you." Itachi, who has died once, is no longer as cold and mean as before. It is like a real big brother, although he is still cold, but he doesn't have the meanness of the original.

Chen's face warmed, and he understood Itachi's kindness.

"You..." Chen was interrupted before he finished speaking.

I saw the ghost shark's hands forming a seal, calling out a water dragon and rushing over.

"Uchiha Tatsuo!" With a grinning smile on his face, the ghost stared at him eagerly. Now the old days are over, and all that should be done is done. The rest is to fight him again. Before, he knew that Chen did not use all his strength, and now the ghost shark is in a state of reincarnating from the dirty earth, it is almost equal to not being injured without the Chakra restriction, and he can come and fight again unscrupulously.

But just when the ghost shark wanted to move, he was shocked to find that his body could not move anymore.Obviously he was controlled by his body again.I lost my consciousness.

Chapter 425: The Controlled Itachi

"Ghost shark!" Itachi shouted, only to get the cold eyes from the ghost shark, and it was suddenly realized.Randomly said to Chen: "You have to be careful, now the ghost shark is controlled by others again, without consciousness."

Chen opened his hand and squeezed the screaming water dragon fiercely. At that moment, the incomparable water dragon was squeezed by Chen's hand.Itachi's eyes widened and couldn't believe it. You must know that even he wouldn't dare to face the ghost dragon.

"So you are already so strong." Itachi laughed self-deprecatingly. In his opinion, Chen is always his younger brother. As a younger brother, he always depends on being his elder brother, so Itachi always likes to let himself go no matter what. To take care of someone, put his two younger brothers in a caring position.

However, he didn't expect that his younger brother would have grown to a stage where even he needed to face up and even look up.

His impression of Chen is still at the stage where he was able to counteract his monthly reading. Although it seems very difficult to deal with, he has not been able to skillfully use his power. In Itachi, if it is really a battle of life and death, the person who loses must be Chen, and he will be seriously injured.

"Unexpectedly, the little guys back then are already..." Suddenly, Itachi looked like a different person, his eyes began to be absent, the three-gou jade writing wheel eyes in his eyes slowly turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes again.

After the rebirth of the dirty soil, it will no longer be restricted by the chakra and pupil power. Uchiha Itachi seems to have opened the door to a new world. From that moment on, Itachi seems to be reborn, and the strength is simply qualitative compared to the past. The leap.

I saw a line of blood and tears left in the corner of Itachi's eyes, and suddenly felt a burning sensation in front of Chen.Chen subconsciously moved a step backward, and the skylight projected by Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye could be said to be burning Chen's face.

Just a little bit, Chen would be hit by the Amaterasu projected by Itachi.

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