Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 246


Chapter 429: Confrontation

"All the things back then, did you think I would become like this if something like that happened back then?" Chen laughed mockingly and said indifferently.Some things are not easy to talk about right and wrong when people are alive. Only after the people die can they sit down and discuss this matter, such as defecting, such as the night of annihilation.

Itachi is indifferent, and he doesn't want to do it if he can, but people can't help themselves in the world, and there are some things that he can't control himself.Just as he saw so many dirty villages in Konoha's Anbe and vowed to restore a beautiful sunny village without pollution.

"Chen..." Itachi opened his mouth, looking at Chen with a mocking expression and didn't know how to speak.He has always been hailed as having Naruto at a young age. After all, he is just a brother who loves his brother. Itachi can only be silent about his brother's questions.

Itachi had nothing to say, he knew that Chen still couldn't let go of the original things, and sighed softly and said, "I can't help myself, if I don't..."

"If you don't do it, I and Sasuke will also be wiped out, right? You traded the lives of the entire clan for the safety of the two of us. You want to say that, right."

Itachi was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded in recognition.

"Heh..." Tatsumi smiled, and the mockery on his face became stronger: "Do you think what you are doing is correct? Are you still claiming to be Uchiha's last defender? Although Uchi The Bo clan was destroyed, but at least there are survivors?"

Speaking of this, Chen's expression suddenly changed: "But do you know who pushed the Uchiha clan step by step on the way to the village! Who on earth made the Uchiha clan have to choose to fight back in order to survive? Ye! Step by step alienated us from the Uchiha clan, even far away from Konoha’s political center, step by step isolated us, so that I have no living space in Konoha. If not, our Uchiha clan will be reactionary?"

Chen looked at Itachi with an expression of iron and steel, and was very satisfied with his brother. In fact, Chen was very satisfied with Konoha. Apart from his loyalty to Konoha and swearing to protect Konoha, it can be said that Itachi is a perfect brother. .


"No... you didn't do anything wrong. At least in terms of extermination, you didn't do anything wrong. Rather than let other people tarnish the glory of our Uchiha clan, all of them died in the hands of our Uchiha clan. A destination of death. But... you even killed your father and mother!"

Chen has ferocious eyes, and the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes stares at the ferret.There are some things that are not convenient to say before Itachi is alive. Now that people are dead, there is no fear of saying these things.

The murderous aura that was so strong that it almost condensed into a substance leaked out of Chen. This overwhelming aura was reaching Itachi. It seemed that as long as Itachi had a little bit of dissatisfaction with Chen, the murderous aura would directly cover Itachi. Strangling.

It seems that as long as the topic is about Mikoto, Chen will not be able to control the anger in his heart. Even if Chen has forcibly received the memory gift from the system, six years of careful care is not so easy to forget and forget.

In the past, there was no strength to protect them, now Chen has enough strength, but what can be done?What should never come back is still not coming back.

"As early as that night, Uchiha Itachi had already died. After that, why was there a man named Uchiha Itachi who was lingering alive? It was purely because he wanted to see his younger brother finally grow up and then come and take him away. Eyes, fulfill his unfulfilled last wish for Uchiha Itachi."

If he can, Uchiha Itachi hopes to resolve disputes in a peaceful way more than anyone else, but the arrow is on the string and has to be sent. If Uchiha Itachi does not do it, it will naturally be Uchiha Sa or Uchiha before Uchiha did it later. There are tens of thousands of people who can perform the task, and there is no shortage of him. However, he can use his own sacrifice in exchange for the lives of his two younger brothers. He feels it is worth it.

"Huh, it's light, so you didn't mention those who died and think about it?"

"If I think for them, you and Sasuke will be added to the list of deaths." Itachi's eyes were full of sadness, it was an unknown feeling.

Chen was stunned in silence, indeed, even if he had a system at the beginning, it didn't help.When he was young, he couldn't even protect himself, so what qualifications did he have to ask the older brother to do this and that?

"Do you... regret it? Do this."

"Regret, but not regret. As long as you two can survive, that's enough." Said Itachi gave Chen a gentle look. This is the second time Itachi has shown such a pleased and gentle expression since the day of extinction. , The first time was in the final battle with Sasuke.


It seems that because of Itachi's words, the two fell into a short silence, and no one spoke beforehand, just staring at each other.

"What are you going to do after this... You should know what I'm talking about." Chen broke the embarrassment in the end, he sighed, and accepted the fact that he knew but was always avoiding.

"Me? I want to take a look at Sasuke one last time to see how he is. After accepting my eyes, do he really grow up, and then go find a pocket... The most direct and rude way to get rid of the filthy rebirth is Find the caster and kill him."

Chen nodded: "Okay, I understand." Until the end, Itachi was still concerned with the Ninja Alliance and Konoha Village.

Chen slowly closed his eyes, and the surrounding space began to twist for a while, gradually turning into the moon reading world familiar to Itachi.It wasn't until this time that Itachi realized that what Chen was performing was Moon Reading. No wonder he hadn't been able to investigate before, because Moon Reading was originally the ultimate illusion of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, and only the other gods who can change people's hearts can match it. How could it be so easy to see through?

There are many ways to solve the rebirth of the dirty soil. In the original work, Itachi used the other gods hidden in the eyes of Shishui to ask for the control of the rebirth of the dirty soil. But here in Chen, it is not so troublesome. The control of the rebirth of the dirty soil is only But it is a restriction placed on the human soul level, as long as this restriction is destroyed.

Chapter 430: Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark

If it were someone else, it might be at a loss, not to mention whether the restriction could be found, it would be beyond the reach of ordinary people to stab at the soul.

Chen is different. After possessing the eyes of reincarnation, Chen has the ability to manipulate the soul. Unlike Nagato’s eyes, Chen’s six reincarnations are not only able to use Nagato’s ninjutsu, but Chen’s reincarnation eyes seem to be also There are some ninjutsu that has not yet been discovered.

If it were someone else, it might be at a loss, not to mention whether the restriction could be found, it would be beyond the reach of ordinary people to stab at the soul.

Chen is different. After possessing the eyes of reincarnation, Chen has the ability to manipulate the soul. Unlike Nagato’s eyes, Chen’s six reincarnations are not only able to use Nagato’s ninjutsu, but Chen’s reincarnation eyes seem to be also There are some ninjutsu that has not yet been discovered.

For example, hell road, Chen can use the power of hell road to control the soul to extract the soul of Itachi, with the help of the power of Hades to absorb the prohibition of reincarnation from the dirty soil and then repair it again.Just like Nagato repairing other damaged Payne, Nagato's recovery ability can only be applied to its own six clones, but it cannot be applied to other people.

Chen suddenly opened his eyes, the original red eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes had disappeared, replaced by circles of samsara eyes branded on the eyeballs.

"Hell Road Soul Devoured!"

He didn't stretch out his two hands like Penn swallowed Konoha Maru at the beginning, but a big tongue rolled up the whole body of Itachi and dragged it into his mouth, chewing twice and spit it out.

"Well, the filthy reincarnation curse on your body has been lifted. You can take care of the next thing yourself."

Itachi nodded, expressing understanding.

"As for that dried persimmon ghost..." Chen frowned slightly. Speaking of ghosts, this guy is indeed a rare powerhouse, and his strength is unusually strong. It really makes people feel a headache if he is an opponent with such a guy. Teammates are undoubtedly a very reliable help. In fact, Chen also appreciates Guiyu in his heart. This guy is not bad in nature.

As Chen said in a passage that I saw on the Internet, there are no pure bad guys in Hokage. Every villain is a lunatic who insists on his own beliefs.

Before becoming a rebel, the ghost shark was a close subordinate of the former shark muscle owner Watermelon Blowfish Ghost. For many years, he has been responsible for carrying out unimaginable dark missions for the fog ninja village, even including killing his companions who were performing the mission and jumping alone. After that, he killed the collaborating watermelon puffer fish ghost, facing the fourth-generation water shadow that appeared in front of him, Guiyu said that he was just a false existence.

Suspected of killing the name of the water country, hampering and undermining the country's work, Guiyu became a wanted S-class felony fugitive.After joining Akatsuki, he put on the Nanzi ring representing Nandou on his left ring finger.After seeing Itachi Uchiha’s experience, he asked to partner with Itachi on the grounds that he had killed his fellow brothers. When he asked Itachi how it felt to kill his own compatriots, Itachi replied: People who kill their compatriots will not end well, people. You can only recognize yourself at the moment of death.However, the dried persimmon ghost shark cares about and respects it, and is very obedient to it. Even if there are complaints, it will still implement it resolutely.

Although the hint of the relationship between the two is not obvious in the animation, and the experience of the ghost shark does not have a deep affection for Itachi, it is not difficult to see that the ghost shark is still very convinced and respectful of Itachi.

When Itachi saw Kirabi take out the shark muscles and learned that the ghost shark was dead (although it was only a moment, it is very rare for Itachi), it can be seen that Itachi has already The ghost shark is now his companion.

Itachi closed his eyes, seeming to be meditating, and finally said, "If possible, remove his curse as well."

Chen couldn't help but ridicule when Hearing Itachi said such words: "Unexpectedly, you are still a person with strong feelings."

Itachi glanced at Chen and didn't say anything.

Seeing Itachi didn't reply, Chen didn't care, stretched out his hand and sucked the unconscious ghost shark and threw it into the mouth of the hell king.

After Chen wiped out the curse of the ghost shark, he lifted the moon reading world.

"Bang" is like a mirror shattering, and the world of Yuedu breaks open between Chen and Itachi. This is actually the strengthening that Chen only gained after becoming the ten-tailed man Zhuli, not only his Amaterasu can succeed. Summoning the true ominous flame, the moon reading he casts can also be like creating a world out of thin air, which is the main reason why Itachi is not aware of it.

Itachi and others stayed in the moon reading world for several hours, but in reality it was only a blink of an eye. When they returned to reality, both Itachi and Guiyu were still holding the posture of Jieyin. .

Even Itachi's Suzano has not been completely relieved.

"Okay, I have done everything that needs to be done for you, you can go now." Chen kept urging Itachi and Guiyu, and made it clear that I was going to deal with Yao and Nine tails. .

Itachi nodded, and looked at Kirabi and Naruto with some worry, but didn't pay much attention, after all, there was not much overlap between them.Itachi turned and glanced at the ghost shark: "We should go now."

However, the ghost did not pay attention to him, but looked at Uchiha Tatsu with fiery eyes, clenched his fists tightly with both hands, his expression was a little eager to try.

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