Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 249

The terrifying aura was gradually taken away by Uchiha Tatsumi, and he snorted coldly: "The last time, it's up to your face, get out!"

The last sentence was spoken to Guiyu.After being defeated by a junior who was so many years younger than himself, the ghost shark's face was blue and white, and the stiff shark's face was gradually distorted. If it weren't for knowing that he could not beat Uchiha Tatsumi, he might be reluctant to hesitate after his body began to recover. dash forward.

At the same time, when Chen was fighting with the ghost shark.

"'s here again. Why am I back here again."

Familiar sewers, familiar junctions.After Naruto opened his eyes, he found himself in the seal of Kyuubi again.

"No! Aren't I fighting Uchiha Tatsuo? How come I suddenly came to this place." Naruto was shocked and suddenly reacted.

"No, I have to go back quickly. Uncle Kirabi alone is not the opponent of the three of them. I am going to save him." Naruto ran forward along the dark and damp road.

"Nine-tailed...Nine-tailed!" Naruto gasped and shouted at the still sleeping, "Nine-tailed...wake up!"

"You are here." After hearing Naruto's shout, Kyuubi slowly opened his eyes. The sharp demon pupil stared at Naruto closely as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sound. A heavy sigh.

"What are you doing in Kyuubi..." Naruto asked puzzledly: "Hurry up and let me out. Uncle Kirabi is not their opponent, I have to go out and help him."

"Save it, you can't protect yourself now."

"What do you mean?"

"The chakra and vitality in your body have been absorbed by the monster. If I were not for my quick wit, I am afraid that my chakra would not be able to keep it. Now your body depends on the trace of chakra that I overflowed before. Maintaining your normal breathing level, now you can’t do anything even if you go out.” Nagao sighed. He really didn’t understand where Naruto met such a perverted guy. If It's not that he is fast, let alone chatting here, it is impossible to save their lives.

"What did you say?" Naruto seemed to have realized afterwards: "You said I was dying now?" He touched his body and didn't feel anything wrong.

"But... I feel I am fine. There is nothing wrong with me."

"Are you stupid!" Kyuubi stood up and yelled at Naruto, "You idiot, how many times have I told you, what you stand here now is your own spirit and your own soul." . What is your soul to be injured in your body."

Naruto abruptly ate the Nine-Tailed One-Tailed Beast roared and then reached out and wiped the saliva on his face to please: "Oh, oh, I... I forgot about it. Nine-Tailed...Kyuu...You can help. Me." Naruto scurryed around, pleasing Kyuubi.

From Naruto’s point of view, there is nothing that Kyuubi can’t do. No matter how many times it is, as long as you ask for the head of Kyuubi, there must be a solution. This has given Naruto a habit of thinking. It is certainly not wrong to ask Kyuubi for things that he can't do.

"No!" Seeing Naruto jumping up and down, Nine Tails wouldn’t strike. If possible, Nine Tails really wanted to smash Naruto’s head with a violent shudder, but all of this was the Nine Tails sealed in Naruto’s body. Can't do it.

"Sometimes, I really envy you." Kyuubi couldn't help but speak as he looked at Naruto.


"It's nothing... how did you get that guy off." Kyuubi quietly changed the subject while Naruto was not paying attention.

"Ah...that person. Do you mean Uchiha Tatsuo?"

"Uchiha Tatsuo!" Kyuubi took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "That's right, it's that guy."

It's not that Kyuubi hasn't dealt with Chen, but anyway, every time Naruto meets Tatsumi, Kyuubi will be shocked.Because Uchiha Tatsumi's strength improvement is simply too great.You should know that when Chen invaded Konoha, strong was strong, but it was not strong enough to make Kyuubi feel scared.

But now Chen, Jiuwei only felt shocked.Not only because of the knife that can absorb human vitality and Chakra, but also because he can vaguely sense the same power as the six immortals in Chen's body.

"Naruto, listen to me." Kyuubi's face was full of serious expressions. This may be the only time he spoke so solemnly in Naruto's body: "Uchiha Tatsumi has probably reached the height of six immortals back then. He has become the new Ten-tailed Man Chuli. Although I don’t know where he got the power of the other tail beasts, he is definitely not something you can beat. Trust me, and run if you can."

"No!" Naruto seemed to become serious when it came to this. He looked firmly at the nine-tailed words and said loudly: "I will never run! Not only to save Uncle Kirabi, I I also need to take Tatsumi back. I must ask him to apologize to the entire Konoha Village, because only in this way can Grandma Tsunade forgive him."

"Naive!" Kyuubi sneered disdainfully: "Are you still imagining Uchiha Tatsumi's change of mind?"

"No." Naruto shook his head, tightly squeezing his fist and said: "I believe him, just like Sasuke. He and Sasuke are my companions. One day I will definitely bring him back to the village. Yes. I will always persuade him, pull him if I don’t persuade him, beat him if I can’t help, beat him up until the injury is healed, even if my hand is broken or my foot is broken, I will definitely climb there. Hammer him with his head in front of him and bite him with his teeth until he goes back to the village with me!"

"You guy!" Kyuubi looked at the determined Naruto and couldn't help but moved slightly. How similar is this face... How similar is this expression... "I think there was someone who told me that back then." Said sorrowfully.

Chapter 435: Return of Strength

Kyuubi was speechless, thinking that someone said the same to him back then, that person was also so innocent and full of enthusiasm.Looking at Naruto in front of him, Kyuubi couldn't help thinking of the guy who divided them into nine back then.

"Old guy, I seem to see someone like you." Kyuubi murmured to himself.

"Kyuubi, Kyuubi! You are so fast, help me." Naruto who saw Kyuubi immersed in his own world and ignored him suddenly became anxious.Can't help jumping up and down to interrupt Kyuubi's thoughts.

Looking at Naruto who was yelling and trying to get his attention, Kyuubi couldn't help but draw a few black lines across his forehead: "Sorry, I think too much, how can this fool be like you."

Naruto suddenly became unhappy when he heard Kyuubi say what he said about him. Could he be called a fool?At best, he is just a little off-tempered, well, you know how he can be taunted by a mere nine-tailed man who is determined to be a Hokage.

"Hey! Kyuubi, tell me a bit more clearly, who are you talking about as a fool! Hello! Kyuubi!"

"Enough." Unbearable Kyuubi loudly interrupted Naruto's cry and said: "Aren't you trying to save someone? Look at you now, where does it look like you are going to save someone? Give me serious a little!"

"Wow...what?" Naruto, who wanted to make a big fuss, couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Kyuubi's words: "So you agree with me to save people?"

Naruto, who was still bitter and wanting to make a fuss for the last second, instantly stopped his noise. He is such a person. You can say he is heartless, or he is optimistic and cheerful.

A more accurate statement is that Naruto seems to be unreliable at all, but he is a man who can safely hand over his back. As a companion, Naruto is already qualified.He is known as a 100% unexpected ninja, and there will always be unexpected ways to win that you will never think of.

Kyuubi has been sealed in Naruto’s body for so many years. To be honest, he has been paying attention to Naruto’s growth for so many years. In fact, he has already identified with him, but as the strongest existence in the tail beast, he also has His own pride and principles, unless Naruto takes the initiative, otherwise he will not speak the word approval first.

"I can get you out, and even continue to lend chakras to you, but this is not without a price. You used to borrow my power and there was no problem because the vitality in your body still has a huge amount of chakras that you can bear. I chakra’s erosion, but now the vitality in your body and chakra can be said to have been completely exhausted and there are still things in your body that are still eroding your body. If I continue to lend you chakra, it is likely to cause you directly Die, how is it, do you dare to go?"

"Go!" Naruto's fox no longer saw a trace of joking expression on his face. He just stood motionless and stared at Nine Tails without saying a word, but he could see from his piercing and determined gaze. His resolute attitude is that he must go, he must go, even if he pays his life for it, he must go!

At this moment, Naruto is no longer the kid who can only make noise and yell, and now the shining light from Naruto's body is like a small sun that pierces Nine Tails slightly.

"Sure enough, you are the same as your father..." Kyuubi smiled lightly.


"Nothing." Kyuubi grimned, and looked at Naruto solemnly: "I promised you, so are you ready. Once again, fight for your companion."

Naruto clapped his hands and said, "Ah, I'm already ready." There was an eager expression on his face, as if he could not wait to appear on the battlefield in the next second.

"Get ready, it may be a little painful. Remember don't cancel this state or you will be in danger. The last must not partner!"

Naruto slowly closed his eyes, and Kyuubi's voice gradually became smaller in his ears. The last sentence was that he didn't hear clearly no matter how carefully he listened.

When Naruto returned to the real world, familiar power emerged once again. After the withered body was released by Kyuubi, a continuous flow of Chakra flowed into Naruto's body.

Naruto’s nearly dead body greedily absorbed Nine-Tailed Chakra. After a few breaths, Naruto’s originally dry body became full again, even though there was still ghost power in the body. Constantly absorbing Naruto's power, but compared to the huge chakra of Kyuubi, this is only a small part of it.

With the support of the nine-tailed chakra, Naruto's appearance has changed significantly. The whole body is surrounded by golden nine-tailed chakra like flames. His hair is upturned to form two horns, and the neckline shows six jade.Various black lines appeared all over his body, and a swirling seal technique emerged at the position of his belly button. This happened to be the source of Naruto's power and the key point of the output of Nine-Tailed Chakra.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, observing the world wantonly with pupils like a demon fox.Naruto squeezed his hand full of power. This long-lost power felt full of the whole body. Although the power of the ghost in his body was still interfering with his absorption of his vitality, it was not particularly important.Naruto sighed with satisfaction, and then his eyes gradually sharpened.

"Uncle Kirabi, Uchiha Tatsumi, I'm back."

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a scene that shocked him!

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