Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 257

"Is there any more energy? It's really the most perfect person." Uchihas Chen frowned. Although he doesn't care about making Yao become complete, it's not his style to be beaten blindly. What is the difference between abuse?

However, at this time the tail beast jade in the mouth of the eight tails had once again formed, it roared, and the tail beast jade in the mouth sprayed continuously towards Chen.

That's right!

At this moment, Kirabi condensed more than just a tail beast jade. As the second strongest existence in the tail beast, he can also spray the tail beast jade continuously like nine tails.

Pieces of tail beast jade continuously spewed towards Uchiha Tatsu, like a machine gun.

"Abandoning the more powerful cohesion time in exchange for faster speed? It's interesting..."

Uchihatatsu's eyes closed, and then suddenly opened. The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in his eyes were long gone, replaced by the reincarnation eyes representing the power of the six immortals.

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of resisting the tail beast jade that was flying towards him one after another.

"Hungry ghosts absorb it!"

In the surprised eyes of Yao and Naruto, all the tail beast jade was absorbed by the power of Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Do you think I really can't help you?" Chen looked at Bawei with a smile.Then he shook his hand at him: "Return your things!"

A tail beast jade that was bigger than all the tail beast jade combined, returned to the original road towards Bawei.

Uchiha Tatsumi shook his hand lightly and separated three wooden avatars again. At the same time, the three wooden avatars who were fighting against Naruto also stopped their attack. After seeing the tail beast jade entering the attack range, he suddenly shot down.

"The formation of six red suns!"

The six red sun formations, which are based on the power of the six ways, are even more powerful than the four red sun formations in the Konoha collapse plan.

"Uncle Kirabi!"

"Let you also have a taste of your own tail beast jade."

Seeing Yatsuo screaming in the six red sun formations, Uchiha Tatsumi smiled contemptuously. Although the strength of Kirabi after the tail beastization is indeed amazing, it is not at all in the face of Tatsumi who has been promoted to the six daos. What kind of.

After a long time, the screams in the formation finally stopped, but the power of the explosion was far from stopped.

Although Naruto outside was worried, he could only do it in a hurry.

"Uncle Kirabi!"

"Uncle Kirabi!"

Naruto yelled into it, but there was no response. Perhaps Yao had passed out in the explosion, or he died in the explosion. How could he hear Naruto's voice?

"Damn it!" Naruto clenched his fist, the expression on his face became extremely sad and angry, there seemed to be tears in his eyes that wanted to flow out, Naruto sniffed hard.

As a result, he didn't hold back, tears and nose rushed down.

"If it wasn't for me... if it wasn't for my waywardness, how could Uncle Kirabi be like this!"

"Every time, every time is like this. Lecherous fairy, everyone in the village,..." Naruto's mood became extremely unstable, his eyes became cruel and cold, and his eyes looked at Uchiha Tatsuno As peaceful as before.

It seems that because of Kirabi's affairs, he thought of Uchihatatsu's invasion of Konoha.Naruto's emotions were gradually replaced by something called anger.


Naruto's eyes were gradually replaced by beast pupils, and the originally stable tail beastization mode also began to fluctuate. Naruto slowly stretched out nine tails behind him, and the whole person lay on the ground.

The body began to swell, the huge tail beast Chakra wrapped Naruto's body, and the prototype was obviously the energized nine tails with nine tails.

Naruto, who had been dazzled by anger, was no longer able to stop him at the moment. He turned into a beast and roared at Uchiha Tatsu.In its eyes, only Uchiha Tatsumi was his greatest enemy in this space, and the only thought that left him told him to kill Uchiha Tatsumi, and Uchiha Tatsumi.

Naruto, who was unconscious, squatted down and rubbed one foot on the ground with a roar from the sky, as if he was ready to rush over.

"I can't stand this anymore?" Uchiha Tatsuno lightly chuckled, "You are still the same as before, but you don't know that you are the most insecure and unstable variable in the whole world!"

Speaking of Uchiha Tatsun's affectionate and seriousness, he snorted coldly at Naruto.

Chapter 448: Inexplicable Heart Palpitations

Chen didn't dare to be too contemptuous of Naruto, the son of destiny who was 100% unexpected, otherwise he wouldn't just abolish Naruto at the beginning.

However, looking at the present, Uzumaki Naruto who burst out of vitality once again with the support of the power of Nine Tails, Uchiha Tatsumi is not surprised at all. If this is not possible, then he is not worthy of being called a 100% unexpected ninja Up.

For a guy like Naruto, either he has strong strength and is not afraid of his revenge, or he must be killed or controlled in the first time.Obviously, Uchiha Chen belongs to the former, and with his strength, he is really not afraid of any harm to him by Naruto now.

Chen's clothing horns moved automatically without wind, and his body gradually rose into the air as if not affected by gravity, until he happened to look directly at the beast-like Kyuubi.

Glancing at the beast roaring at him with disdain, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in Uchiha Tatsu's pupils are infinitely enlarged, and the whole world seems to be made up of Yutatsu's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in Kyuubi's eyes.

Finally, Chen chose to use the pupil technique of kaleidoscope writing round eyes. It had no meaning to bully the two who had lost their senses. The two of them, especially Kirabi, could not squeeze out a stronger strength. It’s just a waste of time to stay.

The pupils of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye were infinitely enlarged in Kyuubi's eyes, and he abruptly bound him in this world. No matter how it roared and roared, it could not break through the control of Uchiha Tatsu Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

Gradually, the enraged Nine Tails seemed to admit their fate, converging their minions and lowering their heads. However, the unwillingness revealed in those fierce eyes showed the unrestrainedness in Kauai's heart.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to make trouble anymore, but that it’s meaningless. Now Uchiha Tatsu’s pupil power has already surpassed Uchiha Madara to a certain extent, and even if the trouble goes on, Kyuubi will never have a chance to be able to. Break free, and now that the nine tails are parasitic in Naruto's body, Naruto has already been squeezed out of the chakra and vitality of his body by Uchiha Chen. If he continues to make trouble, it is very likely that Naruto's body will not be able to bear it directly. He exploded and died, and the coexisting Kyuubi in Naruto's body would definitely not be any better.

Rather than struggle like this, it’s better to just admit it, because he didn’t sense the murderous aura towards Naruto from Uchiha Tatsumi. Only when Uchiha Tatsumi faced Kirabi, did Kyuubi feel a touch from him. Murderous.

"I knew that, why did it in the first place?" Seeing that Kyuubi had chosen wisely, Uchiha Tatsu nodded in satisfaction, but at this moment, Uchiha Tatsuno's heart suddenly tightened.

"Boom boom."

The sudden heart palpitations caused Uchiha Tatsu's movements to stagnate.He couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Boom boom."

The same heart palpitations hit again, and Uchiha Tatsu could not help but stretch his hand to cover his heart.

Uchiha Tatsumi has never felt this kind of palpitations since what happened ten years ago.Now that this kind of heart palpitations suddenly hit, something important must have happened.

For masters, even if they do not have the ability to predict the future, they can still perceive the coming of the crisis. This is not about life and death, knowing the future, but as masters, their unique understanding of the sixth sense, or you can say This is the unique ability that they possess only when they have successfully cultivated and realized the world.


When the feeling of heart palpitations came again, Uchiha Tatsun finally couldn't ignore it.

The feeling of palpitations is stronger than ever, which means that the degree of crisis in the premonition is escalating again and again.

Uchiha Tatsu thinks that the person who can hurt him in this Naruto world has not yet appeared, so it is clear that the crisis heralded by the heart palpitations this time is not on him.

And now the two in front of him, one is still suffering from his own tail beast jade in the six red sun formations, while the other is controlled by Uchiha Tatsu’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique, and can threaten him. Not nearby.

The explosion in the six red sun formations finally stopped, and after all the dust settled, Uchiha Tatsu’s wooden clone dispersed the six red sun formations, and the Great Breakthrough of Kyuyin’s wind escape blew away the smoke that was still accumulated in place, revealing Kirabi, who had been beaten back to his original shape, was scorched by the explosion, fell helplessly on the ground, knowing his life or death.

Uchiha Tatsuno raised his brows, his fingertips filled with aura, and there was a faintly destructive force. For Kirabi, who is still uncertain, Tatsun decided to give him a knife. After all, this guy is too much to survive. Not only did Nagato fail to catch him, even Tatsun himself was put together by Kirabi, and only when he saw him die Uchiha Tatsuo could he be relieved.

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