Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 263

It was said that Shikamaru and others, who were originally relieved, were caught in the eyes of the king, and suddenly they were surrounded by a cold sweat.This thing can eat people without blinking, but the four of them looked at the thing in front of them and swallowed the immortal Yinnin four people alive.

Without turning his head back, Uchiha Tatsuno reached out his hand and knocked on the head of the Yan Wang Xuying. He saw that the Yan Wang Xuying seemed to have his own consciousness. Finally, he took a deep look at the four Kamaru and disappeared. In the eyes of everyone.

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Seven: Another Wave

Uchiha Tatsu's helpless loose shoulders, he actually didn't understand his own Hades phantom, and he was a little confused.You must know that the Hades phantom of Nagato has never been in this situation before. The hell road of Nagato Hades phantom is unconscious, or can only act according to the will of Nagato.

However, the avatar Uchiha Tatsun summoned has his own consciousness, and he can even communicate with Uchiha Tatsuo on an equal footing. If the Yama avatar is unhappy, he will even refuse Uchiha Tatsuo's call.This makes him very embarrassed.

Although the power of the Hades clone is much stronger, Chen would rather want the less powerful and obedient if possible than the powerful and disobedient.

If you think about it, you have to think about it. Now that you have signed a contract with this Hades phantom, it is impossible to cancel it.

In fact, Chen had a guess that maybe it was the legendary Hades who signed the contract with him, not the clone.Maybe when the time is right, his hell road can really call out the king of hell.

After solving the four people of Otonin, the barrier of Huangquan Reincarnation began to gradually collapse. Before the four of them were summoned away, Uchiha Tatsuno stopped Shikamaru and said: "Look back, remember to tell Ino million Don't forget what she promised me."

After speaking, he stepped out and disappeared directly in everyone's eyes.

Shikamaru and the others looked at each other without knowing what happened.

"You said...what did Ino promise Chen? Even his strength can't help but keep talking." Ya touched Lumaru's shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

Shikamaru shook his head and spread his hands: "I don't know, I'm not the roundworm in the belly of the two of them, how can I understand their thoughts. Besides, it's pretty good that Chen came to rescue us this time. We should thank people instead of inquiring about them."

"However, I think Ino should have paid a high price. Otherwise, it is impossible for Tatsun to agree to her to save us. I probably understand Tatsun's temperament a bit. You must know that Ino almost died at the beginning. Can make him change his mind, what happened this time?"

Shikamaru grabbed his hair vigorously, but still didn't have a clue. It seemed to him that it would be easier for him to command a large-scale battle instead of letting him guess what was between these little lovers.

Therefore, after Shikamaru and Dingci were rescued, they kept pestering Ino to ask her what conditions she had promised to make Tatsun agree to come to save people. What surprised them was that Ino actually blushed. After they repeatedly questioned, Ino couldn't help giving them a violent shudder, which calmed them down, but their eyes looked at Ino still full of weirdness.

Ino blushed with shame, but it was not easy to attack in front of his two teammates, and he could only secretly curse a few words in his heart.

"Ah!" Standing in the void, Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help but sneezed. Then he woke up and laughed at himself: "It seems that someone is thinking about me again."

"Speaking of it, the crisis should be resolved this time, but why am I still a little uneasy." Uchiha Tatsun tightly pinched the position of his left chest with one hand, where his heart is, but at this moment His heart was still aching.

Originally, I only felt a slight palpitation, but now it started to ache, and even started to tingle and burn.

"Isn't it... Ino?" Uchiha Tatsu squeezed his left chest, and the cold sweat on his head slipped down the contours of his face. He had no clue right now.Since it was not Ino, then the danger probably came to Sasuke, but he knew what Sasuke said, unless someone of his level appeared on the stage, otherwise no one would be able to drive him to ruin.

"It shouldn't be!" Uchiha Chen took a deep breath and waved away the sparrow that landed on him as a big tree.

"System, what's going on." In desperation, Chen could only ask for help like the system.To be honest, he hasn’t relied on the system for a long time. Since he can rely on absorbing cloned beasts, the system has indeed reached a dispensable state for him. After all, his strength no longer needs the help of the system. , Unexpectedly, he wanted to get rid of system independence, and he has not succeeded until now.

"Ding, answer the host. The host's induction can't go wrong, but the host's choice direction has been biased."

"Choose a direction?" Uchiha Tatsun asked puzzled.

"Yes, the host only pays attention to the people right now, but forgets the abilities that the host itself has?"

"My own ability?" Uchiha Tatsu muttered to himself, looking down at his hands.

"Ding, that's it. Hope the host understands it well."

"My ability..." Chen closed his eyes, put his hands weakly on the edge of his thighs, and pressed his mouth tightly. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes: "It's her!"

"That's it, that's it..." Chenxiang's whole body was shaken and began to shake violently, and the whole person was in an extremely unstable state. He muttered to himself: "No wonder, no wonder, it turned out to be her."

As Uchiha Chen's eyes condensed, he lifted his legs, and saw his figure sway slightly, and his whole person disappeared between the world.

In the void, Uchiha Chen galloped all the way, no one knew where he was going, no one knew where his destination was, but looking at Chen's firm eyes, it was clear that he had found his goal!

"Shoo..." Uchiha Tatsun passed by, bringing up a strong air current. Now he is advancing at full speed, even a bit faster than using Thunder God.

It can be said that Chen Chen is completely relying on his feelings, and his heart will guide him in the right direction.The road is very long, but also very short.Where Chen's heartbeat began to accelerate violently, that was the destination Chen was about to reach.

Along the way, from south to north, starting from the country of fire, along the country of grass, land, and rain, we came to the edge of the country of wind.

That feeling became stronger, Chen knew that the eighth achievement of this opportunity was within the territory of the Kingdom of Wind.Step out with one foot and continue on the journey you are looking for.

Chapter 458: Dragon Vein

"Is this this place?" Uchiha Tatsun stopped and looked at the lonely desert around him. He gently covered his left chest, and the feeling of heartbeat increased again and again, until this place, the speed of the heartbeat changed. Go fast.

"Here..." Uchiha Tatsumi squinted his eyes in a kaleidoscope, and after careful observation, he looked at the huge chakra energy group underneath, oh no, it should be said that it was the chakra energy mountain range. Said: "Isn't this dragon vein?"

"This is Loulan!" Uchiha Chen's eyes suddenly condensed, as if thinking of something, he suddenly realized: "So, this is Loulan. No wonder there is such a huge dragon vein."

Chen landed lightly from mid-air and walked on this vast and lonely desert. There were broken walls everywhere around Chen, and it was obvious that this place had long since been inhabited.The old and prosperous Loulan country has long been lost in the dust of history.

"I remember there is a guy called Hundred Foot here?" Uchiha Tatsu casually threw away the shuriken he picked up from the ground. After more than 20 years of weathering, even the best shuriken has been lost. It lost its original brilliance.

Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsu turned his head, staring scorchingly at the corner when he came, and said coldly: "Come out!"

However, the response to him was loneliness.

Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, "You won't come out?" He stood up and put one hand under his mouth.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball five times the size of the ordinary fireball technique was spit out from Uchiha's mouth and went straight to the hidden corner of the man.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed from the corner, and he galloped away, trying to avoid Uchiha Tatsu's attack.

"Want to go? No way!"

Chen single-handedly pointed, the huge fireball changed its direction in an instant, turned a corner and continued to chase the mysterious man in black.


After all, the speed of that person was still inferior to the speed of ninjutsu flying, and Hao Fireball did not accidentally hit the mysterious person.


"Huh? A man?" Uchiha Tatsun looked at the guy who was constantly struggling in the fireball technique in surprise. In his induction just now, he clearly sensed that the guy in front of him is really a woman, and this guy. The clothes on his body were obviously also worn by women, but he (she) made a man's scream.

"Could it be..." Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes widened. Because of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, even if that guy is in the fire, Tatsumi can clearly see the situation inside, watching the fireball technique continue to burn and expose. The guy with the original body, especially after seeing the little Ding Ding showing a centimeter after the guy's skirt was destroyed, he couldn't help covering his eyes, waved a thunder to annihilate the guy in front of him.

It was simply hot eyes. Chen originally thought he should not faint, but he was wrong. He was wrong from the beginning. It is impossible not to faint from the beginning to the end.

Obviously, the guy in the skirt is a man.Thinking of this, Chen couldn't help but fought a cold war, and even the tingling in his chest was slightly weakened.

Perhaps, this is the women's elders mentioned on the Internet in Chen's previous life, but Chen did not expect that even if he arrived in the world of Hokage, the women's elders would not be extinct, perhaps this will also be human evolution One way.In the future, there may be many more cute girls with little Dingding.

Closer to home, Chen frowned slightly, he knew that there were very few people from this place.In addition to Baizu, there was the seventh class at the time, and only the descendants of Queen Sara appeared here.

The seventh class is impossible, so obviously this figure is undoubtedly a hundred feet.Sarah's offspring will only appear when the dragon vein changes.It's just that Chen didn't know why the Hundred Football Club Women appeared, even so late.

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