Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 267

Zhulong didn't expect Chen to be able to break his time domain twice in a row, unexpectedly let him escape from his hands forcibly.Now that Chen has entered the time channel, according to the truth, there is no way to enter the candle dragon.In other words, the level of the candle dragon is too high, and if it enters, it will cause the collapse of the time channel. This consequence is beyond his tolerance.

Angrily, Zhulong could only watch Chen slip away from him, but he had no way.

"Hmph, wait. I don't believe you won't be back." The voice of Zhulong Yinsi spread along the time channel, and has been in Chen's ears.

"Sure enough...Is the bet right?" At this time, he was relieved and let go of the tension in his heart. This time he was betting right, and Zhulong couldn't catch up with him.

However, he also paid a great price. Not only was his body seriously injured, but the pupil power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye was temporarily degraded due to excessive use.

The current Chen can be said to be extremely weak. If the Zhulong insists on it, maybe Chen will really explain there.But since he stopped chasing after him, Na Chen was also temporarily safe.

Chapter 463: Crossing

Chen sighed softly, but did not expect the injury that affected his body, a burst of severe pain struck, frowning.

In the space passage, Chen Qiang endured the pain of turning over the river in his abdomen and took out a bottle of pulse from the system space.

He drank half and poured half on his lower abdomen, barely stopping the blood.The rest can only be repaired by the recovery ability of Togo and Mu Dun.Although the pulsation is good, the effect is the same. Drinking a few more bottles has the same effect.

The reason why other people's injuries use a pulsation bottle is because the injuries are not serious, and Chen's injuries are caused by existences of a higher level than the Liudao immortal, and the mere pulsation cannot make Chen heal.

When both feet were on the thick ground again, Chen couldn't help but sighed: "I haven't been so embarrassed for a long time. It's really miserable... but it's finally figured out."

But the next second he began to frown.The ten-tailed power in the body and Mu Dun’s healing ability have begun to work, and the two energies are constantly repairing his body’s injuries. If there is really only this, it would be the best, but Chen can clearly feel him. There is a force in his body that is not his own, and it is even hindering the restoration of his body, constantly corroding, destroying and burning his body.

Chen closed his eyes and started urging the power of Ten-tailed and Mudan in his body to drive and swallow it, but he did not expect that Ten-tailed and Mudan Chakra would stop in place when he approached that power, even showing fear. , Constantly spinning around that force, didn't dare to approach at all.

What's even more exaggerated is that that power can also swallow Tokuo and Mudan Chakra, continuously causing damage to Chen.

Chen frowned. He had no idea about this inexplicable power. He could only click on the system and asked: "System, what is the matter with me. The injury can't be healed, and the power of Togo and Mu Dun has been swallowed. Up!"

"Ding, answer the host. You previously swallowed the body of the Candle Dragon. Because the level of the Candle Dragon's flesh and blood was too high, the speed could not be completely absorbed, so the strength of the Candle Dragon was constantly eroding the host's body."

The question-and-answer system always appeared in such a timely manner, and Chen couldn't help but fall into contemplation after listening to the system's answer.

"Candle Dragon? Is that guy a Candle Dragon? It doesn't look like it at all. It looks like a half-human and half-snake ghost, just like a snake pocket."

"Ding, Zhulong, also known as Zhujiuyin. As long as its eyes are opened, the long dark night becomes day; when its eyes are closed, day turns back to night, so it is called the Twelve Ancestral Witch The time ancestor witch in the middle, the power to control time, the human face and the snake body, the whole body is crimson, if it were not for the long river of time, you are not as big as the scales on the tail of others."

"Cut." Chen curled his mouth gently, stretched out his hand and pressed the corroded and burned place and couldn't help but say: "It's not the time to say this, can you remove this power. Otherwise, I will continue to do so. There is no way to recover from the injury."

"No, there is not enough authority to open higher-level exchange items."

"Hey, what the hell." Hearing these words, Chen involuntarily opened the system exchange space and scanned it. After a round of shopping, she found that, sure enough, those things in the exchange space were still unchanged, and the highest level was also It's just the eyes of reincarnation, the body of the fairy, the eternal kaleidoscope and the like.These things that Chen has long ago.

"Can't you automatically update the store? I don't have any desire to buy these things." Chen couldn't help but vomit.

"After the host enters the next world, the system will gradually open all the exchange items of the small thousand world, and so on, when the host enters the middle thousand world, it will gradually open all the items that can be exchanged in the middle thousand world... Candle Dragon belongs to Zhongqian Existence is only involved in the world above, so it is normal that there is nothing in the system."

"Damn it, isn't it impossible to heal my injury?" Chen Weiwei has a headache. If this injury continues, it will affect his state, and I don't even know if the candle dragon's power will corrode further.If it corrodes further, things will become serious.

"There are two methods, one is to forcibly absorb the time power of the enlightened candle dragon; the second is to seal the power of the candle dragon, but the second method is not desirable. It cannot be done at the host's current level. It is recommended that the host drink one a day Although the bottle pulsation cannot be cured, it will not spread. Strive to understand the power of the candle dragon."

Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, no longer caring about it, letting this force cause trouble in his body.In short, this force will not affect you temporarily, not to mention that the system has already given a solution, and sometimes this kind of thing can only go with the flow.

"But then, where exactly is this place now?" Chen raised his head and looked around a little blankly.It is endless, surrounded by a vast desert on all sides, and Chen's location is probably in the territory of the Kingdom of Wind.

There was gunpowder and smoke everywhere, blood stains, mounds, and a few corpses. Judging from the clothes and headdresses, it was obvious that they were from Sharenin Village.

It seems that a war broke out in this place not long ago, and the people of Sand Shinobu were the ones who lost the battle. Otherwise, no one would collect their bodies.

Kneeling down, twisting a pinch of sand and feeling it carefully.

"Well, it has just been refurbished. The talents here have not been around for long." Chen's eyes condensed, it is clear that it is now in a war period, and such a large-scale war cannot happen in a peaceful era."I just don't know who the other party is..."

Looking at "It seems that I have passed through the dragon veins like Naruto. From the current situation, it seems that I am still in a state of war, but I don't know what age it is now..."

Chen stared into the distance with scorching eyes. Someone was rushing in that direction in the range of his perception. Chen just waited for work. By the way, he asked exactly what age it is now.

Chapter 464: Obtaining Information

"Quick, hurry up, the enemy is coming." Not far in front of Chen, a team of Sand Shinobu was very anxiously arranging traps. Seeing their embarrassed appearance, it was obvious that they had just left the battlefield and were preparing to retreat to the rear.

Although Chen didn't know why they only had so few people, it didn't prevent him from stepping forward and grabbing them for questioning.

Since Chen's body has always been affected by the power of the candle dragon, his strength has declined to a certain extent, but it is still easy to kill the few sandy fish on the opposite side, but Chen's goal is not to kill them all.

Chen moved into the void with a move.At this moment, the one who was setting up the trap shuddered, and then the whole body collapsed softly to the ground.

"What's wrong with you, Mr. Yanshan, damn it, is it because the previous injury was too serious?" Seeing that he suddenly fell, his companion couldn't help but put away the detonating talisman in his hand and flashed over to help him.But when his hand touched Yanshan's body, he couldn't help being taken aback, and collapsed to the ground as soft as Yanshan.

"Be careful, there is an ambush!" The headed Shangren yelled loudly in his heart, yelled at his only subordinate, jumped away instantly, and took out Kusu and looked at the two who had collapsed on the ground without warning.

No matter how fast Shangren's reaction is, there is no way to drive the rhythm of his subordinates.Before his last subordinate had time to react after hearing his warning, he saw a spur erected under his feet, piercing his head from the soles of his feet, and it was obvious that he could not die anymore. .

The Sharen gritted his teeth and looked at the place where his two subordinates fell to the ground with unkind eyes. Although he couldn't see the enemy there, his instinct told him that the enemy came from behind the two men.

"Asshole, come out for me." Two shurikens flew towards the back of the two who had fallen to the ground.

"Duh!" Two shurikens passed through under his two subordinates without hindrance, and stuck on the sand.

"The reaction speed is very fast." Uchiha Tatsumi gave a chuckle, and then he appeared in the void.

The previous clothes had been completely destroyed in the battle with the candle dragon, Chen had to take out spare clothes from the system space.I have to say that, just in case, Chen always prepares his clothes in the system space. I am afraid that during a battle, because of a negligent failure to avoid the enemy’s attack, Chen’s clothes are damaged. Prepared for this.

After changing his clothes, Chen put on his black robe again and walked out of the space with a playful expression.

"Unexpectedly, you guy still has two brushes and can guess my position." Unfortunately, the reaction ability is too poor, and the strength is a bit unsightly. In comparison, even Naruto 20 years later The reaction ability is also stronger than the guy in front of him.

I have to say that at this time, the sand ninjas have begun to show their poverty and the scarcity of talents.Since the beginning of the First Ninja World War, Sand Ninja Village has been in a state of making ends meet. Although Chiyo brothers and sisters, Sammon, Rosa, etc. appeared after that, the talents in Sand Ninja Village have gradually withered. In the end, there were no ninjas alone.

Chen shook his head and sighed, stretched out the hand hidden in the black robe, and tapped the place where the name Shangren was.

"Not good!" Upon seeing this, Na Shinobu immediately jumped away from the place, then took out the shuriken from his hand and shot it at Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Ding Ding Ding..." Before the shuriken flew into the range that could hurt Chen, it fell to the ground feebly.


The position where Kaminin was standing before suddenly exploded, as if someone had used several detonating charms to detonate together.

"Damn..." Na Shinobu took out the scroll behind his back, released his proud puppet, and looked at Uchiha Tatsun angrily.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something. Seeing that Chen did not have a forehead guard, he thought about it for a moment, and said to Chen: "You are from Yannin Village. I don't know why you attacked us. Knowing that we are now a strategic alliance, if your Excellency insists on going our own way, then I can only report to the top of our Sharenin Village and consider the cooperation between our two villages."

When Chen heard this, he was instantly happy. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would treat him as a member of Yannin Village after seeing him release the earth escape once. Chen knew that this was because he did not wear a forehead. You must know Mu Ye's ninja, however, regards the protection of the forehead more importantly, not the task requirement, and rarely removes the forehead.

Chen naturally didn't bother to explain to them that since he had already regarded himself as a member of Yannin Village, why not pretend that Chen was from Yannin Village? He came to this world mainly because of telepathy.

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