Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 270

At this moment, the Konoha Ninja's eyes were cold.After seeing Chen avoiding his three-day-moon dance, he had a brief stasis, and then his blade was attached with a thick white light.

At this moment, he drew back, handed the knife that exuded a rich white light to his waist, narrowed his eyes, and struck forward before Chen could react.

"Konoha sword technique chasing teeth!"

Chen could obviously feel the shocking sword intent and strong killing intent emanating from the person opposite.Knowing that the opponent's attack is not easy to dodge, he put his hands together, and at the moment Konoha Ninja's knife cut his throat, he used a substitute technique to avoid his attack.

"This type of attack..." Chen frowned, feeling as if he had heard of it from somewhere. Suddenly, his expression tightened, looking at the outline of Haaki Kakashi that was 80% similar to Haaki Kakashi and said solemnly: Mao Shuo?"

The man didn't answer, but his hand holding the knife became tighter, and his killing intent towards Chen became more intense.Now there is no need to guess, Shigeru Hagaki can be sure that this guy in front of him is not Konoha's person. If this is the case, the possibility of his subordinates being merciful and catching alive no longer exists, so Shigeru Hagi can directly kill him. After all, a dead person is a bit more obedient than a living person.

Konoha Anbe has a special method to obtain important information from dead people’s heads, so there is no need to worry about intelligence issues at all. More importantly, although Shigeru Hagi does not have a cold with the Uchiha clan, he also knows the writing wheel. This thing cannot be leaked out. As a member of Konoha, he is obliged to recycle Shao Lunyan!

However, at this time, Chen had already caused a thousand waves in his heart.Shigeru Hagaki!The legendary Konoha White Fang, even Konoha Sannin must respect the three-point man, Hagi Kakashi’s father, a master of swordsmanship, it can be said that his swordsmanship is close to the realm of Tao, in Hokage’s In the world, no one has achieved higher sword skills than him.

In the system's point store, the white tooth sword technique is second only to the existence of reincarnation eye, eternal kaleidoscope, and the body of immortals. Its up to 500,000 points once made Chen Wang back.

However, Shigeru Hagaki had failed the mission because of covering the retreat of his teammates during the Second Ninja War, and committed suicide in the village public opinion.How could it be still alive until now.

"It shouldn't be...Is it still World War II?" Chen muttered to himself, but his eyes didn't dare to move away from Shigeru Hagaki for a moment.Even if Chen hadn't come from that era, he knew that Konoha White Teeth should not be underestimated!

Shigeru Hagaki's face was cold, and after Chen avoided his chasing teeth, the sword intent emanating from him became stronger.For his sword, Han Feng will return home with blood.

Shigeru Hagaki's sword is a murderous sword, and his sword is also a murderous sword. However, his sword intent has always been a sharp sword intent.According to common sense, the sword intent of an assassin should hide his edge like a firefly, but Shigeru Hagi's sword intent is like a bright moon, and he doesn't care whether he will reveal his whereabouts.

Chen only felt one word for Baiya's knife, hurry!quickly!very fast!You haven't even seen how he made the knife. Before the knife was out of its sheath, no one would have thought of its speed and power.In the whole world, there is no one who can be faster or stronger than him.

Nevertheless, Chen still wanted to stop Konoha Baiya's path forward.He couldn't let his plan be interrupted by Shigeru Hagaki.Now that he has come to this world, then he will make this muddy water even more confusing.

Chen smiled at Bai Fang, and didn't take out his Meteor Meteor Knife. He had never used knives as an important offensive method, and there was no need to use it for shame.

Take out a special Fei Lei Shen Kuwu from the system space. Chen's eyes have not changed. Now he can no longer think about why Konoha White Fang has not died. The important thing is how to drag him to this place. .

"Konoha sword technique chasing teeth!"

Shigeru Hagaki repeated his old skills, but this time the speed was obviously much faster than before. It was clear that after Bai Fang stopped being merciful, both his attitude and his sword became more threatening.


Chen set up Kunai and pressed the tip of his knife just one second before the white tooth's knife was about to pierce his body.


The white tooth blade collided with the trait kunai, flashing dazzling sparks.

At this moment, there was a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of Shigeru Hagaki, and he saw his one-handed seal, and the chakra surging in his body, under Chen's eyelids, a manic chakra of thunder was condensed.

Chapter 468: Killing Intent

"Konoha Sword Technique Thunder Fang!"

Hagaki Shigeru's body was covered with thunder-attribute chakras, just like the chakra coat of Yunren Village at the beginning, following Hagaki Shigeru's arms all the way to the blade of the white tooth. In an instant, the blade of the white tooth was covered with a piece of cloth. Manic thunder and lightning.

"Konoha Sword Technique Stream!"

The white tooth blade full of thunder-attribute Chakra stabs in front of Chen, then deflects it at a strange angle, staggers to the vicinity of Chen's neck, instantly approaches Chen's neck, and slams back.

I have to say that Shigeru Hagi is a genius in swordsmanship. Originally, the Hagigi family was one of the samurai families of the old era. Since joining Konoha, their family has begun to transform into ninjas. However, there is a special case. That is Shigeru Hagaki.

After reading all the swordsmanship classics collected by his family, Shigeru Hagaki began to collect other swordsmanship classics. When he had no books to read, he began to practice swordsmanship. Although the idea of ​​practicing sword intent on the 5th is a bit exaggerated, it is not far off.

After fusing various samurai sword techniques, Hagigi Shigeru has re-created his own sword technique, Konoha Ryushu Sword Technique White Fang!

White Fang, who can comprehend higher sword skills from Yanfan's secret skills, is not only in terms of power, speed and sword intent, but also in terms of skills, Shigeru Hagi is no worse than those of the samurai of the old age.It's just that no one has ever been able to force White Fang to use his superb set of swordsmanship, often encountering enemies, only need a knife... the knife has not been sheathed and the head has fallen.

But now, Chen is fortunate to be able to experience the exquisite swordsmanship from Konoha and White Fang!This is something he never thought of.

When the blade of White Fang was about to tear his neck, Chen subconsciously escaped into the void.Bai Fang's knife followed Chen's phantom, all the way down, rushing into the air.

Shigeru Hagi looked at Chen with a surprised look. He remembered clearly just now that after the two short knives collided with Kuwu, the white tooth pierced Chen's neck from his oblique angle, and could be taken by him. He reacted in time and avoided, but the action of pulling back after that, the white teeth is bound to win.

As a result, I didn't expect that the knife went down as if it was cutting on the air, and there was no effort at all, so that Shigeru Hagi almost didn't use too much force to make a flaw.

After a missed hit, Shigeru Hagaki immediately withdrew and retreated. The speed was so fast that Chen couldn't even take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

It takes time to know that blurring takes time, not only to enter the blurring state, but also to get out of the blurring state. Although it is only a blink of an eye, in the eyes of masters such as Shigeru Hagi This is enough for him to distance himself from Chen.

During the three wars, Konoha produced two characters who are very good at instantaneous skills, one is a golden glitter wave Fengshuimen, and the other is instantaneous stop water Uchiha stop water. The two people's attainments in instantaneous art can be said. It was the peak, but no one knew that Shigeru Hagaki's instantaneous ability was more powerful. You must know that the enemy only saw a flash of white light and died on the battlefield.

It's just that the sharpness of Baifang's sword technique is too strong, which conceals his attainments in the instantaneous technique.

"Almost followed your way..." Chen saw that Shigeru Hagaki had retreated, and he did not immediately come out of the illusion, who was hopeless in the attack. Chen twisted his neck and looked at Shigeru Hagaki and couldn't help sighing. Said: "Konoha Baiya deserves to be Muyabaiya! You are the first person to force me to this point!"

Shigeru Hagaki tightened his eyebrows, "Is it an illusion?" He folded his hands together, and shouted: "Solve!" The movement of Chakra inside his body was suddenly chaotic, and he wanted to use this to unlock the illusion that Chen used.

However, "It's useless!"

"Huh?" Shigeru Hagaki, who found that there was no change in the slightest, was surprised, and tried to throw a shuriken out of Chaochen. Without accident, the shuriken passed through Chen's body without leaving a trace. Mark of.

"So, who are you! You shouldn't be an unknown person, report your name!" Shigeru Hagaki's face sank, although he didn't know what kind of ninjutsu Tatsun was using, but one of them He probably understands the principle. It is nothing more than placing himself in another space with the help of space ninjutsu, so that this false effect of phantom will be caused.

Some of them Konoha are also proficient in time and space ninjutsu, so Baifang is not surprised by the appearance of time and space ninjutsu. He is just surprised that the person in front of him is so unfamiliar and so young. The list of assassinations found that no one had characteristics similar to Chen, which was very intriguing.

You must know that in the world of Naruto, the most unlikely thing to happen is that an unnecessarily strong person appears out of thin air. Whether it is an elite Shinnin or a Shinnin who just graduated from a ninja school, all basic information needs to be registered, and among them Some budding ninjas will be on the Anbe assassination list in other countries.

Especially for a young ninja like Chen, as long as he appears on the battlefield, there will be no intelligence failure phenomenon there. How Chen has concealed this from all the intelligence organization personnel is very difficult to understand.

He has already decided that after he kills Chen, he must take Chen's head back and let the Anbu take a closer look. Which organization Chen belongs to, how many people they have in their organization, how strong they are, and how they escaped the spy’s intelligence detection. , How many people are equal to Chen?

As Konoha's dark department minister, Shigeru Hagaki has the power to make these decisions.

"Me?" Chen laughed self-deprecatingly, looking at Shigeru Hagaki's eyes full of jokes: "Do you think I will tell you?"

Shigeru Hagi took the sword back and returned it to its sheath, and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with disdain: "So, I probably understand. Sora has a powerful body without a heart that matches it. You don't deserve to let me know you. first name!"

The smile on Uchiha Tatsuno's face suddenly stiffened: "What did you say?"

"The strong should have the dignity and pride of the strong. A guy like you who doesn't even dare to reveal his head or tail is just a clown who has a strength but doesn't match his heart. In short, you You simply don't deserve to have such a powerful strength!"

"Interesting... Konoha's white fangs? I have to say, you really make me feel uncomfortable." The smile on Chen Chen's face had already disappeared, and he looked at Shigeru Hagaki with a blank expression. There was an endless sense of coldness, and a huge killing intent burst out of Chen’s body, like a tide rushing to Shigeru Hagi, as if the killing intent could tear the flag in the next second. Mu Maoshuo.

Chapter 469: Confrontation

Chen looked at Hagimu Maoshuo expressionlessly, his whole body suddenly burst out, and endless killing intent rushed towards Hamu Maoshuo, as if he was about to tear him apart in the next second.

"Huh." Shigeru Hagaki's legs bend slightly, his hands crossed in front of him to resist this endless cold killing intent, and then he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with an indifferent expression: "Sora has some strength. You are not a strong person at all, you don't have the heart to be strong, and you don't have the courage to take responsibility for your own strength. No matter how strong you are, you are always a weak person and do not deserve the respect of the strong!"

Uchiha Tatsumi's aura was unexpectedly strong, and even Shigeru Hagaki fully resisted it, but there was no way to completely resist this coercive force.In the end, Shigeru Hagaki couldn't help but retreat step by step, but he never bent his knees from beginning to end and gave in to Uchiha Tatsu.

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