Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 278

Chen frowned, and heard the system once again say the word believing in himself. This is what Shigeru Hagi told him before, but he has not grasped the essentials, and he has been so sceptical for two consecutive times. Look like.

"Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it, first set a small goal for yourself, move toward this goal step by step, and then continue to set yourself a more long-term goal, follow your goal, and move forward."

Chen a black line: "This... is this the method you said?"

"Ding...Yes, although the first condition of the strong mind is to change the mentality, it still takes time to slowly cultivate it. The same is true for Shigeru Hagaki. He has always believed in the knife in his hand and has never given up since he was a child. His sword is able to condense such a solid heart of a strong man. However, the rise of the host is too short, and the strength has grown too fast. Even if the system has undergone mandatory adjustments, it is only a repair. Now, what the host needs to do is to cultivate the heart of the strong as soon as possible, instead of blindly and excessively increasing his strength again."

Chen nodded, indicating that he understood, but he really didn't know how to set up the goal. One was that his strength was too strong, and the other was that he had no clue in this regard.

With a light sigh, Uchiha Tatsuno waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's talk about this ghost later, can I speed up the recovery of the eternal kaleidoscope of pupil power now?"

Chen asked before whether the system could speed up the recovery of eternal kaleidoscope pupil power. The answer was yes, but it takes time and a quiet environment.This is not like giving Chen an eternal kaleidoscope, but restoring Chen's pupil power.

If it is given to the eternal kaleidoscope, the system can be done in an instant, but Chen’s eternal kaleidoscope's pupil power was degraded by the transition during the duel with the candle dragon. It is only by virtue of the system that does not remove the higher authority, it cannot be the first Time restores the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope of Chen.

"Ding, restore the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, and deduct 200,000 points. Is the restoration confirmed?"

"Two...200,000? Are you afraid that you are robbing it!" Chen widened his eyes, knowing that this is 200,000, although he has too many Guerel stones in his current space to use up, but he can restore an eternity. Kaleidoscope will cost 200,000 yuan, more or less Chen still can't help but feel pain.

"Ding, this is already the lowest price. Due to the interference of the power of the world, the host’s eternal kaleidoscope is overdrawn. If the natural recovery is about 20 years, now 10,000 points are worth a year, and it costs 200,000. Points can make the host's pupil power reach its peak in half an hour."

"Cut..." Chen curled his mouth unwillingly, but he didn't say anything. After all, the pupil power of Kaleidoscope still had to be restored. Now Chen can say that without Kaleidoscope and Reincarnation Eye, his strength is nearly half lower. His strength is too dependent on these two eyes.

"OK to recover, deduct it!"

"Ding, confirm the deduction, deduct 200,000 points, and the recovery of pupil power will begin!"

The system began to restore Chen's pupil power after deducting Chen's 200,000 points as a fee.

Chen only felt that his eyes were very sore, as if he hadn't closed his eyes to sleep for more than ten days, making him unbearable, and immediately wanted to reach out and rub.

At this moment, a coolness came to moisturize his eyes like a trickle.The eyes that were originally very sour and abnormally itchy instantly became moisturized, and Chen's eyes gradually began to recover under the moisturizing effect of this coolness.His pupil power is recovering quickly.At this speed, Chen's pupil power can be fully restored in about an hour and a half.

Originally, Eternal Kaleidoscope could restore the pupil power on its own, but Chen used too much force when dealing with the candle dragon, which made it hard to make ends meet. Even Eternal Kaleidoscope's self-recovery ability could not be fully restored, directly causing Chen’s Eternal Kaleidoscope to write round eyes temporarily Sexual closure.

In this way, Chen closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the space, and the coolness kept flowing in Chen's eyes, until the pupil power of Chen's eyes was fully restored for an hour and a half, then it gradually disappeared in Chen's eyes.

Slowly opened his eyes, Chen took a long sigh of relief, "Ah, this feeling...this feeling is the feeling of full strength!" After the pupil power of his eyes was restored, Chen took the one in his heart. Put down the big rock.

Up to now, his strength is indeed too dependent on those eyes.However, the current situation has to keep his eyes in the best condition. His body is now under the influence of the candle dragon's power to be unable to perform in the most perfect state. At this time, there is no other than relying on his own eyes. There are other ways.

Especially in this era, Chen found that he himself was getting more and more confused.The shock of Shigeru Hagaki, who did not die or even performed celestial arts, brought him too much. Since one person has changed, then the rest of them are not sure what other changes will occur.

At this moment, Chen couldn't say that he could act unscrupulously with those eyes. You must know that none of the old foxes can be nice to each other, and Chen can only rely on his own strength.

Stepping forward again, Chen's figure reappeared in the desert where he had disappeared. Now all he has to do is to wait, waiting for the people from Sharenin Village to come to death and send information.

With such a big event happening in the territory of the Kingdom of Wind, Chen didn’t believe that the people of Sunin Village could still sit still. If they hadn’t sent people to search, then they wouldn’t have to fight the war again. It can directly declare surrender to Konoha Village.

Even if someone is beaten into your hometown, no one will look at it. What is the difference between self-defeating and surrender?

Sure enough, while Chen was waiting quietly, there was a slight movement in the distance.

Although the voice is very small, Chen can still hear clearly.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Be careful, let's go quietly, don't attract people's attention, maybe there are still people there now."

Chen smiled slightly, as if thinking of something, then his body gradually backed away, and finally disappeared into the shadow.

When Sand Shinobu and his team came to the battlefield where Tatsun and Shigeru Hagaki were fighting, they looked at the messy scene around them, and couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Chapter 482: Soul Stripping

"Hiss!" A Sharen took a deep breath and couldn't help but sighed: "This...Is this still a human? If it can achieve this level, I'm afraid not the entire Konoha will be sent out!"

Hearing his words, the rest of the people were silent and silent. Although they did not agree with this Sand Shinobu, they had to say that they really did not believe that everything in front of them was caused by two people fighting. , Although it may not be as exaggerated as that Xia Ren said, at least there should be a dozen or twenty people who have fought here.

Looking at the scene of Cangyi, they couldn't help but start looking around for the corpses left by the enemy, but they were disappointed. After searching for a circle, they did not find anyone's corpse.And the three Ninja Nurtures killed at that time, the burned ashes, there was no corpse at all.

"It shouldn't be!" The leader, Shangren muttered, frowned and began to think about the problem. According to the truth, if such a large-scale battle happened, one or two people would die, but in front of him Let alone the corpses on the battlefield, even the hair on the human body is not left behind. How can they find clues?

The leader couldn't help but touch his head with a wry smile.

"Captain... Captain!" The ninja next to him was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to see something frightening. He pulled the clothes they had led the team to Shinobu, and pointed to the front of him by Shigeru Hagi to perform fairy skills The tree stump that was destroyed later said in horror: "That...what is that!"

"Huh?" They led the team to look at the place where the name was pointing, and saw a grove that was levelled, and couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't that the grove leveled by someone? Yes? What a fuss." He couldn't help showing contemptuous eyes.

The surrounding companions also looked over at the right time, and scorned this companion who saw the stump as if he saw a ghost.

"No...No!" The name swallowed and tremblingly said: "I...I am familiar with this road. I have never seen this wood in this place before. It's just ahead. A few days ago, didn’t we just pass by here? Did you see the woods along the way? But looking at these stumps, it is obvious that these stumps are at least ten or even decades old trees, this..."

He didn't go on with the latter words, and the result was already obvious, and he didn't need to clarify the words again.

"You mean..." The leader Shangren didn't finish his words. He stepped forward and put his hands on the sand to get a sense of it. He suddenly showed a horrified expression: "This tree has a Chakra flow!"

Hearing the words that they led the team to Shinobu, it would be really stupid if others don't know what happened at this time!

"Mu Dun..." the leader said with a stern face, gritted his teeth every word.

Mu Dun!That's right, it was the first generation of Hokage Senjuzuma who calmed down the wooden escape of the entire troubled world!Now that there are signs of Mu Dun again here, it also indirectly proves that some people have learned Mu Dun ninjutsu, and their attainments are not so high.

As we all know, Mu Dun is synonymous with Qianshou Zhujian, and at this moment, Mu Dun’s traces appear again. There will be no other people except the people of the Senshou clan, which means that Konoha has once again appeared. The genius who can display Mu Dun may be the next god of Ninja World Senjujuma!

This is definitely not good news for Sunnin Village, who is at war with Konoha.

"You must bring this news back!" After finding out all of this, the leader, Shinobu knew that this matter was no longer something he could handle, so he could only send the information to Sha Shinobu and ask for the judgment of the senior leaders in the village.

However, when he just thought of this, when he was about to raise his head and order his subordinates, he was horrified to find that all of his subordinates were falling softly at this moment, and there was no sound anymore, and even one fell under his nose. On the ground, blood was constantly spitting in his mouth.

"What!" The leader Shinnin reacted and jumped back, pulling out the kunai from the ninja bag, and looking around cautiously, with only two eyes exposed under the veil, constantly changing his body. In the direction, I hope to find the hidden enemy.

"Who!" He shouted angrily: "Who is there! Come out for me."

But the answer to him was only a dead silence.Although it was already past midday, the temperature of the sun's exposure was not as hot as it would be, but it was still unbearable.But at this moment, there was a chill in the heart of this name.

He can kill all his subordinates without knowing it without making any sound. In his opinion, the opponent is simply... You must know that two of his subordinates are elites, whether it is combat experience or Mental quality or Chakra volume has steadily met the requirements of Shangren. Only after this battle is over, he can be promoted to Shangren, but he was killed silently even in this way.

"Are you looking for me?" Chen's voice sounded like a ghost from behind the sand-nin' ears, making this sand-nin all goosebumps unbearable.His heart stopped subconsciously, and after he reacted, he wanted to leave where he was standing quickly.

"Want to run?" Chen coldly snorted: "It's late!"

"Reincarnation Eyes Human Realm!"

Chen's hand stretched out from the void and pressed it on the head of the Shangren. The power of the reincarnation eye was activated, and the soul of that Shangren was gradually torn up under the effect of Chen's reincarnation eye.

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