Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 284

In fact, they don’t want to go back, but because their retreat is blocked. The retreat between them and the general’s mansion has become a battlefield. A little carelessness is the end of death. Instead of taking this risk, they might as well just wander. The general of the Kunikawa is a person who is afraid of death, so there is really no way to choose this way.

Let go of the poor warrior whose soul has been drawn out by Chen, and let his body fall softly under Chen's feet. Jin's eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled at these remaining warriors, a murderous smile. .

These poor guys, seeing Chen smile and thought Chen was planning to let go of their rhythm, and they bent their waists and smiled flatteringly at Chen, as if their smiles were getting more and more. Abundant, then they can get Chen's forgiveness.

But what they didn’t know was that Chen’s expression was an expression that he was about to kill them all. Now that they knew where they came from, it wouldn’t be much use to keep them. It would be a good idea to kill them all. Method.

The ignorant guys thought they could escape, but they didn't know that the god of death was already waving at them.

Chapter 492: The Panic of the Village Chief

"It's funny, isn't it?" Chen looked at them with a pleasing smile and couldn't help asking back.

Suddenly, the smiles of several people stiffened.Chen also didn't bother to talk nonsense to them. He picked up a big sword, his figure flashed, and after a few breaths, the shadow of the sword passed, the remaining samurai clung to their necks and their doubtful eyes fell unwillingly. In a pool of blood.

Chen lightly breathed a sigh of relief, then released a dirt escape to cover up the corpses of this group of people.

However, at this time, it happened that the group of people in the village who had just been scared away gathered together. Most of the young and middle-aged men in the village ran over with their poles, hoes and shovel as weapons.

They had seen Tatsun kill everyone from afar, but they still remained vigilant and looked at Uchiha Tatsun. In their opinion, they have lived in peace and peace for so many years. I haven't seen anyone come to the village from outside, but after Chen came, there were people who looked like robbers came into the village without an hour's effort. If it didn't matter, they didn't believe anything.

Yes, they are really simple, but if this is compared with the safety of their village, nothing matters. Their hospitality is based on the condition that their village will not be in danger.

Now, as soon as Chen came to their village, something like this happened. They didn't want to see Chen. Although they also discovered that Chen was different from others, perhaps it would have a great origin, but this was not an excuse for them to shrink.

The crowd looked at Uchiha Tatsun in a stern battle. They didn’t know how to write the wheel, nor did they know the limits of the blood inheritance. They only knew that Tatsun seemed to be very powerful. So many warriors hadn’t even walked through a trick in his hands, neither did they Dare to act rashly.

Not long after, an old man walked out tremblingly from behind everyone, and came to Chen's face, widened his eyes and took a good look at Chen.

Chen frowned. If it hadn’t been for not feeling a little bit of malice from the old man, he would have taken action long ago. Chen wouldn’t care about the issue of old and not old. In the world of ninjas, he has never respected the old and loved the young. The saying, only you die and die.

"Is this ninja master the guest who will come with Meow and Bae?" After watching for a long while, the old man spoke in a very strong dialect.

Chen nodded without answering.

"Old man, I am the village head here. I'm very sorry, Lord Ninja, because we didn't entertain you well, and it worked for you." The old man bowed his head to Chen and immediately wanted to kneel.



With sharp eyes, Chen raised his hand to stop the old man's movements, and said indifferently: "Village Chief, why are you?"

"My lord village, what are you doing? Or if we go together and drive him out, I don't believe it. With so many of us, we can't deal with a half older kid!" Someone in the crowd started to instigate Tao.

Chen's eyes were cold, and he looked at the person who had just spoken, and his cold eyes seemed to tear that person apart.

"Master Ninja, please calm down your anger, please calm down..." Seeing Uchiha Tatsu's murderous intent in his heart, the village chief wanted to break free from Tatsun's bondage and kneel again.This group of villagers didn’t know how powerful a ninja was, but he knew it clearly. He had the privilege of going out in the mountains but he had seen the power of a ninja. Don’t underestimate any ninja. This was what his father told back then. He has always kept his words in mind.

This time, Chen didn't help, but coldly watched the village chief kneel and kowtow in front of him.People respect him one foot and he respects others one foot. Since there are people in this village who are hostile, it is impossible for him to behave like nothing else.

"Master Ninja, our village has been isolated from the world for generations. Since my father's generation, we have lived in seclusion in this village. No one has been here for many years. Today is the first time we have discovered that outsiders have come into our village. "

"Oh? Do you mean that I brought people here?" Chen was expressionless, and couldn't comment on the village chief's words.

"No, no, I don't mean that. I ask Mr. Ninja to forgive me. Mrs. Ninja just said that no distinguished guests have come to my door for many years. If there is any improper hospitality, please forgive me.

The group of people behind the old head of the village looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with extremely unkind eyes. You must know that this is their village, but now their village chief greeted the name with an extremely humble attitude. The guy who can be his grandson.

What is even more annoying is that this guy still seems to have a natural expression, and he is not even surprised at the humbleness of the village chief.This is what makes these villagers the most unbearable.

Looking at the unkind eyes of this group of people, Chen snorted.Chen, who got his feelings because of this village, originally had a pretty good sense of the people in this place, but he didn’t expect it, but he wanted to go wrong. There is no love for no reason in this world, and hate for no reason. ?

As soon as he thought of this, Chen began to feel a little disappointed. He originally planned to give the village a good fortune, but after thinking about it, he still plans to eliminate it.Chen lowered his head and glanced at the old man who was still kneeling on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that the only old man in this village was the wisest person.

Chen helped the village chief up and said: "Get up, let this matter go, don't mention it again."

"Thank you Lord Ninja, Lord Ninja!" The village chief bowed his head and bowed, then shouted at the person behind him: "Don't you hurry up and thank Lord Ninja for his generosity?"

But no one responded to him, making the village head's expression a little awkward. He looked at Uchiha Tatsu carefully, and then he gave up when he saw that there was nothing unusual about him.

"I don't know what happened to Master Ninja coming to our village this time? I wonder if I can help?"

Chen coldly snorted, thought about it, or said: "I was just passing by accidentally. Subject these guys, I didn't please my eyes, so I just killed them. Oh, by the way, I remind you that these guys are not ordinary mountains. The thief, it seems that the regular army of your country of Sichuan pretends."

"Ah!" the village chief said with a startled face and panic: "It turned out to be the army of the General of the Kingdom of Sichuan. How could it be like this? If they were really from the Kingdom of Sichuan, they were all dead in our village now. We will definitely be blamed. How can this be good? How can our village resist it."

Chapter 493: Frog at the bottom of the well

"Impossible!" Before the village chief could speak, someone behind him suddenly shouted: "How could it be a samurai from the country of Kawa! It is absolutely impossible for our samurai to do such a thing!"

I saw that guy pushed aside the crowd, stood out from the crowd and pointed at Chen's nose and shouted: "The samurai of our country is absolutely impossible to do such a thing, it must be a robber, or..." He said no He glanced at Chen kindly: "It's you! It's you, an outsider who brought these bandits and bandits into our village!"

He pointed at Uchiha Tatsun, and there was an emotion called hatred flashing in his eyes, as if he wanted to stir up the villagers' emotions and drive Tatsu out.

Chen frowned and glanced at him. The guy was frightened by Chen's icy eyes, and then he held back, his face flushed, and he glared back unwillingly.

"Interesting..." Chen lightly snorted, looking at the villagers who had been incited by him, Chen smiled and shook his head lightly without saying anything, just re-released the aura that had been converged in his body. Blasted apart.


The strong air flow scattered along Chen's clothes. The villagers who were eager to try suddenly realized that Chen was not a warning rather than a warning, and even the one or two who had already stepped forward felt like they were on the glacier. In the middle, fell into a bottomless abyss, and immediately retreated back, not daring to take a step forward.

However, Chen deliberately or unconsciously, that fierce and surging aura abruptly ignored him when he passed the village chief, and all the aura was directed at the villagers who were ready to move.

"Master Ninja, please calm your anger, Master Ninja, please calm your anger..." When the village chief saw this, he didn't know that Chen did the trick?Climbing tremblingly in front of Chen, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.The villagers have never seen the power of a ninja, so their ignorant village chief does not blame them, but as a village chief who understands the power of a ninja, he doesn't know what to do.

Chen sneered, looking at the villagers behind him, looking at the anger on their faces, looking at the shock on their faces, looking at the hatred on their faces, Chen said, "You are just a bunch of trash!"

Before the villagers were ready to refute, they said again: "Oh, I can't say it's rubbish, because rubbish has self-knowledge, and you are not as good as rubbish!" Chen said coldly, and the mockery on his face couldn't hide.

Looking at a group of villagers who were not convinced, Chen sneered: "Why... not convinced? Do you think I am wrong? Or do you think I am young?"

Just at this hour, suddenly shouted: "Just you mobs, you don’t know that the sky is a little bit thick, just yelling here, even your village chief knows respectfully, you are not even as good as an old man, innocence does not mean Ignorance, you can have no limbs, but you can't have a brain! Why, saying that you are not as good as waste is wrong?"

Chen's words were very vicious, but they were also very useful. After he finished scolding these villagers who didn't know the heights, their attitude was obviously much better than before.Although Kanchen's eyes were still somewhat unconvinced, the hostility in his eyes had faded a lot.

Indeed, even their village chief knows that ninjas are not easy to provoke, and their group of people, knowing that Tatsun is a ninja, dare to gather together to threaten Tatsun, even a Shinnin who just graduated from ninja school is not theirs. Qunwaigua split dates can resist, let alone Chen standing in front of them?

Turning around, he no longer faced the group of villagers, but helped up the old village chief who was still kneeling on the ground. Chen didn't say anything more. He was able to say so much before, that was because he looked at himself. This village has some credit for the improvement of the state of mind. Coupled with the face of Meow Meow and Bae, there are so many words, and it is theirs to say what to do. Chen can’t control it, if it’s not looking at this face In the end, other people dare to threaten Chen so blatantly, the end is not as simple as death.

Others can leave it alone, but Chen can't help but give him a bit of color.After the villagers gave up their hostility towards Chen, Chen clearly saw a look of disappointment in that guy’s eyes, which made Chen frown slightly. This guy thought he was hiding well and didn’t want to think about his level, Chen. What is the level.

Chen didn't understand why this guy would show such a hostility to himself. You must know that it was the first time he came to this village, and it was the first time to meet this guy. There would never be anything new or old.Chen has already remembered the face of this guy, and now he is taming this group of unsophisticated people. There is no need to make the news big, let him go temporarily, and wait until later to make plans.

No longer caring about the person in front of him, Chen shook his head and turned and walked out of the village from the gorge.

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