Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 289

Chengchuan Luzi was reluctant to bear her two little girls. Since the death of her husband, the two little girls have become her only sustenance and hope. Chengchuan Luzi has given all of her life to the two little girls. , Now that the two little girls are only a little bit older, they will be taken away by Uchiha Tatsumi, saying that it is fake that they are not panicked.

Uchiha Tatsuno nodded and said, "Yes, after they learn to refine chakras, I should almost take them off. The young eagles always take off, and ninjas can't become talents just by training. They will be cultivated in a chaotic world in the future."

After talking, Chen couldn't help but sighed. The second Ninja war was the longest lasting. It was interrupted and stopped. For nearly ten years, everyone had already had the second Ninja war tragic enough, but there was no result. People would think of the Third Ninja World War. The severity of the cruelty is more intense than that of the Second War.

Chen stretched his hand into the system space, took out a jug of wine, and signaled whether Chengchuan Luzi would drink or not. After Chengchuan Luzi shook his head, Chen didn't say anything, just smiled, biting the cork, and a fresh and rich flavor. The mellow aroma of wine came out from the cork, and the aroma was overflowing. Even Chengchuan Luzi, who had never drank, felt very sweet after smelling it, and was eager to try it.If the aroma of this wine is smelled by those drunkards who are addicted to life, maybe they will follow the road and beg for a glass.

He raised his head and took a sip of the boss's wine. Chen wiped the wine that came out of his mouth, looked at Cheng Chuan Luzi, and said seriously: "The world is not peaceful now. How long do you think this small place can be hidden? Be careful. It is actually very easy to discover your village. After this war, I don’t know when it will end. If you continue to let the two little girls here, you may be affected by the war. It’s better to bring it by my side, it’s safer."

Chengchuan Luzi's heart trembled, but she didn't want to believe what Chen said. Her village had not been discovered for so many years. How could it be so coincidental that she was discovered this time?

"Are you serious?"

Chen nodded, stood up and looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky, Uchiha Tatsuno laughed, "What is impossible in this world? I think your village chief told you before when he asked you to go there. Well, the outside world has already been raged by war. This world is not as peaceful as you imagined. The Kawa no Kuni samurai who slipped into your village before is the best proof. If it weren’t for me, your village would be already there. After being silenced, how long do you think this natural barrier can hold you back?"

Uchiha Tatsumi’s words are sonorous, every word is jeweled, and every word speaks to the heart of Chengchuan Luzi.In fact, no matter what, as a mother, what I hope most is for my child to be safe. If I didn't agree before, I didn't want my child to suffer. Hearing Chen said that, it is safest to go out with Chen.

"Then you can leave tomorrow. I will clean up the things for the two little girls in the morning tomorrow morning, and I will ask you to take the two little guys with you early tomorrow morning." Chengchuan Luzi couldn't help panicking. God, immediately stand up and prepare to pack things for the two little guys so that Chen can take them away early in the morning.

Chen grabbed Cheng Chuan Luzi’s wrist and whispered softly, "No need now." Seeing Cheng Chuan Luzi stopped, she let go of her hand: "It's still a while before the flames of war reach this place. They want to find this place. It hasn’t been so fast, at least it’s safe here now. It doesn’t matter if you can help the two little guys to extract the chakra in the body and continue on the road. It just so happens that I can also solve some of the stray hair for you here."

"Is that so?" Cheng Chuan Luzi breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but stunned when he heard this.It's great news to be able to spend more time with my children.The reassured Makikawa Luko couldn't help but bowed deeply to Uchiha Tatsun, and said softly, "Then thank you Master Chen, from now on, our two little girls will ask you for it!"

At this point, Chengchuan Luzi was truly relieved to hand the two little girls to Chen.

No words for a night.

When Chen woke up, the time had come to the morning.

Just as he was about to open his eyes and get up to put on his clothes, he suddenly heard footsteps stopping at his door.As soon as his thoughts turned, a silent smile hung on the corner of Uchiha Tatsu's mouth, and then he continued to close his eyes and pretend not to wake up.

Sure enough, after hearing no movement in the room, the door was quietly opened.Two sneaky figures walked into the room from the outside.

"Sister Meowmeow...we can't do this well?" A timid voice came from the door of the room.

"Hush! Be quiet, the badass Uncle Chen is still sleeping." Meow stretched out her hand to her mouth and whispered: "This big lazy bug, the sun can't get up because of the sun's buttocks. Me and Bae have both gotten up. Said to teach us to learn ninjutsu today, a big liar." Meow pouted, looking at Uchiha Tatsuno with an unhappy expression.

She walked quietly towards Uchiha Tatsumi, carefully squeezed the leaves in her hand, and reached out to Uchiha Tatsumi and stretched out her hand to tease Uchiha Tatsumi.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Tatsu opened his eyes suddenly and yelled "Wow".



Where did the two little guys have been frightened like this, at first glance, they were both scared and cried by Uchiha Tatsuno.

Uchiha Tatsun: "..."

Anyway, after comforting the two sisters and grandmothers, Chen sat down on the tatami and said helplessly: "Let's talk about it, why did you think of teasing me."

"Baa, let me speak first!" When I saw that Meow wanted to talk, Chen, who knew that Meow was going to talk, directly transferred the microphone to Baa’s hand, and looked at Meow’s anxious eyes, Chen knew him. One move is basically stable.

"Sister...Sister said that big brother is a big badass, and she said she was going to teach us Feifei, but she was still sleeping. We both got up for a long time and our big brother hasn't got up"

"So you guys came here?" Chen looked at Baa with a weird expression. After seeing Baa and nodded, Chen probably knew it. Needless to say, all this was thought of by the rascal.

Reaching out and grabbing Meow Meow who wanted to escape, both hands squeezed Meow Meow's fleshy face: "You little guy!"

Chapter 503: Genius

"Wow... Badass Uncle Chen... Mud, let me go, Mud go away! Badass!"

Meow Meow’s face was squeezed round and flattened into different shapes in Uchiha Tatsumi’s hands. Meow Meow’s little hands were squeezed tightly, trying to break free from Uchiha Tatsumi’s restraints but failed.

After a period of ravages, Uchiha Tatsuno let go of the punishment for Meow Meow and went out for breakfast with Meow Meow, who was flushed with red face, and Baa, who stood by the side and dared not come out.

For the reasons stated in advance, the clothes that Meow Meow and Bae wear in the morning are very suitable, not too tight or too loose.While refining chakras, although there is no increase effect, it will not hinder the operation of chakras.

After eating, Tatsun brought the two little girls to the small yard. Looking at the two little girls who pretended to be serious, Uchiha Tatsumi couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Just relax, it’s not I want you to go to the battlefield and relax a little bit when you are so nervous. Only the more relaxed, the better the effect of refining chakras.

Just as he said, after letting the expressions of the two little girls relax, Chen said with a straight face: "From today, I will be the master of the two of you. From now on, I will lead you to the path of ninja. Ninja What is it?'Forbearance' means'hidden', which means that a ninja is a profession that hides in the dark and kills people with one blow. Whether it is to perform ninjutsu, arrange traps or transmit information, it is ultimately necessary Serving the war, so the ninja is the killing weapon that serves the war."

Speaking of this, Chen paused and continued: "Originally, this world was dominated by warriors, but it was gradually replaced by ninjas. Why? Because ninjas of the same level are stronger than samurai, and gradually, samurai are eliminated. In the smoke of war, do you know why?"

Meow and Bae shook their heads blankly. How do these two little guys know about these things?It's just to cooperate with Chen Zhuangx.

"Because of strength!" Chen cut the railway: "Since Datongmu Teruya ate the fruit of the sacred tree and had chakras, he gave birth to two, one is called Yuyi and the other is Yuori. And the one called Yuyi is also Ninzong's. Founder of the mountain, known as the Six Dao Immortals. From then on, ordinary people can also obtain chakras through training, and gradually ninjas began to replace samurai."

"And today, what I want to teach you two people is how to extract chakras as the core of ninjas!"

"Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the various components of the human body. From the 130 trillion cells of the human body, one cell can absorb a power that is perfectly combined with spiritual energy. Everyone can learn from oneself. The energy from the cells in the body is combined with the spiritual energy to form a chakra."

Speaking, Uchiha Tatsun stood there, his eyes condensed slightly, and his whole body was surrounded by a blue chakra energy visible to the naked eye.He stretched out a hand and said to the two little girls: "Look, this is Chakra." Then he hit the trunk with a punch and punched the trunk directly.

The two little loli's eyes widened, opened their mouths, and looked at Uchiha Tatsu with an incredible face. The two little girls who heard him say Qili Bali before, the two little girls did not understand half of the sentence at all. After Chen used Chakra's power, the two little guys woke up like a dream, looking enviously at Chen, who was covered with Chakra's coat.

"I want to learn... I want to learn! Badass Uncle Chen!" Miaomiao excitedly raised her little hand, and called Chen bouncely, fearing Chen had forgotten her.Although Bae Bae was very shy, seeing her eager eyes, it was obvious that under Chen's display, she was also excited, but because of her shyness, she did not dare to be as bold as Meow.

Chen raised his hand and tapped Meow Meow’s small head: "If you want to be called Big Brother, Master is fine!" Then he just redeemed from the system, the most suitable chakra extraction method for two people was tapped and clicked two. In the human head.

Fortunately, Chen only passed the chakra extraction method of the entry into their heads. Even so, the two little guys were dizzy for a while and almost vomited out.

After finally digesting the knowledge passed by Chen, the two little girls sat cross-legged on the ground with their hands on their knees, closed their eyes and took a deep breath, slowly searching for the feeling of chakra.

Thirsty Chen took out a bottle of pulsation from the system space, and after drinking half of it, he felt the pulsation slowly repairing his injury in his body. The erosion left by the candle dragon needs a bottle of pulsation every day to barely offset it. As for healing, unless Chen can fully understand the power of the candle dragon, it is possible to absorb the remaining energy.

Chen knew that the two little girls in front of him would be unable to extract Chakra for a while. He took a step back and lay on the corridor, drinking the remaining pulse slowly like a wine tasting, wanting to fully display The effect of pulsation, such a small sip is the best way to drink it.

Lazily lying on the corridor, holding a small pulsating bottle in his hand, next to it is the freshly washed fruit of Chengchuan Luzi, drink a small pulsation, and then take a bite of the fruit. The early morning sun is always like this The warm, warm light shines on Uchiha Tatsumi, giving people a drowsy feeling.

At this moment, I only heard Meow yelling: "I have it, I have it. Bad Uncle Chen! Meowmeow's stomach is rising, there is it!"

I had this sound, and I almost didn't make Uchiha Tatsuno spit out all the pulsations. What makes me have?I know, I understand that we are refining chakras, and those who don’t know think that we are molesting children.

Although he said that, Ke Chen still straightened up and looked at Meow.At this look, Chen almost took a breath.What did he see?

My God, in Meow Meow, it is obvious that I can sense a relatively large chakra, with a full amount of chakras in a ninja unit. Although it is insignificant for Bichen, it is on Meow Meow. , A little guy under the age of six, the first time he refines a chakra, he can extract a chakra from his body in such a short period of time. What a terrible talent this is.

No wonder Chen felt that she wanted to accept these two little girls as apprentices when she saw Meow and Bae before. Sure enough, this talent was terrifying.After perceiving that Miaomiao has extracted Chakra, Chen puts the look of expectation on Baa. Now that the sister is so good, what about the younger sister?

Chapter 504: Purifying Physique

But Baa Baa, under the common gaze of the two of them, could not help but become even more anxious, who had been struggling to find the Chakra skills. Her own aura began to become agitated. Hey, there is still a little possibility to perceive Chakra, then her current state of wanting to extract Chakra is simply wishful thinking.

The more attention she received, the more nervous she was. I hope the two would stop watching, but her timid temperament made her unable to speak.Under the gaze of the two of them, they became more and more anxious, and they were about to cry.Seeing this, Chen still didn't know what went wrong?Immediately call Meow Meow to play by herself, Chen stepped forward and picked up Bae Bae in his arms and comforted him: "What's the matter, Bae Bae, why did you cry suddenly?"

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