Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 618

Dumpling had been seriously injured and was finally rescued. Tianjin Fan was also very tired and was blind in one eye.

If there is a relative existence, these people simply can't support it for such a long time, and Monkey King happened to be pierced through the chest by the opponent under an attack.

Sun Wukong was hit hard in a hurry, and then took a captain with 5000 combat power and stepped on his chest, feeling the absolute suppression of power.

"It's ridiculous. A child with 3500 fighting capacity dares to fight with me. Isn't this looking for death?"

Monkey King spit out two more blood, but immediately hugged this guy's leg with his palm.

"Bick, are your tricks ready?"

"Trick? You are waiting to die, but the combat power is up to 3000, how? This combat power! 5200!?"

"The damn thing is you, Mo Guanguang kills the gun."

The first thousand and twenty-eight chapters: Monkey King's final efforts

The light passed through the chest instantly, and the captain with 5000 combat power died on the battlefield.

But Monkey King almost paid the price of his life. They killed a team leader, and there was a team leader next to him who had already walked over with Tianjin Fan's severely injured body in one hand.

"It's really rubbish, even such a person can't deal with it."

He threw Tianjin Fan beside Monkey King and looked at the two soldiers who fell on the ground.

"Such a person is really ridiculous, is there any strong on this planet? Can you still fight happily?"

"When Wu Chen arrives, it will be your death date."

Monkey King gritted his teeth and said, finally fainted, his injuries were too serious, and Piccolo beside him was also clenching his teeth.

Piccolo didn't have the strength to continue fighting. His body was consumed so much that it was not enough to support him to continue fighting.

"Then I will show you the absolute power suppression, bursting sparks."

As soon as he raised his hand, countless light beams were emitted from his hand. The light beams shot by the captain with more than 5,000 combat power were all extinct, and could penetrate a person's body instantly.

I don't know what Piccolo thought, he actually occupied the front of Monkey King and Tianjin Fan, and his power burst out instantly, forming a huge barrier.

His current combat power is less than 3000.

The light penetrated his body instantly, but thanks to his resistance, these beams did not hit, as the two dying people were seriously injured.

Piccolo finally couldn't hold it anymore, and slowly climbed down, but at the moment he fell, he thought of many things.

This can be regarded as repaying you some kindness.

Immediately fainted. Almost all the strong in the crowd had already failed, and only Yaqilobe was still struggling to support him, but his defeat was already inevitable.

The people next to him saw this fat man, especially thought it was ridiculous. He was just over 1,000. The attack was clearly looking for death. He took out the light gun in his hand and shot it immediately, piercing this guy's head in the next second.

Suddenly the light turned in an instant and flew to the distance. In the next second, the person who emitted the light was knocked off instantly.

This person was killed in a second, and everyone around was startled.

A young man suddenly appeared in front of everyone. After taking a closer look, the young man on the ground was somewhat similar.

However, the hairstyles of the two are a little different, and this person's face has an unimaginable mature charm, as if he is an unimaginable terrifying powerhouse.

Sun Wuchen finally came to the base that looked devastated and looked at all the soldiers who fell on the ground. The anger in his heart was beyond words and he walked forward slowly.

His power is almost endless, exuding an aura of terror and threat, the captain of 5000 combat strength, seeing someone come here, even wants to provoke.

"Aren't you looking for death?"

"No, you want to die."

The hole-hole wave beam penetrated his head, and the captain with 5000 combat power was instantly killed.

The people around were startled, and felt that this guy had defeated the captain by sneak attack. A group of people kept shouting, jumped up, and attacked.

Countless energy balls smashed into this place, seeming to be about to smash the ground completely in an instant, and Sun Wuchen turned his head to look at the injured person on the ground.

"If they explode here, they will die. All right."

The young man suddenly realized that the sky slapped a dozen palms, and there was no energy floating out, but all the light beams and all the energy were pushed back.


The sky is full of broken bodies.

The first thousand and twentieth chapters: Beating Dodalia

Sun Wuchen used qi and fist to directly hit the opponent's energy back.

Only he can achieve such a perfect state. The power launched at that moment can be perfect, knocking back everyone's attack, and it will hardly explode in the air.

It is necessary for a person to use their own energy to reach the realm, and to detect the other party in a very short time, which is said to be the direction, angle and strength of each energy.

Sun Wuchen was able to achieve such a perfect degree, absolutely surprised anyone. After all the energy feedback, he killed all the enemies.

Then he went directly to the people on the ground as a teacher to ensure that everyone could survive, but Monkey King's breath was extremely weak, and it seemed that there was no need for that.

Rewarding Little Monkey and Piccolo are almost both seriously injured and hard to heal, so let them die.

As for Tianjin Fan, there are some other strong players, so let themselves continue to teach.

"Baby, take Tianjin rice and go to a safe place. As for Monkey King and Piccolo, collect their bodies."

Yaqi Luobei was surprised to see that Sun Wuchen did not intend to save, but now his life is the other's, and they can only follow his words to execute.

In the midst of the bloody storm, Sun Wuchen walked forward, his body stained blood red.

After walking for a while, he came to the edge of the dark area and saw the big fat man.

"You idiot haven't seen enough. There are all kinds of terrible biological intelligence quotient hidden in the space, which you can't easily touch."

Hearing these words, Dodalia suddenly turned his head and saw a handsome black-haired man staring at him there. It was really wrong.

But when he saw this face, he suddenly found himself familiar with him.

"It turns out to be, do you know how much trouble you have caused me, if you can't kill you, Lord Frieza will kill me."

"If someone like you is not dead, it's a waste. What's the use?"

"Hehe, you actually said that, then I will kill you first, or crippled you, and then teach you what is waste."

"No, I'll call you first."

Sun Wuchen's figure disappeared instantly, and in the next second he arrived in front of Dodalia, slapped him on the fat.

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