Chapter 107 Picking up cute girls or something (three more, please order a reward!)

“Ignore this matter for the time being. Fengying is just missing and may reappear at any time. The strongest Fengying strength in history is not a joke. You must not act rashly before you have accurate information.”

Hokage kept sending and flipping through the information about exhaustion repeatedly, until everyone calmed down, as if nothing had happened, he expressed his opinion on this matter, and Danzo’s face immediately became gloomy.

“And we have more important things. According to reliable information, Cloud Shinobi has discovered the true identity of Kushina. The enemy may come at any time. In any case, we must protect Jinchūriki.

Hokage did not give Danzo a chance to attack, and directly skipped the topic of attacking the country of the wind, but turned to the matter of the country. Cloud Shinobi of the country of Thunder had sent people to sneak into Konoha before, and wanted to capture Uzumaki, who was in the blood. The first family, conducting human experiments, was catching Kushina, the princess of the Uzumaki family who was about to become Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Fortunately, Namikaze Minato found out in time and saved Kushina. He wanted to seal the huge and evil Chakra of Nine Tails. The help of the Uzumaki family was 283, which was extremely difficult.

“Also, the mood of the Uchiha clan has been a bit unstable recently, so please soothe it. I have a hunch that the third Ninja War might be about to break out.”

Hokage is not particularly concerned about Kushina’s affairs. Konoha has never been afraid of foreign enemies, but the affairs of the clan have made him scratch his head.


Everyone nodded, and immediately agreed with Hokage’s approach. Only by stabilizing the interior of the village can they better face the war between Ninjuku.

With the disappearance of Third Kazekage, a large number of spies flooded into the Kingdom of Wind. Everyone wanted to confirm one thing, that is, whether Fengying was still there.

While dispatching spies, the major powers have also used other methods to prove their conjectures. The small countries adjacent to the country of the bird, the country of the river, and the country of the mountain are all funding them behind their backs. Frequent activities at the border to test whether Fengying is still there.

With Fengying’s temper, he would never allow (aeba) people to be at his door.

It’s just that even with the constant provocations of these small countries, various spies searched in the country of the wind, and Fengying still did not appear.In this case, the country of earth that was beaten by the wind before took the lead in the country of the wind. The third Ninja War officially kicked off.

When the dragons of the Kingdom of Wind had no head, Luo Sha was ordered to be in danger, biting his scalp and becoming the fourth Kazekage.Because of disappearing with Fengying, there were also a large number of elite ninjas of the Sha family, and when Sasori defected, he killed hundreds of them. The confidant ninja who lived directly in Fengying caused Luo Sha to be almost a polished commander in the upper position.

In this case, Luosha secretly met the thousand generations of the puppet family and reached a certain agreement. Since then, the puppet family has become a solid backing for Luosha, all the way for Luosha to become a real Hokage and eradicate dissidents. Tong’s blood continued to reach the limit to Ultimate, overwhelming the crowd, and for the Master’s economic power, Luo Sha personally tried his magnetic flux characteristics to extract gold sand from the sand that can be seen everywhere in the Kingdom of Wind, and started a business without capital. With the help of the puppet clan, he started to build a force that truly belonged to him.

The Kingdom of Wind has officially embarked on the long road of Fourth Kazekage to power.

At the same time, two relaxed-looking figures walked on the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Sichuan, chatting and laughing happily.

“Hey, let me just say, what’s so fun about Sunagakure, it’s all sand, and the skin becomes dry after a long time, where are we going now?”

Hidan, who was still wearing the Cthulhu cult robe with an excited expression, played with the flying scythe in his hand and separated from his mother during the period of time. He was dismembered without effective treatment and sutures. Although he made a name for himself, he was fed up with this kind of life. Following Sasori, not only did he want a master like Danzo to fight against him, just No one can even compare Mom’s technique of stitching her body.

Hidan knows better that Sasori still gave up the position of the head of the puppet clan and even Fengying of the Kingdom of Wind, and there must be more interesting things to come out!

“Rain country, see if you can find some interesting toys, such as cute girls.”

Sasori smiled and didn’t hide Hidan in the least.In Hokage’s world, there is an organization or a person who once destroyed Konoha, but in the end he was turned around by Naruto’s pig’s foot halo + mouth flicker, and finally he sacrificed his own. The life resurrected the entire Konoha ninja who died in battle. For Sasori, this is simply unbearable! This is simply the second act of idleness + set off pig’s feet, turning this man who clearly has the ability to destroy the world into A supernatural existence.

Sasori does not intend to turn this dragon into a pig’s feet, Sasori is to receive this precious power, and the conspiracy of the whole world will be slowly started by the actions of this organization.

And if it wasn’t for the sudden disruption of the plot, both he and Hidan should have been members of the entire organization, so they decided to break into the organization themselves.

And this organization is Akatsuki created by the three of Yahiko, the strongest organization in the entire Ninja world mastered by Six Paths Payne in the future, and it is also the key to Uchiha Madara and Kaguya Ji who want to resurrect.

Of course, just accepting this power is still too boring, but Sasori has already given up Yekura, and made other arrangements with Tsunade and Shizune, and only took Hidan to Akatsuki alone, so the girl is a must, and just so Akatsuki There is a cute girl in the organization.

Just as Hidan and Sasori smiled at the same time, a deafening explosion came from the border of Rain Shinobi Village and the Kingdom of Wind, and a huge mushroom cloud also rose into the sky.

“What a terrible explosion, what caused it?”

Hidan’s eyes jumped, and he secretly estimated that if he was in such an explosion, there was no hope of surviving.

And Sasori showed a weird smile.

ps: Flowers, rewards, monthly tickets, subscriptions, none of them can be less! You can add more!

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