Chapter 126 Kushina and Mikoto

The strength is too bad and there is no need to go to the battlefield. This assignment immediately made my mother stunned. Almost all the ninjas Sasori paid attention to were assigned to the battlefield, and he was left in the Konoha, which immediately made Sasori a little helpless.

“Why can’t girls be on the battlefield anymore! Both of us are already Chūnin, and ordinary Jōnin is not my opponent! Why should I be responsible for the logistics of the clan? I won’t do it!”

While Sasori was still smiling bitterly, the table in front of him suddenly burst open, and an angry roar came from behind Sasori.

Sasori looked back and saw a beautiful woman with long red hair staring angrily at the ninja who was responsible for allocating any ninja, and the ninja who was responsible for allocating was terrified.

“Kushina, don’t be like this, a lot of people are watching…

Questioning the assignment on the spot, everyone immediately turned their eyes to this side. A beauty with long straight black hair standing behind the red-haired beauty lowered her head and pulled the corner of her clothes in embarrassment.

Mikoto “! Don’t be afraid! They are bullying!”

The red-haired beauty turned her head with her sister, don’t be afraid, patted the black-haired beauty on the shoulder, and immediately glared at the ninja who was in charge of the assignment.

Undoubtedly, what appeared in front of us were the two mothers of the “Mouth Escape” strongest and the invincible pretender, Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto. Now these two are not wives, but two young girls. The whole body is exuding vigor and vitality! (You know what it means to escape and pretend~ right.)

“Don’t make trouble, this is Master Hokage’s arrangement. Your status is special and you are not suitable for the battlefield, and the village also needs powerful ninja guards.”

Just when Kushina was about to go crazy, Namikaze Minato with short blond hair appeared next to her, with an awkward smile, Minato grabbed Kushina who was about to run away.

“But I want to be with you! Mikoto also wants to go with Fugaku!

After Kushina appeared in Minato, it really converged, but still plausible, the title of Scarlet Pepper is worthy of its name. After expressing her opinion, Kushina grabbed her mimi mikoto, and tied her to her chariot.


Mikoto’s character is not as carefree as Kushina, so she immediately lowered her head extremely shy. Although she had the same idea with Kushina, she was not good at expressing it, let alone in front of so many people.

Whether it’s Kushina or Mikoto, the two are just begging for marriage, and they are not married, and their fiances are not ordinary people, one is recognized as the next Hokage, and the other is the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan. In the age, everyone had very little time to get along with each other. Now that Fugaku and Minato are both assigned to the battlefield, the two naturally want to follow.

“Kushina, you are the general in charge of the logistics department, and Mikoto will assist you. This task is also very important. Once the link goes wrong, the front line may run out of food and water. I don’t worry about other people, so I left it to you. Don’t let me down. .”

Just when Minato was unable to convince Kushina, Yuan Fei stood up with a kind smile. The assignment of Kushina and Mikoto was personally assigned by him. Kushina, as the Jinchūriki of Nine Tails, is not suitable for the battlefield. The Kingdom of Thunder already knows. Her true identity, if she is released out of action, it is very likely that she will be attacked by Cloud Shinobi.

And Mikoto is more suitable for housekeeping management itself, and its strength is weak, so it combined with Kushina to take charge of logistics management.

Hokage spoke in person, and Kushina naturally couldn’t refute it anymore, but showed a face of disappointment just like Mikoto.

“This distribution is also good.”

After Hokage intervened, the assignment became a foregone conclusion.When everyone left the scene, they didn’t notice that they were not far from them all the time. With a ridiculous smile, Sasori’s mood suddenly became better. .

Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto, if their destiny lines are changed, [Mouth Escape] and [Zhantong] may not appear in this world.

After Sasori accepted the assignment, he stayed in Konoha for half a month. During this period of time, it was revealed that by virtue of the relationship between the Uchiha clan, he successfully became friends with Mikoto, and he was outstanding in his own ability and did much less. , Everything was done very well, again using Mikoto as a springboard and entering Kushina’s line of sight, both of them had a good impression of their mother.

0…seeking flowers.0

It has been almost half a month since Konoha’s army left, and the battle on the front line has stabilized. After Sinnai went to find Hokage and stalked every day, Hokage finally agreed to let the two escort the supplies to meet Konoha’s team. The troops converged.

Of course, the main reason why Hokage agreed is that Konoha has successfully defeated the opponent and is on the way back. Kushina and Mikoto’s logistics units will have Konoha contact with the returning troops in at most one day.


“Everyone conducts a final inspection! This batch of supplies will be escorted to the front line soon, there can be no difference! Lulang hand it to you here, I will go over there to see! It seems that someone is missing again! This is already this It’s the dozen or so cases of missing persons in the past half month! Who is it!”

Just as the logistics force was conducting the final inspection, there was another cry from the police department. After Konoha’s large force left, the wounded and sick were missing from time to time in Konoha Village, and every missing member No traces were left, the body was not found, and there was no information.A few days ago, even several members of the Anbu and Uchiha clan of the police department who were investigating the matter disappeared along with them. The incident caused Konoha to panic.

Sasori smiled. There is no doubt that these things were done by him. Since all the troops are on the battlefield, there are not many outstanding people left in Konoha. Fortunately, there are still many outstanding wounded and sick in the treatment center. It doesn’t matter whether the opponent’s body is healthy or not, as long as the body possesses special skills, it is Sasori’s goal. The reason why it is so big, Sasori has no plans to come back.

ps: Let me make a statement. I set the time when Kushina and Mikoto are about to marry Fourth Generation and Fugaku. There must be a little error in the time. After all, Deidara has appeared on the stage, but Itachi God has not yet appeared. ten.

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