Chapter 146

“What are you talking about? Huh! The fight over there is so intense!”

In response to Sasori’s sudden attack, Deidara was kicked off without responding at all, but Deidara was still agile, and had many experiences of falling from high altitude, quickly opened his hands, and spit out an explosive flying from the palm of his mouth. The eagle caught up.

Deidara couldn’t understand Sasori’s actions at all, but suddenly, Deidara was attracted by the battle not far away. Konoha’s ninja was fighting Rock Shinobi, which was obviously another large-scale battle.

And like the previous battles, the land of the land is at a disadvantage, and the overall quality of the Konoha Shinobi is obviously higher than that of the land of the land.

“Don’t worry about it. Our goal this time is Otonin Village. There are very dangerous guys in it. Be careful. You are not Hidan. If you die, I can’t help it.”

Just when Deidara was about to go to the black hand, she grabbed him, shook her head at him, and flew Deidara over the battle groups of both sides. At this time, it showed that they were a group of two. Good thing, once Deidara joins the battle group, what will happen.

Deidara, who was stopped, no longer wasted time immediately, and the two continued to go to the new Shinobu Village, Tianno Kuniyin Shinobu, somewhere in the border of the Fire Country, the Earth Country, and the Thunder Country.

That’s right, what Sasori saw on Kakuzu’s roster is Orochimaru’s name. His subordinates are in short supply of medical ninjas, and Orochimaru is the most suitable candidate, the only thing that makes Sasori uncertain is whether he can control it. For him, the whole Hokage theory is taboo human test. If Orochimaru is second, I am afraid no one would dare to recognize the first. Orochimaru

But the person who really developed the Immortal Immortality Technique!

However, the more difficult the challenge, the more interested. If you don’t challenge the more difficult people and only know how to abuse miscellaneous fish, then Sasori might as well nest in the laboratory and create his puppet empire, so he will not hesitate The target is Orochimaru.

Tianzhiguin Ninja Village is a new small village, the location is quite difficult to find, and it took a lot of effort to find the approximate location of this ninja village that hardly communicates with the outside world.

“Sasori, is Otonin Village really here? It doesn’t look like a place where people move.

Sasori and Deidara searched the dense forests in the general area for a long time, but they still did not see the trail of Otonin Village. When it comes to things, he will not choose to shuttle in the dense forest.

“Someone, if you get closer, you’re welcome!”

There is no need to answer Deidara’s words, suddenly an arrow shot at Xie’s heart, but he sneered, not evasive at all, the arrow just pierced Sasori’s heart directly and went out!

Just as Sasori was attacked, there was a sharp shout from the direction where the arrow shot.

Sasori ignored the opponent’s stern drink, but looked at the thick arrow that shot through his heart. In Hokage’s world, there are not many people who use arrows, and this arrow is far more than the ninja in the ninja world. The arrows are so thick that they are almost as thick as the wrists, and they are too long.

Immediately Sasori thought of Orochimaru’s Onidoumaru, one of the five Otonin people. After opening the curse seal, he used this kind of thick arrow.

“Gui Tong Maru?”

With a soft whisper, Sasori stroked his heart slightly, and the big hole in his heart disappeared.

“I’m looking for Orochimaru.”

Sasori expressed his intentions loudly.

However, as soon as the words of exhaustion fell, dozens of arrows of the same thickness were shot out of the dense forest from different directions, wrapping all the positions of Sasori and Deidara in, and directly answering the question with actions.

Deidara used the detonating eagle to retreat in the first time, while Mom had stayed in place and was shot through by random arrows.

Exhausted brows raised, obviously this is no longer an arrow that can be shot by one person.

Boss”, that person

Unexpectedly, “You are actually a kind of blood inheritance, there are a lot of people.”

Just when the dense forest became deadly silent, a shooter suddenly opened his mouth to their captain, but he fell to the ground without saying anything. A silk thread has penetrated his throat. The next moment Sasori appeared behind the other shooters. These shooters turned out to be the same as Guitong Maru. They had six arms, which was obviously a special blood inheritance boundary.

This is the brand-new ability of Exhaust String-String Fruit. It can find the source of sound through the vibration of the air, and shoot out the line invisible to the naked eye. As far as the line is, it is his world. Shadow Knight String directly uses this Silk thread is condensed and formed as a medium!

#^~Rain line. ”

Sasori opened his right hand with his palm facing the sky. Numerous threads of silk thread rose from his palm. The thread descended like a torrential rain in the future, piercing all the surrounding things, and also enveloping the archers who were flying back.

Birdcage’s starting style, coupled with the power of Dropping Ruffian String, is a brand-new application of String-String Fruit developed by Sasori himself. It cannot be more suitable to be used in this kind of chaotic combat environment.

Sasori released the Robocops, and immediately a group of Robocops dispersed, and all the shooters nailed to the ground (good enough) were brought to Sasori.

Sasori glanced at their expressions. It was obvious that these people wouldn’t cooperate with him obediently, so they didn’t bother to talk nonsense, and directly injected a hallucinogenic potion to force a confession into the shooter who was obviously the leader.

“Who are you and what is your name.

After the potion took effect, he asked directly, he was still very interested in these six-arm marksmen.

“I am the patrol team of Otonin Village, the life of a ghost boy of the Ghost Hitomi clan.

The leader of the archer was in a trance, his eyes were dull, and he told him the news he wanted very honestly. I’ve heard it, and it is estimated that it is also a certain special blood inheritance that has been submerged in the history of the Ninja world.

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