Chapter 303 The man who sealed the god in the legend

No one has ever reached the end of the seas of the original Thunder Country. For many people, the ocean is full of mystery and danger. At this moment, the sea is in chaos, and dozens of warships of the Thunder Country are floating on the sea. The coastline was also full of people. Hundreds of large fish hunting crossbows aimed at the sea. From time to time, a huge sea beast emerged from the sea to attack the warship. Only a few fish hunting crossbows opened fire and shot towards the sea. A huge sea beast.

The two-tailed blue ghost fire suddenly appeared from a battleship in the distance, and quickly boarded the sea beast that was attacking the battleship.This sea beast seemed to be aware of the danger, and immediately the huge tail was drawn from the sea beast. He slapped the blue flame fiercely from behind.

“Be careful, Lord Wooden Golem!”

Suddenly there was an exclamation on the coast!


There was a roar from the blue flames on the sea, and five cold lights flashed in the next moment, and the pulled tail was instantly cut into five segments. Wooden Golem rolled rapidly in the air, and the Tailed Beast Bomb was on her. Rapid condensation in the mouth.

The sea beast ate its pain and immediately opened its mouth and bit it in anger, and immediately the Tailed Beast Bomb shot into the sea beast’s mouth.

“Is Konoha’s reinforcements coming?”

The two Wooden Golem breathed a sigh of relief, and fell on the splint to ask questions, and asked a ninja who was in charge of intelligence communication.

“We haven’t received any reinforcement notices for the time being, and even the urgent requests sent out have not received any response.”

The face of this communication ninja is extremely ugly. This time, the situation is completely different from the past. Konoha, where the Second Generation Ninja is located, has responded more slowly than ever. Since the communication ninja was spread in Wanokuni, all the information has been transmitted. The time has been shortened to Ultimate, but this time Konoha did not reply for a day and night!

“Damn it, Tsunade, this idiot wouldn’t think this is just trivial information! Keep sending…

Yu Wooden Golem immediately cursed. The Ninja army who was stationed on the coast has suffered heavy casualties during this period, and even the necessary crossbow arrows for the fish hunting crossbow are seriously insufficient! Immediately angry, Yu Wooden Golem prepared to continuously send emergency help signals.

“Roar!” “Hey!” “Woo!”

However, just as she was about to give orders, several different roars came from around the corpse of the sea behemoth just now, and the next three sea beasts of the same size instantly destroyed the battleship that Wooden Golem was on!


Two-tailed Matatabi’s roar suddenly came from under the surface of the sea, and immediately the two of them rushed out of the water in embarrassment by Wooden Golem. The continuous fighting for several days had already brought her body to its limit.

However, in the next moment, more huge sea beasts suddenly jumped out of the water, rushing in the direction of Wooden Golem!

“Damn it! How come there are so many!”

From Wooden Golem’s curse, he was photographed by the sea beast abruptly!

Just when Wooden Golem received several heavy blows in a row and his consciousness began to blur, a thread suddenly caught her and pulled her out of the sea quickly.

“It’s fairly timely.

At the next moment, a warm embrace and a familiar voice appeared beside You Wooden Golem, and Wooden Golem subconsciously looked at it, and there was an equally familiar smile.


After a stunned sound, Wooden Golem didn’t even come back to his senses.The one who appeared in front of him would have been missing for so long!

“It’s been a long time since I educate the children, and I called some people together, so I came a little bit late. Ask your people to step back and leave the rest to me.”

Sasori smiled at Yu Wooden Golem, and even patted her pi-strand, put her down and motioned her to go a little farther.

“The whole army retreats! The coastline extends for one kilometer and no one is left!”

After being attacked by my mother in front of so many people in the special place, Yu Wooden Golem’s face turned red, and he took a deep breath, and snarled at everyone with all his strength!

Although many people wondered why Wooden Golem suddenly gave the order to withdraw troops, the warships on the sea quickly withdrew, and the garrisons on the coastline also quickly retreated.

“By Wooden Golem, why did you retreat suddenly? What happened?”

Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee got out from under the sea. He was fighting the sea beasts underwater, but received the command from Wooden Golem and could only evacuate.

Wooden Golem took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “He’s back.


When Killer Bee raised his brow, he immediately looked at Yu Wooden Golem more suspiciously. Yu Wooden Golem did not explain, but looked at the black spot in the sky with complicated eyes.


Suddenly, there was a hum from the sky, and in the next moment everyone’s shocked gaze, the entire sky was shrouded in white! Hundreds of white thread pillars descended from the sky, piercing straight into the sea, accurately Pierced the heads of the sea beasts that were moving underwater!

After a while, the entire sea turned blood red, and the corpses of countless sea beasts floated up, and the figures in the sky killed all the sea beasts in an instant!

“This is..

The Ninja Army around Wooden Golem was shocked and speechless.They had never seen such a terrifying attack.Even the five strongest village chiefs in the world and the Second Generation Ninja Emperor could not do this!

“This is the limit of the blood inheritance (Ma’s) that only the First Generation Ninja Emperor possesses, the line escape, the sacred bullet and the god kill.”

Wooden Golem didn’t speak, but Killer Bee beside her took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. , There is only one person in the whole world!

Killer Bee’s answer surprised everyone, First Generation Ninja?! The man who sealed the god in the legend!

“You come with me.

Before everyone came back to their senses, Sasori’s figure appeared in front of the two, beckoning to them.

More than twenty figures suddenly appeared in the sky. What made these ninjas dumbfounded was that each of them was a shadow of the legend that the Chūnin world was not unified before! Nowadays, they only listen to the peerless powerhouses of the First Generation Ninja Emperor!

ps; The new book “Hokage’s God-level Sealer”, please collect it! Thanks a lot!

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