Chapter 352 The show begins!

“Because the incident happened suddenly, so if there is something to ask you next, it must be difficult for you to believe me. I can’t tell you the reason for the time being. Please lend me all the property, all of them!”

The king’s appearance on the big screen immediately calmed all the people who had been in chaos, but soon they found that the king’s face was not quite right.

Soon the king took a deep breath and told everyone about the loan.When he finished his last sentence, he directly knelt on the ground, directly on the ground in front of the people of the whole country!

“His Majesty, he knelt down.

All the people, the king’s army, and the attendants behind the king were suddenly stunned, and after a long time everyone realized what had happened!

What happened to be able to make the “four seven seven zero” king of the country kneel down himself?!

“Your Majesty! What are you doing?! Get up!”

“Your Majesty has shown such a ugly attitude in front of the people of the whole country. How does your Majesty face the ancestors of the past, please get up immediately!”

The servants behind the king rushed directly to the king’s side, trying to forcibly pull him up, but found that the king refused to get up from the ground, and the ceremonial officer immediately yelled at the king!

“Please, everyone! I’m not joking! I’m not making a show! If you don’t believe me, I will cut off a hand immediately!”

When the king raised his head, his face was full of tears, and he immediately drew out his long sword to cut off his left arm. Fortunately, the attendants by his side responded quickly, and only then took the sword from the king’s hand.

Legion commander Taiku looked at the king’s appearance, and his heart was overwhelming. He was an orphan since he was a child, and he was adopted by the king.

When in the palace, the king found Taigu the first time, told him the whole story and the truth, and obtained an efficient bomb from him, just in case, the king is holding the mentality of death and Don Quixote. De Doflamingo makes this deal!

Thinking of King Liku who silently contributed to the entire Dressrosa, Taigu took a deep breath and strengthened his inner thoughts.

Anyway! Be sure to raise enough money! Even if it is

Tai Gu had already determined that the people would never hand over all their money easily, and when he made up his mind to collect money with tough methods, an unbelievable scene happened!

“Everyone quickly get the money out! Your Majesty is kind-hearted, he definitely has his reasons for doing this!

“It seems that something has happened! This is my coffin, so I will leave it to your Majesty!”

“This is my piggy bank, here.”

“This is the dowry my mother gave me, take it.”

All the people returned to their homes one after another, and soon their money was thrown into the huge piece of cloth in front of Taigu!

Among them are old old people with money in tattered wooden boxes, some market aunts wrapped money in old floral cloth, there are a lot of gold and silver jewelry, and there are even a lot of piggy banks for children!

And everyone was smiling, although they were a little bit sad, they were still handed over to Taigu at the fastest speed!

“This is the kingdom of “people” that your Majesty said… I’m sorry everyone! I borrowed the money!”

Such a scene made Taigu burst into tears in an instant, and he suddenly understood what the humanity the king has always emphasized is, this is the humanity that the Liku royal family has cast in Dressrosa for 800 years!

Immediately, Tai Gu learned the way of a king, knelt directly on the ground, put his forehead on the ground, and thanked everyone deeply.

“Send all the money to the palace! Hurry! There is no time!”

As King Liku personally boarded the big screen to make a request to the people, the people’s emotions were high, and almost everyone handed over their property to the hands of the Kingdom Army. When there was more than an hour before dawn, the King Army returned to the palace. !

“Enough is enough! Really enough!”

The minister in charge of statistics quickly exclaimed! There are still a few kings who have not returned, but the property that has gathered in the palace is close to 10 billion!

Everyone burst into cheers! None of them thought that King Liku could borrow a huge sum of 10 billion from the entire Dressrosa just by relying on the reputation of the royal family without giving any reason. This is simply Unimaginable things!

“Where’s Your Majesty?!”

Just when everyone was immersed in joy, suddenly someone discovered that the king was missing 0…

Your Majesty “goed out alone.”

The guard of the palace gate immediately reported the king’s movements, and everyone was suddenly puzzled. Why is the king going out at this time? Even if it is to deal with the enemy, he should take the money with him anyway!

“Captain! Look! Your Majesty has appeared in the town of Saibio!”

Suddenly, the entire Dressrosa screen jumped and appeared in a small town that was still raising money, and the king was riding a horse and galloping through the town in full gear.

Unexpectedly, “King Liku’s credibility is quite high, he can actually raise 10 billion, but this is only interesting, the foreplay is over, and now it is a real high dynasty.

Brother Ming is standing at the top of the palace. King Liku was able to collect 10 billion. This was unexpected. However, the more he is loved by the people, the next turning point is that the more despair he will make him feel, and it will also make him feel desperate. The people feel desperate.

As the line of Ming 1.0’s fingertips began to flick, the real good show is only now beginning!

“Your Majesty! Why did you come in person! Just leave it to us!”

The king army in Saibiou town saw King Liku appearing in person, and they suddenly exclaimed. They did not expect that King Liku would appear here in person, but King Liku did not pay attention to these kings, but directly Ce passed the king’s army and rushed straight to the people.

When King Liku passed through the king’s army, they seemed to vaguely see that the king’s expression was strange, his face was full of tears, and he was muttering something vaguely, but the king’s speed was too fast, and they didn’t hear it very clearly. ,Seems to be:

Run away “Ah… Run away…”,

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