Chapter 398 New Owner

“To put it bluntly, the ultimate fault is the jade of the four souls, if it weren’t for him, how could there be so many ghosts.

Thinking of this, Gangya sighed heavily. The only way now was to find Naraku and discuss what to do next.

Perhaps because of the jade of the four souls, their monster race will cooperate with the remaining human race.

But then it depends on their sincerity. If they are still the same as before, and even want to kill them, and use their inner alchemy to improve their cultivation, then don’t let their monsters be hesitating.

Maybe “This is a catastrophe for us. After it has passed, everything in the future will be solved easily. If we can’t get through, what awaits us will be boundless hell.”

The next two people had no words on the way, and set off in the direction of Naraku.

Naraku here, at this moment, he has gathered a lot of monster races here, more or less injured, some serious, even his arm is not there.

A black air appeared from the injured place, hovering over the place where Naraku was.

“Why are there so many monsters suddenly out there? I’m not a good person, let them leave here for me!”

At this moment, Naraku frowned as he watched the crowded and noisy situation outside.

Baitong and Dreamy Baiye heard Naraku’s words and looked at each other. They didn’t know what to do for a while, and they were still wondering whether they should carry out what Naraku said.

“Nairo said that you left here as early as possible. Anyone who comes here to beg him will have no result.

In the end, the dreamy white night came forward. After speaking, he left this place for fear that the huge number of demons would anger him.

“It was finally resolved. The number of people outside was too large. Naraku didn’t know what he thought, and even let them stay outside.”

Having said this, the two people sighed heavily. Now they can’t get out. It can be said that the people have formed a circle here, and no bug can fly out.

Naraku in the room looked at Kikyo and Kagome, and didn’t know what had come to mind, but finally decided to agree to those monsters.

“Let those guys stay outside for me honestly, I’ll go out later.

Dreamy White Night did not expect Naraku would suddenly appear in front of them and hear his words.

Dreaming White Night knew in her heart that Naraku wanted to understand, and nodded, telling Naraku’s words to the monsters.

The monsters who heard these words were very excited, so good, Naraku finally agreed to them,

Once their monster races merge and unite, they don’t believe in the newly formed ghosts who can’t defeat those people, and those dead monsters.

When the time comes, let’s see who is more powerful, and a huge war has started fiercely.

“When will Naraku come out? It’s been so long, I think he is asking us?”

As time passed, Naraku still did not come out, which made some monsters impatient.

They felt that Naraku was trying to piss them off, and at this moment the person they were talking about, Naraku!

Those who appeared in front of them looked at them with a smile, as if they hadn’t heard those words at all.

Because of Naraku’s arrival, the noisy scene also quieted down.At this time, the appearance of Gangya and Shishengwan happened to alleviate the embarrassment.

“How come there are so many monsters here? Is it possible that Naraku is what you want?”

Gangtooth was always straightforward, and Naraku frowned when he heard what he said, but the others didn’t say much.

But when he saw the Shishengwan next to Gangya, he couldn’t help but feel a little strange, why did this guy come here?

The place where he is now should be very safe, at least those spirits will not provoke them in the past, and he still has natural teeth in his hands that specifically restrain those spirits.

“Nara, you also know the current situation, those outsiders and monsters have been caused by this ghost.”

One of them wanted to be an early bird, came up, with a bad tone, and said to Naraku half-command.

Naraku heard a cold snort and waved his hand gently, and the guy had completely fallen asleep.

Everyone on the scene did not refute his hand, but looked at him in a daze. Why did Naraku do this today? She just wanted to shock them, frustrate their prestige, and let them know who is the biggest existence here!

“How can you kill innocent people? You know that there are more and more ghosts now!”

At this moment, a girl suddenly jumped out and accused Naraku. Naraku frowned when she saw her appearance. After giving her a cold glance, she ignored her and left the place.

But what Naraku didn’t expect was that the guy in front of him seemed to be more and more reluctant. He even wanted to get started. When he fell here, he frowned and raised his hand to end the guy fiercely.

“Come here again, I’ll cut off your hand, believe it or not. If your body doesn’t want it anymore, then I don’t mind feeding you to the dog.”

Naraku heard this and left the place after handing over the mess here to the two people who came out with him, Shiroya and Shiroto.

This sudden change made everyone stunned. Some did not understand why Naraku suddenly turned so fast.

Then the guy with the brain even thought of that woman for the first time. Of course, that woman’s fate was very miserable.

After all, if it wasn’t for this woman who suddenly ran into something bad, then I am afraid that they have already talked with Naraku at this time, instead of leaving directly with their hands like they are now, without saying anything.

“You can’t do this to me, am I wrong? What is the difference between his appearance and the murder of innocent people!

The woman in front of her was still swearing, her appearance made the eyes of the surrounding monsters reveal a feeling of helplessness.

“You are dead, go back to the underworld, don’t be here anymore.

At this moment, the natural tooth worn on the right side of Shashengwan turned out to be agile. Shashengwan knew that the woman in front of her might have been dead for a long time, but she suddenly appeared here for some reason.

“I am obviously a monster, how could I die? A monster can’t die!

“I advise you not to deceive yourself. You have been dead for a long time on the way here. Look at what your body is now decaying. You are just a wreck!”

With the Shashengwan pulling out the natural tooth, as expected, the woman who was intact in front of him, shivering and painful turned into a wreck under the shining of the natural tooth.

The woman saw what she really looked like. At this time, she madly picked up her own weapon to kill the Sahseng Maru. After hiding her identity for so many days, she was actually discovered.

And there are so many people around, and now they are laughing at his book, not knowing that all this is just the imagination of the woman in front of them.

“I’m going to kill you, how dare you treat me like this!”

The woman at the moment was obviously stunned, and when he saw this scene, Sasheng Maru took out something in a hurry.

That is Douguishen, with the increase of the power of Shashengwan, the power possessed by Douguishen will also be added to Shashengwan.

This allowed the originally very powerful Sasheng pills to undergo a great transformation once again.

Now his power can withstand at least three moves under Naraku, or even more. Although he can’t beat Naraku, he is at least much stronger than before.

“This crazy woman, natural teeth are not good for her now.”

The Sesho Maru, who slammed the person to the ground, looked to the ground, and found that the woman had wings growing behind her.

The things wrapped around the wings make Sesomaru instinctively feel a little uneasy.

Sure enough, Shashowan guessed it correctly. When the woman approached Shashowan, a dagger suddenly appeared in her empty hand and slammed it at Shashowan.

Fortunately, Sasheng Maru was prepared and avoided the woman’s attack.

Then he shot very hard and broke the woman’s wings.

The woman without wings fell to the ground fiercely like a bird of love, forming a big pit. As the dust fell, the woman had disappeared in front of them and was taken away by someone.

At this time, the natural tooth of Sesho Maru chased out.

Do you see the monster in this scene? You look at me, and finally decide to keep up with the Sesei Maru first.

“What should I do now? Those people are all going to capture the jade of the four souls that just appeared.

Naraku suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this thoughtfully.

This guy even dared to come over. It was really impatient to live. This time he went to his place to arrest people in an upright manner.

“What are you doing here? Don’t hurry up?”

Hearing this, the dreamy white night finally explained his intention to Naraku.

0….seeking flowers.0

After Naraku heard what he said, he drove the dreamy white night out. After all, he was going to find the human face tree, and decided to go somewhere and start to stop and lie in wait.

Then see who can have the last laugh in this game, and who is the final winner.

The jade of the four souls on the other side looked at all the women who met his conditions in front of him, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

All of them were born in cloudy time, even the time, which is great, so that the more than 2,000 little ghosts finally don’t need it.

“What on earth do you want to do? Why did you catch me!

At this moment, the woman looked at the jade of the four souls with a bad complexion, and took a few steps back, but unfortunately, she was restrained after not taking a few steps.

“I still want to escape from this place, remember, I caught you out, then this life is mine, and now I need your life to get something!”

Upon hearing the words of the jade of the four souls, the woman nodded quickly. After all, survival is the most important thing now, and the situation of the jade of the four souls seems to be something wrong now.

The Sesho Maru on the other side didn’t expect to lose the person, and then came back, watching the Kagome and Kikyo over there saying hello, and then asked where Nalu was.

“Naraku, he’s gone out with Human Face Tree now, is there something very important?”

“I think we should consider cooperating with humans. After all, the ghosts and the jade of the four souls are our humans and demons, as well as the enemies of the underworld.”

After hearing this and thinking about it a few times, Bai Tongzi and Mengzhi Baiye felt that this matter was feasible.

At the same time, he hesitated very much.What if human beings turn back?

At this moment, Gangfang came back. He didn’t find anything. Those monsters also came back one after another, because the people had already been lost.

“Did you let them run too?”

“Yes, no one is there at all!”

Everyone started cursing, and they didn’t expect the jade of the four souls to run so fast.

On the other side, Naraku called out the Human Face Tree, and gave him something, which made him completely changed from a man to a woman, and asked him to seduce the leader of mankind.

The human face tree that turned into a woman is beautiful at this moment, comparable to that of the oiran.

“I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have come out, you guy knows to take advantage of the fire all the time!”

At this moment, the human face tree is very angry. Naraku really dares to make him like this. How should I wear this kind of thing? Why should I step on such high shoes?

“For the safety of the demon world, I can only sacrifice you.”

Naraku looked at him and said earnestly. Then, without waiting for him to react, he waved his hand, and the next second the human face tree fell from the sky and sat on the human leader.

They who were offering sacrifices were suddenly regretted by this situation and thought it was something to assassinate their king.

Hurry up “get this guy up.”

The Human Face Tree was tied into a prison by them. As for the king who was smashed by him, he has not yet woken up.

At this time, a princess appeared in front of the human face tree and began to threaten the human face tree to see this. This situation has been happening for a long time.

Renmianshu yawned boringly, and finally couldn’t bear it, because he knew that his patience had reached the limit, and if it broke out, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Enough said? Enough said, leave this place for me, before I get angry!

When the princess heard the human face tree, it was the first time she saw the human face tree like this, and she couldn’t help being a little stunned.

Standing outside blankly, looking at the human face tree.

A little timid, then she remembered that he is the princess of the country!!!

How can you lose to others in this aura, let alone a woman!

If the face of this woman is seen by my father, it is estimated that at least one month will be indulged in it.

Thinking of this place, the princess was very helpless, shook her head, and her father didn’t know what to say.

“If the princess is a king, shall we kill it?”

After hearing this, the princess finally nodded. After all, what she is looking for now is strength, and strength is respected by the strong.

The outside world began to be turbulent. If their small country really fought, it would not be enough for others.

So they have to negotiate terms with others, make people contribute, and help them survive in this turbulent place!!!+.

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