Chapter 522

“Marshal Sengoku, is there anything wrong with calling me back so urgently? These are the information I have collected in the past few months. I found that the Donquixote Family is the most vulnerable now, although it seems that they have expanded to a terrible point. But actually…”

In Naval Headquarters, Vergo appeared in front of Sengoku with bread on his face, and immediately displayed all the information he collected in the past few months in front of Sengoku.

Immediately he came up with a set of action plans, which was a breakthrough plan made by Vergo in response to the status quo in the Donquixote Family territory.

“Okay, put the Donquixote Family aside for the time being. New World Marine Base, don’t need to go for the time being. Zephyr will take care of everything. Now you need to stay in Naval Headquarters for a while, and I will introduce some people to you. I know.”

Sengoku glanced at Vergo’s intelligence and action plan, and suddenly sighed deeply. Vergo obviously worked a lot on this. It seems that these action plans can also mess up the Donquixote Family’s territory, but it is only It just makes it messy, it can’t hurt its roots at all.If Vergo is really allowed to implement it, I am afraid that Vergo will also be lost. Naval Headquarters currently lacks high-end combat power like Vergo, and let Sengoku What is more important is Vergo’s attitude towards Donquixote Family!

Now Aokiji, who had the most hope of inheriting the position of Marine Admiral, has joined the Donquixote Family. Basically, he can’t get it back. Even if he can, he will be controversial. Therefore, Aokiji has lost the opportunity to inherit the position of Admiral.

So right now, only Vergo is the most suitable candidate to become the new Admiral.

What Vergo lacks is only the contacts. Sengoku has decided to let him complete the task of being familiar in a short time. I believe that Sengoku personally recommends Vergo to gain a foothold soon.

“I refuse. The pattern of New World is getting more and more chaotic. Donquixote Family is now strong in the outside world. Although they have expanded their territory to a terrible level, the number of cadres in the family has not kept up at all, resulting in a lot of gaps. With uneven distribution of benefits, the three major cadres under the Donquixote Family have a faint tendency to match up. If you can make good use of this opportunity, the Donquixote Family will suffer a heavy…

But Sengoku did not expect that Vergo would reject his proposal without hesitation, and quickly explained that he had refused to use it.

Bringing his plan of action to Sengoku again, and highlighting a few of the key points, Vergo became more and more excited when he spoke, but his words were interrupted by Sengoku again, and Sengoku became more excited than Vergo, even It can be described as anger!

“Enough! Do you think I don’t want to hit Donquixote Family?! But the clown is now transformed into the new Four Emperors! Four Emperors, do you understand?! Aokiji is already in his hands! Do you want to die to him too? Hand?! Anyway, do as I say now! I want you to know all the people on this list within three months! And establish a preliminary friendship with them! Naval Headquarters now needs the new Marine Admiral!

Sengoku slapped the table fiercely, shattered Vergo’s plan of action, and immediately roared at Vergo.

There is a fire in Sengoku’s heart. He has always suffered under Ming’s hands. Ming’s reaction seems to be able to guess his reaction every time. For his next move, the carefully prepared sea train plan failed. The development plan to contain the Donquixote Family failed. Even the original Marine Admiral staff Aokiji was given to the Donquixote Family by his own hands. All of this made Sengoku angry. It felt like Sengoku had already raised his slap. I was going to slap Brother Ming in the face, but Brother Ming slapped him in the face first!

After venting all the inner anger and grievance, Sengoku took a long list of people in front of Vergo. All the people on it were people who had a certain influence in Naval Headquarters, and Sengoku needed Vergo to go. What we do is to build a good relationship with these people and become his superior help!

0….seeking flowers.0


Vergo showed a look of unwillingness. After hesitating and hesitating, he gritted his teeth and agreed to Sengoku’s request. , The list showed signs of tearing.

Sengoku sighed again, but the last bit of suspicion about Vergo was also removed. Originally, Sengoku did not choose Vergo. There is another important reason, that is, the source of Vergo’s identity, and Aokiji’s re-establishment in Naval Headquarters. The big Vice Admiral is different. Vergo joined midway, and according to the data, Vergo’s strength at the time was not weak, otherwise he would not climb so fast. Before Sengoku noticed him, he was already in a short period of time. Climbed to Commodore’s position within four years.

According to the identity source provided by Vergo himself, the people sent by Sengoku found only a ruin. It had been destroyed a long time ago. This means that it is impossible to find Vergo’s birth and past. Information.

But now seeing Vergo’s attitude, Sengoku completely dispelled the slightest suspicion of Vergo.

“Everything is the same as the young master expected. I can definitely rely on my strength to feed me, but now I can only rely on my acting skills to get ahead. There is really no challenge.”

Wilgo, who left Sengoku’s office with the list, laughed at the list in his hand and muttered softly in a voice that only he could hear.

“Marine heroes Garp Vice Admiral and Crane Vice Admiral are coming, don’t you know what’s going on?”

And at Ming Ge’s base camp, Dressrosa also welcomed two special guests. Instead of taking a warship, Garp and Crane entered Dressrosa from the sea train! Under the power of Violet, Ming Ge had been waiting at the station early, and when they met They greeted enthusiastically.

“Don’t talk nonsense, be handed over by Kuzan, I want to take it away!” Ten

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