Chapter 533 World Summit

“It was Absah, the exclusive reporter of the Morning News, who provided these information. The reason why he provided me with the information was because of Marine’s wanted order. He said that he had mastered the evidence a long time ago, but he dared not expose it. Not accepting these huge negative news, but Marine wanted him as a little reporter, so he couldn’t bear it. If you want him to die, he will die with you. You will know the cost of offending a little man.

Dracula III smiled at Sengoku, told the source of the information, and also relayed the other’s will.

Suddenly everyone revealed it, and Abu Sa can be said to be a familiar figure to all newspaper readers.

Every report of Absa is a headline, and every time he is one step closer to Master’s most “five-eighty-nine” consultation, but as Marine began to offer a reward, his original neutral attitude began to change. Everyone can feel it.

After all, Absa is a person, not afraid of Marine, and Marine cannot catch him, but the newspaper is different. The newspaper dare not expose such a major scandal of Marine, so Absal broke the news about these scandals through Dracula III.

From the words of Dracula III, we can see how angry Absa was about wanting him.

Sengoku’s face turned dark. He didn’t expect it to be Absah. The decision to want Absah was made by him himself. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an opportunity for the Marine government to get into trouble. Sengoku couldn’t help but regret it for a while.

“And I did join the revolutionary army.

While everyone was still feeling about the source of Dracula III’s intelligence, he suddenly said something astonishing!

“What?! You joined the revolutionary army?!”

“Asshole! Catch him!”

As soon as Dracula’s words were spoken, Sengoku’s heart was immediately happy. The Revolutionary Army is now a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating, Dracula III’s admission like this, immediately attracted all the attention, as for what I just said, it is straightforward. Overwhelmed by this news.

The crowd was excited, and in a blink of an eye, Dracula III was pressed on the table by several guards.

Even though he was detained, Dracula’s expression was still indifferent, and immediately with a smile, he said slowly to everyone: “I didn’t plan to go out alive from the moment I entered, do you know why I joined the revolutionary army? ”

“After my only son was killed by Marine Rear Admiral, the crew escaped back! But Marine Rear Admiral also chased him! To cover up his brutality! He raped my wife and daughter in front of me! and Occupy the entire palace! I escaped! I told everyone about this, and told Marine Vice Admiral! Marine Admiral! But they all said I was crazy! And started chasing me! Why is this?! Degu The Kingdom of La has joined the World government for 700 years! What did we do wrong?! You Marines who claim to be righteous should treat us like this?!”

When everyone showed doubts, Dracula III suddenly roared, his expression was extremely hideous, and the content of what he said shocked everyone, Marine actually did such an excessive thing?

“At the time I swear! I must have revenge! It was the revolutionary army who helped me avenge! When I returned to the Dracula Kingdom, do you know what those Marines were doing?! They were holding a killing contest! Degu There are less than three levels alive in the Kingdom of Ra! If you don’t believe it, you can go to the Kingdom of Dracula! Marine these demons in justice skins! You will soon become the next Kingdom of Dracula: I’m in hell Waiting for you! Hahaha!”

Dracula III’s words caused everyone to fall into silence. Suddenly Dracula III broke free of the two guards behind him, pounced on Sengoku with a grinning smile, and at the same time pulled something from his arms.

Dracula III threw on Sengoku’s body, Sengoku frowned, and immediately activated Devil Fruit’s ability. The next moment there was an explosion, Dracula exploded, and there was a bomb hidden in his arms!

It’s a pity that Sengoku was surrounded by golden light. The shape of the Buddha’s Sengoku didn’t cause him any harm, but the blood all over his body made his face extremely ugly. No wonder Dracula III has been walking so indifferently. Live!

“A king said that he was dead. I think this matter should be investigated. Don’t talk about the others. The video call worms in front of everyone are always real. All the people involved in the case should be arraigned. Naval Headquarters is really true. Is it already decayed? I think that if this matter is not handled properly, World Summit does not need to continue. Even the protection of our justice partners is the incarnation of evil. What is the point of continuing World Summit?”

Everyone looked at Sengoku in shock, the change made them have not recovered 0…

Just when Sengoku wanted to say something, Ming Ge suddenly stood up and glanced at Sengoku with a cold smile, and then looked directly at the representative of Celestial Dragons.



There is no need for Celestial Dragons to speak at all.Almost all kings expressed their support at the same time.The death of Dracula III had too much impact on them, especially the sentence before his death, which joined the 700-year-old Dracula of the World government. The kingdoms will be occupied by Rear Admiral of Naval Headquarters, and they will have their homes destroyed and need the world to be exhausted at the conference. What about their countries? Many kingdoms have only joined the World government in the last few hundred years.

“Arrest these Marine officers! I’ll give you an hour!”

The face of Celestial Dragons is also ugly. Marines are all dogs raised by Celestial Dragons, but these dogs turned out to be evil. Dracula just pounced on Sengoku. What if he pounced on him? And the pressure of these kings made him the first Time has made a decision, as Ming Ge said, if this matter is not handled properly, World government and Naval Headquarters will probably no longer have the prestige to speak of.

“No, I have brought the main culprit.”

Although Sengoku was not reconciled, he was still ready to give the order, but just as Sengoku was about to give the order, Vergo’s voice appeared in Damen’s mouth.

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