Chapter 536 Donquixote Family’s Doubts

“It seems that I have been in your calculations a long time ago, how many people have you arranged by my side?”

Sengoku stared at Ming with a gloomy face until only Sengoku and Ming were left in the entire World Summit hall. Although Sengoku knew that the current situation was not good for him, Sengoku calmed down.

After everyone betrayed their relatives, Sengoku’s mood suddenly changed, as if seeing through the red dust, tens of meters did not have the strength to take a step closer, at this moment, it will be natural for everyone in Sengoku Zoan to be fruitful, and the Buddha form is complete. Awakening.

“I like to see the enemy die in ignorance.”

Although Brother Ming felt the change in Sengoku’s aura, he didn’t take it anymore. At this point, Sengoku had no chance of a comeback.

Even if Sengoku can’t turn over, Ming Ge still doesn’t plan to tell Sengoku of his plan.

“Although I am not going to tell you my plan, I can tell you why I have been targeting you like this.”


“In my mind, there are three people who hate the most, one is my stupid father, one is Celestial Dragons, and the last one is you. You shouldn’t use my brother to hide 580 by my side as an undercover agent. .”

However, although Brother Ming didn’t intend to tell Sengoku his plan, he told him the reason he was targeting Sengoku everywhere.

Although the current brother Ming is not the real brother Ming, he has integrated all the memories of that brother Ming. There are a lot of resentments deep in Ming brother’s memory. Originally Celestial Dragons had to live the life of ordinary people, and finally the child became his own. Mother’s father is one, those Celestial Dragons who refused to return to Mariejois are one, and the last one is Sengoku! Because Sengoku let him kill his new brother himself.

Originally, Ming had a younger brother who ran away when Ming had killed his father. When he came back again, he became Sengoku’s undercover agent. Killed his last relative.

“Damn it! You killed Krazon yourself!”

Ming Ge’s words made Sengoku who had calmed down immediately became angry. Krasson was his adopted son. At first he did not know Krasson’s identity. Being an undercover agent was also Krasson’s voluntary. For Krasson’s death, no one was more angry than Sengoku. It’s uncomfortable, but Sengoku didn’t expect that Ming Ge, who killed Krasson himself, would blame him for everything!

“It was true that I killed him by myself. I lost my mother when I was eight years old, and killed my father by myself when I was ten years old. So far there is only one younger brother in the world, but in the end he betrayed me and I had to kill him personally. My last blood relative! And all this is caused by you, so I also want you to taste the feeling of being betrayed by the most trusted person! Hahaha! How? It’s not nice to be betrayed by everyone?!”

Brother Ming’s expression suddenly became extremely hideous. The face of his father when he died and the appearance of Krasson when he died appeared in his mind.

Brother Ming has laid out so long and has done so much work. Although he is preparing for the overall situation in the future, in fact, he is also to kill Sengoku to get revenge. Of course, it is Ming brother who wants to let Sengoku die in despair. !

“Buddha moves mountains and rivers!”

Brother Ming’s words immediately detonated Sengoku’s nerves.Sengoku immediately slammed a punch. The golden fist suddenly hit the place where Brother Ming was. The entire conference room collapsed in an instant, but Brother Ming caught it as if there was nothing wrong. Sengoku’s punch.

“I have to say that your plan is perfect. Everyone now thinks that I am the one who did evil, but there is a calculation error in your plan, that is my strength (aeba), if you can’t keep me Here, then these things you do have no meaning! Your biggest mistake is not to stay in front of me!”

Sengoku stared at Brother Ming closely, with a sneer on his face.Although he is extremely angry now, he has not yet reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Originally, he didn’t intend to win Brother Ming, but now his ability for everyone is fruitful. Awakened completely, he is sure! As long as he can kill Brother Ming here, then he can slowly regain control of Naval Headquarters!

“No, no, you are wrong. Even if I let you go today, you won’t be able to turn over. After today, all those who are loyal to you will die. I will not give them a chance to live, and you will do nothing by yourself. I can’t do it. If you want to fight guerrillas and fight the Donquixote Family, then just do it. For me, the family is just a tool, and I recently discovered that the top cadres in the family seem to have such a problem. Now when I think about it, when I first met them, it was indeed a little suspicious.

Ming Ge is extremely disdainful of Sengoku’s words. Things have developed to this point. Whether Ming Ge and Sengoku win or lose, Sengoku can’t turn over. Now everyone knows that Sengoku abuses power and is Marine’s biggest mosquito. .

Taking a step back and saying that even if Sengoku escapes from Ming, he will continue to cannibalize Donquixote Family at best, but Ming doesn’t care at all. Originally Ming still cares about Donquixote Family, but recently, with the rapid development of the family , Brother Ming suddenly discovered that his four top cadres seemed to have a little problem. It was as if they were asking for instructions because of the rapid development. This change gave Brother Ming a bad feeling. Think about it again. The scene where they met Brother Ming was even more suspicious.

Brother Ming was just a desperate kid at the beginning, but the four of Torrepol appeared in front of him, and began to assist him because he had the potential to become a king.Even String-String Fruit was given by them, and the four of them at that time The strength has been extremely terrifying, which can show that all the way to the present, whether it is character or power, it is all caused by Torrepol’s four people.

ps: Has anyone found Sengoku’s moves very familiar? Guess where it came from. Guess the reward [Blessing of the Dirty Emperor] buff, the effect is to delay 60 minutes, increase by 10cm, thicken by 5cm, permanent effective.

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