Chapter 547 Profound Meaning and Fusion Request Reward]

Torrepol’s sticky fruit can use mucus to attack and even control explosions, but in this battle with Ming, Torrepol’s sticky fruit is mainly used to hinder Ming. Action and slow down Ming Ge.

Pika is a stone fruit capable person, able to assimilate with rocks, turning the earth into his weapon, and even into a huge rock giant. While restricting Ming Ge’s actions, he also constantly uses rocks to attack.

Diamanti is the real main attacker. The flying fruits make his swordsmanship erratic, and he can safely avoid Ming’s line every time. Of course, this is also due to the assistance of Torrepol and Pica. .

At a glance, it seemed that the three of Torrepol and Ming Ge were inseparable, and they were evenly matched!

“Who can tell me what the hell is going on?! How did the three highest cadres fight-Young Master?!”

Brother Ming and the three highest cadres started a fierce battle almost in the blink of an eye, which made the cadres and core members onlookers look weird, and they were completely unclear about what was going on.

“Don’t panic! Step back! This is a special way of communication between the young master and the three highest cadres! They will have a strength collision every ten years to deepen the feelings between each other!”

“Cough cough cough!”

There was a lot of whispers in the square, but soon a few cadres opened Shikai loudly, and led the group to let the four of them give up enough battlefield.

The person who spoke was Gladius, the fruit-booming ability of the Donquixote Family Spades Army Pika. Gladius is strong and joined the Donquixote Family a long time ago. When he spoke, everyone immediately believed it.

“How do I look at them as if they are fighting a life and death battle?

“Idiot, when you reach the level of strength of the young master and the three highest cadres, you know what a shit! Do you know why the three major cadres can block the aunt? It is because of the frequent discussions with the young master that I have achieved today’s achievements!”

“Young Master, come on! Master Diamanti, come on!”

“Master Torrepol, come on!”

Although some people still had weird faces, more newcomers believed it. Under the misleading people of their hearts, cheers and applause suddenly sounded across the square.

And everyone did not notice that on a tall tower not far away, Kalifa was pushing his glasses while recording the names of Gladius and others on a list. Standing next to Kalifa was the special cadre of the family, Violet .

“I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, no wonder you were able to repel the aunt.”

The four of you came and I attacked for a long time. Brother Ming faintly fell under the wind, and once again avoided the intensive attack of the three people. , For the fighting power shown by the three, Brother Ming is indeed slightly different. In Brother Ming’s memory, although the three are very strong, they are not as strong as they are now. Forced back.

“It wasn’t possible, but thanks to you Dover, if it weren’t for the way you taught us to awaken our ability, we would definitely not be your opponent.”

Torrepol Heal laughed. The reason why the three of them can show such a strong ability is in the final analysis because Ming Ge, who taught the three people the tricks of fruit awakening many years ago, originally intended to enhance it. The combat power of the Donquixote Family, the identity of the three people is special, and they soon combined some special methods according to the tricks provided by Ming Ge, the successful Master’s awakening ability,

Because of this, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and even after the joint attack, it can fight the Four Emperors!

After Torrepol explained, a touch of mockery appeared on the faces of the three of them, as if they were mocking Ming who picked up a rock and hit him in the foot.

“It’s as if you are my opponents now, little divine ruling.”

Brother Ming gave a weird smile. From start to finish, he didn’t give his full strength. He just wanted to see the abilities of the three of them. When the cross was drawn to the bottom, the pupils of the three Torrepol suddenly shrank!

0…seeking flowers.0

The next moment a cross made up of three fingers thick and thin line fell from the sky, and the three of them flew away in different directions for the first time, but the cross was always on top of the three of them. No matter how the three of them moved, the cross still penetrated directly. The defense of the three directly nailed the three to the ground!

The eyes of the three of Torrepol were full of shock. Ming Ge had never used this trick just now in previous battles, even when he was fighting against Four Emperors or even Sengoku! Brother Ming had hidden his strength before, or is he always getting stronger?!


“Did I not tell you that awakening is not just a period? Give your all your strength, for the sake of so many years, I will give you a chance to do your best.”

Seeing the three of them turn from mocking expressions to extremely shocked, the corners of Ming Ge’s mouth evokes a long-lost arc. He hasn’t seen such a change in expressions anymore.

Brother Ming’s malicious interest reproduced again, and he snapped his fingers immediately, and the line that pinned the three people suddenly disappeared.

Dressrosa logically says that there is a big trap waiting for him. People have not really done their best yet.

“Slimy Profound Meaning and Fusion!”

“Rock Upanishad·Fusion!

“Flying upright and fusion!

The three of Torrepol looked at each other, and even if they realized the seriousness of the situation, they immediately jumped together without saying a word. With a sound, the slime on Torrepol’s body seemed to have been alive, and all three of them were wrapped in it at once!

The mucus squirmed for a long time, and his body grew bigger and bigger, the next moment a brand new person appeared in front of Brother Ming! +.

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