Chapter 93 Tsunade (Abridged Chapter)

“Keep on looking, be sure to find him,

Brian glanced at Eric, and even if he glanced at everyone coldly, whether it was for Nirvana or the development after the Six Demon Generals, Geral must return.

“Master Brian! I found Master Geral’s whereabouts! Those of us in the Nightsong Forest saw Master Gerald enter the Nightsong Forest with a little girl, and that little girl should be the Dragon Slayer in the Demon Cat’s Nest Magister, Wendy Marbel.”

When everyone was dismissive, suddenly a member of the dark union outside the Six Demon Generals entered the hall and reported the news of Geral, along with Wendy’s related intelligence.

“Nightsong Forest! People from the Demon Cat’s Place! What the bastard Gerald wants to do?!”

Brian’s gaze suddenly became extremely fierce. The Nightsong Forest is where Nirvana is hidden, and the people in the Demon Cat’s Nest are the only people who have a deep understanding of Nirvana. Organized, but found someone else and entered the Nightsong Forest, so Geral’s purpose became thought-provoking.

“It seems that this guy wants to swallow Nirvana alone. The tower of the paradise fails, so he wants Nirvana. His ambition is not small. It seems that when he was hiding in the Magic Council, he recruited a lot of subordinates, even the demon cat. The dragon-slayer wizards in the lodging are all his people.”

Eric sneered and took the lead in analyzing Geral’s psychology with his own mind. No matter how you look at Geral’s goal, it is to move to Nirvana, and what makes Eric more concerned about is the Dragon Slayer. Even acting with him, this means that in the past few years Geral has been accumulating strength silently, whether for the General of the Six Devils, or for Eric personally, this is not what everyone wants to see.

“Hmph, no matter what Geral wants to do! Find him first! If he betrays, then solve him, no one can block our way.”

Brian snorted coldly. Eric said these things in front of everyone, undoubtedly wanting to provoke separation, but this time, he did not stop Eric, because Geral’s behavior touched him. The bottom line, in Brian’s eyes, Nirvana is his. Now Geral acts arbitrarily, which is tantamount to moving his things, which Brian cannot tolerate.

After that, Brian activated the magic circle and teleported all of the six demon generals to the nearest location from the Nightsong Forest.

“Here, here is the burial site of the ancient war weapon (Nirvana). I sneaked into the dark trade union. Although I was eventually eroded by Jeff’s will, it was not for nothing. The location and activation method of this weapon are my gains. It is also one of the main goals of the Dark Union.”

At the same time, Geral has taken Wendy, unlocked several broken illusions and broken barriers, and entered the true core of the Nightsong Forest, the location of Nirvana!

What appeared in front of the two of them was a huge ancient tree, and this ancient tree was now penetrated by countless magic light locks, and a few faint black auras emerged from the trunk through which the light locks penetrated. This is the sealed Nirvana, but after four hundred years, the seal to block Nirvana has begun to show loopholes. This can be seen even by Wendy and Xia Lulu who do not understand seals and enchantments.

“Then we are here to make it?”

Wendy looked at Geral with some worry, wondering what the purpose of Geral came here.

“In order to destroy it, it would be too dangerous for such a weapon to be used by the Dark Union Master. You (you can see it with the money) have begun to leak holes in the seal of Nirvana. It will take more than ten years at most for the Dark Union to leak out. It will be a disaster to find here, so I will break this seal first, and then use self-discipline magic to destroy it when Nirvana is most vulnerable. This is the only chance to destroy it.”

Gerald smiled, gave Wendy an answer that made Wendy feel at ease, and emphasized that the only way to destroy Nirvana was to not give Wendy a chance to stop it at all, and he directly stretched his hand on the tree trunk and started to cast the magic circle. , Suddenly the chains on the entire ancient tree began to disintegrate one after another, and the entire Ye Gesen began to tremble slightly.

“Geral! What are you doing?!”

Suddenly Brian’s stern shout came, and the corners of Geral’s mouth that turned away from the crowd suddenly tickled.

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