Listening to Orochimaru's question, Naruto smiled slightly.

"Some things may sound incredible, but they are real. If I say that I have died once and come back to save the world, would you believe me, Uncle Snake?"

Orochimaru said seriously He looked at Naruto for a few seconds and said, "I believe it, because nothing is more incredible than your behavior and existence."

Naruto smiled knowingly and said, "Uncle Snake, your desire for truth is really Far beyond me."

Orochimaru looked at Naruto and said: "According to the information you gave me, even if we cultivate the Samsara Eye in your body, we lack the cultivation body, and this cultivation body... ...”

Orochimaru took out the scroll Naruto gave him, looked at Naruto and said: "Are you going to catch him back?"

Naruto was rarely lost in thought and said: "If my guess is correct, Obito attacked the After Ye's failure, he had to face the five major powers, namely The ninja army that is about to be formed will have to face us who cannot be destroyed, he will be very anxious!

Once anxious, he will use his trump card, but unfortunately, the means by which he controls the trump card is my eyes, which he will definitely not be able to take away , so he will definitely think of the same method as me to cultivate a new Samsara Eye! "

Orochimaru thought: "Well, if it were me, I would do the same, not to mention that Kabuto seems to be cooperating with Obito , should provide him with corresponding biotechnology support. "

Naruto smiled and said: "I guessed it."

Orochimaru subconsciously tried: "Then we..."

Thinking of the Sand Village, Senju Granny is also in Kabuto's hands. Otherwise, Senju Granny's Reincarnation Technique is a very good technique. Naruto thinks that if necessary, he should talk to Kabuto. If it doesn't work, he should hurry up and let Tsunade Granny form The five great allied forces will attack Obito.

At that time, the five Kages will lead the five great allied forces. Obito, who does not have the Samsara Eye, will have no choice but to summon Madara. When that time comes, he will take action himself.

There will be many changes and opportunities in this process. Right now, all Naruto can do is to finish the tasks at hand.

"Wait for the opportunity."

So Naruto got up and walked outside. Go.

Orochimaru smiled slightly, thinking to himself, it turns out that Naruto, who has always taken the initiative, also has to wait for the wind to blow.

Naruto came to Senior Sister Xiaonan, who had already summoned thirty-six talented people from the Hidden Rain Village. The youngest child was twelve years old, and the oldest was sixteen.

Naruto looked and counted, and found that there were more boys, twenty-two, and only fourteen girls.

Xiaonan looked at these children and said, "They are all Yuyin, born and raised here. They were found in the village when they were young. Their political background is absolutely clean, and they are absolutely obedient to God."

There was a boy who was quite courageous, looking at Xiaonan Whispering with Naruto, he suddenly had some guesses in his heart and asked, "Excuse me, are you the god Pain?"

Naruto originally wanted to say that he was a god, and then in order not to erase the totem established in the children's hearts, Naruto smiled and said, "Yes, I am the God Pain you are talking about!"

The children immediately showed admiration.

Naruto was immediately touched, because when the Third Hokage came to the Ninja School to give lectures, he was also This kind of admiring eyes.

"I want to work hard to become a figure like Pain!"

"Yes, I want to too!"

"Hahaha, you are the last one, how can you compare to me? I am the real Pain. "God, feel the pain!"

As the child spoke, he opened his arms to release the ultimate move.

Naruto smiled slightly. How come this little guy is so much like his former middle school self? So he squatted down and said, "Hey, kid, what's your name?"

The kid who was being questioned saw Naruto asking him He was immediately as excited as if he was called by his idol.

"To reply... to God Pain, my name is Yahiko."

Naruto frowned and looked back at Konan. Konan said, "He is a war The orphan was adopted by Nagato and I, and I gave her this name. "

I see.

Naruto looked at him and smiled, "Then Yahiko, what's your last name?"

Yahiko smiled and said, "I I was adopted by Angel Sister and have lived in Yuyin since I was a child, so I gave myself a name, Yuyin-Yahiko.

Naruto laughed, what a sunny and optimistic child


"Then can you tell me why you want to become a god like Pein?"

Yahiko said without hesitation: "Because as long as I become a powerful person like Lord Pein, everyone in the village will recognize me and admit that I am powerful!"

The smile on Naruto's eyes became stronger. He stood up and looked at these people and said: "How many people have the same idea as Yahiko? Raise your hands!"

As soon as Naruto said this, the children looked at each other, and then saw someone raised their hands, and the others followed suit. Only a few people did not raise their hands.

Naruto pointed at the few people who did not raise their hands and asked what their purpose was?

Among them, a little girl named Haruyu said: "In fact, I am not sure if I can become a figure like Lord Pein. My dream is actually very simple. I want to learn powerful medical skills. If my companions are injured, or people in the village are injured, I can treat them and protect them."

Several other boys and girls said that they are willing to follow the companions who can become the god of Pein and protect Yuyin together.

Naruto praised: "Very good, finding your own ninja way is the most important point."

Then, Naruto looked at those who raised their hands and said: "In fact, I want to tell you who want to be like me, it is not that you will be recognized by everyone if you become Pain God, but you can become Pain God only if you are recognized by everyone, do you understand?"

When Naruto said this, the thirty-six people below all opened their mouths slightly and looked at Naruto, because in their world values, powerful people will be admired and recognized by everyone.

However, Naruto was instilling the concept of their team and village.

Xiaonan knew that Naruto was establishing the values ​​of the organization.

Then, Naruto looked at Yuyin Yahiko and said, "Yahiko, your name was the name of a very outstanding ninja in the Tian organization. Later, he died on the road to protecting Yuyin. So, don't live up to the name given to you by Angel Sister, and grow up quickly!"

Yuyin Yahiko looked at Xiaonan in surprise, and a different emotion surged in his heart. He always regarded Angel Sister as a mother. He didn't expect that his name was so meaningful.

He looked into Naruto's eyes, showed a firm look and said, "I will."

Naruto patted his shoulder, and then said, "I will introduce your coach to you later."

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