The two of them were very close.

"Junior brother, I am very conflicted."

Konan looked at Naruto and opened her mouth.

Naruto looked at Senior Sister Konan and asked, "Why are you conflicted, Senior Sister Konan?"

Konan took a sip of water. Since she chose to talk, she opened her heart completely. She looked at Naruto and said, "You know, Junior brother, before, Nagato, Yahiko, and I all became orphans because of the war and the destruction of our families, and thus came together!

Yahiko has always been the eldest among us. Since we met, he has been taking care of Nagato and me. At the beginning, I also treated him as my brother!

However, as the days went by, I began to have some subtle feelings for him!

Later, I We met Jiraiya, who taught us ninjutsu and survival. Later, after the teacher left, Yahiko advocated the establishment of Akatsuki. I followed him like a secretary, taking care of Akatsuki's internal affairs!

Watching him running forward, I was deeply attracted by his appearance, and his idea of ​​founding Akatsuki also deeply touched me. That was when I knew that I fell in love with Yahiko! "

When Konan said this, her eyes revealed the light of love. Naruto could see from Konan's expression at this moment that she should be very happy at that time!

But suddenly, Senior Sister Xiaonan's eyes dimmed, "But, I didn't have time to express this love. In a battle with Hanzo, Yahiko died! It was at that time that Nagato began to run wild, and the power of the Samsara Eye was fully developed. It was at that time that Pain was created, and Nagato began to fall into a state of godhood. Under the temptation of Obito, he frantically collected the power of the tailed beasts!"

Naruto nodded. He knew this. In his previous life, he was Pain created by Nagato. When he came to Konoha to find him, the two sides started a war. It was at that time that Hinata was on the battlefield, whitening herself, and after being injured, she completely went berserk.

Xiaonan continued: "After Yahiko left, I felt empty. Fortunately, I still had Nagato. At that time, I regarded Nagato as my only relative. So, even if I opposed what he wanted to do, Nagato's consciousness was very strong, so I had to support him!

As the days went by, I became more and more dependent on Nagato. I was particularly afraid of losing him, so my feelings for Nagato continued to increase, so that later, I felt that Nagato's life was more important than my own!"

When Naruto heard this, he subconsciously asked: "So, senior sister, you fell in love with Nagato again?"

Xiaonan's face blushed instantly, nodded, and made a mosquito sound: "Yeah."

Naruto was thoughtful, suddenly realized, and then asked tentatively: "So, senior sister, you are afraid that if I resurrect Yahiko, you don't know what state you will be in when facing Yahiko, right?"

After being exposed by Naruto, Xiaonan nodded shyly as if the last gauze of her heart window was uncovered.

After a few seconds, Xiaonan looked up at Naruto and said, "Naruto, do you think I'm a scumbag?"

Naruto smiled and said, "How can I be considered a scumbag?"

As he said that, Naruto looked at Senior Sister Xiaonan and asked, "Then, does Senior Brother Nagato know that you like him? Have you ever confessed to him?"

Xiaonan shook her head.

Naruto clapped his hands and said, "That's it, how can this be considered a scumbag! At most, it's your own choice in your heart. You haven't officially confessed to Yahiko and Nagato, nor have you officially dated two people, so you are not a scumbag at all!"

Hearing Naruto say this, Xiaonan felt as if she had received a little redemption in her heart, and said gratefully, "Really, Junior Brother, do you really think so?"

Naruto nodded seriously and said, "That's natural."

As he said that, Naruto continued to enlighten: "Senior Sister, I think you shouldn't think too much, and don't deliberately cover up your own heart!

First, think about it, if you really love Senior Brother Nagato, right, then Senior Brother Yahiko appears again, for you, you will be confused, this is normal, after all, it was your first love, people have deep memories of their first love, just like me, I still feel very happy when I see Sakura now, but that is not true love!

True love is, no matter what happens,

No matter what kind of person you see, you will not change your love. That is true love. If you find that your love for Nagato Senior Brother is not deep enough because of the appearance of Yahiko, then it proves that your love for Nagato Senior Brother is not love at all!

It is just a kind of feeling that is deeper than family affection when you are in danger. It can be called a friend in need. Since you are a woman and Nagato Senior Brother is a man, you define it as a love between a man and a woman!

Second, if Senior Brother Yahiko appears and you find that your love for Senior Brother Yahiko is unstoppable, then you can love boldly. I believe that Senior Brother Nagato will not feel any unhappiness, because you may also know that Senior Brother Nagato’s love and persistence for Senior Brother Yahiko may be deeper than you, right! ”

Konan nodded in agreement. She recognized this point very much. Since Nagato founded Pain and appeared in the world with the face of Yahiko, it shows the status of Yahiko in Nagato’s heart.

“Thank you, Naruto, thank you for enlightening me! "

Looking at Naruto, Xiaonan smiled gratefully.

Naruto smiled and said, "Sister, don't be afraid to face your heart, and don't deliberately cover it up. Face it directly. When these two people appear in front of you, you will find out who you love. This is true love!"

Xiaonan nodded, then looked at Naruto and said, "Yeah, I understand, Junior Brother, but you have to promise me one thing, don't tell anyone about this!"

Naruto smiled and said, "No problem, I will pretend that Senior Sister has not come tonight!"

Xiaonan nodded with satisfaction, then stood up and said, "Okay, I won't disturb you to rest, I'm leaving."

Naruto stood up, sent Sister Xiaonan away, and then walked into Orochimaru's laboratory. Pushing open the door, Naruto smiled and said, "Sure enough, Uncle Snake, it's so late, and you're still not asleep!"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Same here. "

Naruto came to Orochimaru's experimental table and leaned against it, folded his arms over his chest, and said, "Get ready. Tomorrow, I will revive Yahiko."

Orochimaru continued to do experiments, "Do you want to revive other people?"

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled, "For now, let's see what happens later."

Orochimaru shook the test tube in his hand a few times: "Obito and Kabuto have been very quiet these days."

Naruto nodded and thought, "If I guess correctly, your beloved disciple should have opened the Samsara Eye under Obito's training!"

Orochimaru said in surprise. He didn't know where Naruto's information came from, but since Naruto said so, there must be a reason for it.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Naruto said, "The power has been accumulated almost. I guess Obito and Kabuto should also be ready to act. After all, the coalition forces of the five major countries are about to be assembled according to the date! "

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "Naruto, I'm so glad that I chose to stand with you. Otherwise, where can I see these scenes?"

Naruto smiled knowingly and said, "We have achieved each other, Uncle Snake! You are the first technological productivity in the ninja world!"

Naruto is very familiar with Orochimaru's power. After all, he found out that Orochimaru's contribution to Konoha's technology was so strong after he became Hokage!

No wonder the three generations turned a blind eye to it before. There was a reason for their feelings. At that time, Naruto understood what the thick black theory of politics was.

Therefore, after his rebirth, Naruto must bring Orochimaru under his command.

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