After the order was issued, a Kumogakure ninja walked in.


Raikage Ai nodded and said, “Come in!”

The Kumogakure ninja walked in carrying a wooden plate. Seeing this, Mabui stepped forward to take it.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

The Kumogakure male heard Mabui thank him, looked up and blushed, “It’s my duty, Mabui-sama.”

In the Kumogakure Village, Mabui is the intellectual queen in the minds of all male ninjas. Many younger Kumogakure ninjas have seen her in their dreams when they were young and frivolous.

As for Samui, she is completely F-sister, and she is completely different from Mabui!

Mabui held the wooden plate and placed it on the round table, smiling, “This is the Ninja Alliance forehead protector designed by Lord Mifune himself. It is ready. Although the cloth strips on the forehead protector are still made according to the representative colors of each village, the unified word “nin” represents the consciousness of the alliance! This is the finished product, please take a look.”

Mifune smiled proudly, “Please don’t dislike my work. You who used to disagree can finally stand on the same front. Moreover, as a samurai, I can also stand and fight with all the ninjas. I, Mifune, am honored!”

Onoki gestured to Akagi and took a piece of red He took the cloth forehead protector with the word “Ninja” from Iwagakure and looked at it in his hands. He touched it and said with a hint of amusement: “People, sometimes living longer is a good thing. I never thought that one day I would be able to wear the forehead protector of the Ninja Alliance. Hahaha! Mifune, your design is really good!”

Gaara smiled and said: “As long as we work hard, a more incredible peace situation will appear in front of us in the future. By then, there will be no fighting in the whole ninja world. Everyone will live in harmony. The so-called hatred and resentment will no longer devour the ninjas!”

The leaders present nodded one after another.

Outside the office.

The entire Kumogakure has become the garrison of the Ninja Alliance. There are tents everywhere. Ninjas from different villages wearing different ninja costumes gather together peacefully and work together!

At the place where new forehead protectors of the ninja coalition were distributed, a captain shouted, “Next one!”

A Konoha ninja stepped forward and said, “Yes! I’m from Konoha.”

The ninja who distributed the forehead protectors picked a forehead protector with the same color as Konoha’s original forehead protector and handed it to the Konoha ninja. After the Konoha ninja took it, he took off his own Konoha forehead protector, put it away, and put on the new “Ninja” forehead protector!

The ninjas from other villages also changed their positions.

Just as everyone was ready, a man came over. It was Kanjiro. He looked at everyone and said, “Everyone, let me introduce myself. I’m Kanjiro, the Sand Ninja who serves as the captain of the surprise attack team!”

Sai happened to be in this team. After listening to Kanjiro’s introduction, he came over with great interest and said, “Kankuro, what nickname should I give you? Hmm…”

As he said that, Sai touched his chin, thinking.

Kanjiro was surprised. What did this Konoha ninja mean? He always liked to give people nicknames.

Omoi’s forehead was sweating. He looked at Kanjiro with a questioning look, and complained in his heart: “You are kidding, can you really send such a young person as the captain? It’s better to send Darui. After all, he is the right-hand man of Raikage. He knows his strength. Can this guy do it? Will he mess up the mission!”

For a moment, Omoi fell into serious self-worry.

On the other side, the managers in charge of each task began to report the situation:

“All the forehead protectors have been distributed!”

“Medical supplies have been checked!”

“Food has been confirmed!”


One after another, the voices of confirmation came, and the senior ninja in charge of statistics put a √ one by one, and then asked everyone who reported to him to sign to confirm that it was correct.

Suddenly, a pig grunted. The senior ninja in charge of the inspection looked down and frowned. He immediately shouted, “Where is the ninja in charge of counting the food? Where did he go?”

A Hidden Rock Ninja ran over and said, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

The senior ninja in the inspection pointed at the pig on the ground angrily and said, “What’s wrong? The pig has run out. What’s wrong? Hurry up and catch it. If it doesn’t work, just kill it on the spot and eat it first!”

The Hidden Rock Ninja looked at the pig, frowned, and wondered, “No, where did the live food come from? How could there be a pig? There is no pig in the military rations!”

Just as he was wondering, a delicate hand reached out to the pig and took it away.He picked her up.

The Iwagakure ninja looked up and saw that she was a Konoha ninja, a woman. He scratched his head curiously and asked, “Excuse me, who are you?”

Shizune left with the pig in her arms. Over there, a roar came from the food unit: “The captain is here, everyone assemble!”

The stunned Iwagakure ninja hurried back. Here, the senior ninja in charge of inspection knew Konoha Shizune. The moment she appeared, he understood.

Shizune walked in front of the food ninjas and said, “Everyone, let me introduce myself. I am the captain of this unit. It’s our first meeting. Please give me your guidance!

Now, I will announce the first order of this captain. Always remember that this pig is not food!!!”

The stunned Iwagakure ninja was embarrassed and turned to look at the senior ninja in charge of inspection. As a result, that guy had already slipped away!

Here is the intelligence unit.

Haiyi looked at the people in front of him and said: “Everyone, our intelligence unit controls the communication between the various units. Once we have a problem, the communication between the various units may be interrupted, and there may be untimely support and inadequate information communication, resulting in casualties!

So, I implore you to give me 100% of your energy and go all out to accurately and quickly deliver every useful intelligence we collect to the corresponding units. Everyone, do you understand?”

Everyone: “Hi!”

Sensing unit here.

Xi looked worried and frowned, saying, “I never thought that the war that I thought was far away would actually happen in front of me this time!”

Qing looked at Xi and asked with concern, “Is this your first time on the battlefield?”

Xi nodded and said, “Yes.”

Qing looked at Xi and said, “I’ve heard that Lord Raikage has two right-hand men, and you are one of them! Our perception unit is the eyes of the ninja unit. If we don’t go all out, it may cause the ninja coalition to lose sight of the road ahead!”

Speaking of this, Qing patted Xi’s shoulder and said, “Don’t insult us. , you are the arm of Lord Raikage, Xi! ”

Xi took a deep breath, looked at Qing and said: “I understand, Captain Qing! I will never embarrass Lord Raikage!”

Qing smiled and said: “Then this time, I will enjoy the treatment of Lord Raikage for a while, and let you play auxiliary!”

Xi said with confidence: “I will go all out!”

Qing then looked at everyone and said: “Everyone, you too, don’t disgrace the reputation of your respective villages!”

Everyone in the perception team: “Hi!”

Woo woo woo…….

The sobbing horn sounded, and the captains of each team looked up, this is the signal to assemble!

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