After Duan and Asuma landed, Tsunade rushed over directly!

Seeing this, Ding Zuo hurriedly flashed over and blocked Tsunade and said: “Hokage-sama, you take command, I will deal with them here!”

Duan was surprised when he heard it: “Hokage-sama? Just now they said that the Hokage is coming, so they are talking about you, Tsunade?”

Tsunade nodded and said: “Ah, yes, Duan.”

Sarutobi Asuma said with emotion: “Princess Tsunade has become Hokage, it’s great, Ding Zuo, long time no see!”

Ding Zuo held the stick and said: “Yes, Asuma.”

Duan heard it and stared at Ding Zuo carefully, and suddenly realized Dawu said: “So that’s how it is, you’ve grown up, Ding Zuo!”

Ding Zuo gritted his teeth and said: “Brother Duan, facing you, I have to become bigger!”

Tsunade said: “Ding Zuo, you go deal with Asuma, leave Duan to me!”

Ding Zuo heard this, looked back at Tsunade, and then nodded. He also knew that Duan’s strength was stronger than his, and it would not be good for him to stop him by force. What’s more, he also learned that there was a slight relationship between Hokage and Duan, so it would be better to let them fight!

As he said that, Ding Zuo waved his big stick and said, “Asuma, here I come!”

Asuma’s body automatically attacked and shouted, “Okay! Ding Zuo, how is Shikamaru?”

The two chatted while fighting, and Ding Zuo said, “Shikamaru was depressed for a long time after your death. Later, with the encouragement of Shikaku, he cheered up, inherited your legacy, and now has become an outstanding ninja!

In this Ninja World War, he is the acting captain of the Fourth Army. At present, he is leading half of the troops to support! By the way, Dingci and Ino will also come!”

When Asuma heard this, tears welled up in his eyes. He was very relieved. Shikamaru has grown up and can stand on his own. It’s great, it’s really great!

I heard Ding Zuo say that he was rushing here. So, I still have a chance to see them?

For a moment, Asuma didn’t hate this technique anymore. He could see his children and his jades again, which made him very happy!

“Zuo Ding, I’m out of control now, you have to be careful, stop me!”

Zuo Ding roared, and changed his voice directly: “I know! I’m coming, Asuma!”

On the other side, more than 20 ninjas were besieging a reincarnated person, who was the former head of the Hyuga clan branch, Hyuga Hizashi!

“Everyone, attack with all your strength and throw your weapons!”

As they said, everyone shot their weapons in all directions without dead ends!

Hyuga Hizashi saw this and directly made a seal: “Return to the sky!”

It spun at high speed, forming a protective layer, blocking all weapons and knocking them away.

After Hyuga Hizashi blocked all the attacks, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Hyuga Hiashi, the current head of the Hyuga clan!

Although he was reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation, there was still a mark of a caged bird on Hyuga Hizashi’s forehead. He looked at Hyuga Hiashi and said apologetically, “Brother! I’m sorry, I, the branch family that was supposed to protect the main family, became the enemy of the main family! This is the punishment for my hatred for the main family!

I couldn’t control my body. In the end, my will to choose death for the sake of the village was also denied. So, please tell Neji that I didn’t die to protect the main family, but I chose death to protect Neji, my brothers, my family, and the village!

Perhaps, this This is the fate that I, as a member of the branch family, cannot escape!”

After hearing his brother’s words, Hyuga Hiashi raised his hand and shouted with a stern face: “That kind of fate does not exist! Your son has fought to prove this point until now, and my daughter is the same!”

Hyuga Hiashi was surprised: “Ningci? Lady Hinata? They actually…”

Hyuga Hiashi said: “Now they are fighting side by side to fight against this fate together, and they are following the troops to support this side, I believe they will arrive soon!”

Hearing that Neci will arrive soon, Hyuga Hiashi was a little dazed for a moment.

I can actually… see my son again!


Duan and Tsunade looked at each other.

For a moment, the two people were thinking about each other, as if they had returned to the original time.

Duan smiled at Tsunade and said, “Tsunade, you fulfilled my dream!”

Tsunade’s eyes were filled with tears when she heard this. Yes, Duan, the person he once secretly loved and the person he tried to confess to, his dream was to become a Hokage, to protect the village, to protect everyone, but unfortunately, he died on the road to his ideal!

Tsunade wiped the tears from her eyes, looked at Duan and said, “Duan, actually, I have always wanted to say something to you, but unfortunately I have never said it.If you are resurrected, I don’t want to leave this regret. In fact, I have always liked you! ”

Duan smiled and nodded, “I know, I have always known, but I ignored you on the road to chasing my dream. Sorry, Tsunade!”

Tsunade took a deep breath and smiled calmly, “It’s okay. You will always stand in my memory of youth, at the intersection of eighteen years old!

Oh, by the way, I have good news to tell you, I found someone who really loves me!”

Duan was slightly stunned, and then said, “Is it Jiraiya?”

Tsunade was stunned and said, “How do you know?”

Duan smiled and said, “That guy has been paying attention to you since he was a child, following you, and constantly confessing to you. Even a fool can see it! It’s great, I feel relieved if it’s him! ”

Duan was very relieved. He was already dead. He knew about Tsunade’s feelings when he was young, but there were many wars at that time, and he might die, so he did not accept Tsunade’s love because he could not protect this love!

Now, he is very relieved to know that Tsunade has found someone who loves her, and it is Jiraiya!

He knows what kind of person Jiraiya is. Jiraiya is absolutely sincere to Tsunade, so Tsunade will definitely be very happy with him!

Tsunade also smiled happily. Since Jiraiya was rescued from Yuyin by Naruto, Tsunade found that the person she cherished most in her life now was him. If she didn’t associate with him anymore, she might really regret it for the rest of her life!

This fool made a bet with himself when he went to Yuyin. If he came back alive, he would Just accept his love!

Tsunade understood that if there was no Naruto, Jiraiya would have died in Yugakure!

Her gambling luck had always been bad, and this time, she lost happily and convinced herself of her loss!

So, one night, Tsunade gave herself to Jiraiya, letting him pick the scenery he had always longed for!

Tsunade wanted to laugh when she thought of Jiraiya’s appearance. He also called himself a lustful immortal. Looking at his usual arrogant appearance, in the end, he was still an old novice!

I really didn’t expect that for so many years, he had a frivolous appearance and went to wash his feet every day, but in the end, he had never been on the battlefield. He was actually a new soldier like herself!

Duan looked at Tsunade’s happy smile and felt very relieved in his heart. It was great.

Suddenly, an order came, and Duan shouted: “No, I can’t control my body, be careful, Tsunade!”

Tsunade also said seriously: “I know, Duan, I will stop you personally!”

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