Kanjiro controlled the puppet scorpion and fought with Chiyo!

“Chiyo, it seems that you have no fighting spirit at all. It seems that if the puppeteer is controlled by others, it will be over!”

Chiyo snorted coldly: “Young man, don’t be too arrogant. Don’t underestimate this technique of reincarnation. Once the caster is serious, it will be over!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Kabuto directly launched the ninjutsu.

Chiyo glared and roared: “Be careful, Kanjiro, it’s coming just after I finished speaking!”

As she said, Chiyo stretched out her hands, and chakra lines shot out from her ten fingers.

“Rihaku Secret Technique, Ten Machines Pseudo-Matsu Collection!”

Swish, swish, swish, the ten samurai lying on the ground were all controlled by the chakra lines, and then they jumped into the air, raised their samurai swords, and slashed at Kanjiro!

Due to the battle with Naruto’s shadow clone, Chiyo’s puppets were basically smashed one by one by Naruto’s Rasengan. There was no other way. To perform this secret technique, he could only use local materials to act as puppets!

Kanjiurong gritted his teeth. He was able to cut off Chiyo’s chakra line just now because Chiyo hadn’t really started. The hidden weapons in the Scorpion puppet were also sufficient, but now they have all been fired!

All the attackers were samurai. Although they were all dead samurai, Kanjiurong couldn’t do it to the corpses of his companions!

“No way!”

Kanjiurong took out the scroll and pulled it out directly. With two bangs, two puppets came out!

It was Scorpion’s parents puppet.

With two swooshes, Scorpion’s parents shot out two steel wires directly, cut off Chiyo’s chakra line, and then guarded the Scorpion puppet.

Chiyo looked at the family of three, her eyes full of emotion.

Kanjiro also knew that Chiyo was in a very heavy mood, and said, “I recovered Scorpion and his parents, and repaired them. Chiyo, although I am young, I can still feel the grief hidden in your chakra line!”

Chiyo frowned and said, “Don’t be so arrogant, kid!”

Kanjiro said, “Scorpion entrusted everything to me. I can feel that these three puppets have Scorpion’s consciousness and Scorpion’s unique emotions!”

Chiyo frowned and said, “Even you think that puppets have emotions!”

Kanjiro nodded seriously and said, “You have also controlled Scorpion’s parents puppets. You should understand the emotions that Scorpion has injected into them. I think this is still a real work of art, and as a puppeteer, it is necessary to pass this on!”

Chiyo seemed to have a ray of light in her eyes.

Yes, a puppet made by a puppeteer is not just a puppet, but also has emotions in it. In the past, I cared too much about the mission and the trust of the buyer!

It was my persistence that created the tragedy of Scorpion.

Grandma Chiyo smiled and said, “In that case, I will also entrust you with something. Watch out, Kankuro, learn well, this is the only chance!”

Kankuro controlled the three puppets and said in a serious battle, “Okay, let me understand it!”

Here, Naruto faced Kimimaro. Kimimaro’s bone spurs were not a problem at all in Naruto’s view, so it was more than enough to beat Kimimaro!

Mifune wanted to help, but was persuaded by Naruto: “Mifune-sama, no need to help, I can deal with him!”

Kimimaro said angrily: “Don’t underestimate me, I am the most valued subordinate of Orochimaru-sama!”

Naruto smiled slightly. This guy, like Kabuto, is probably a senior admirer of Orochimaru!

“Kimimaro, Orochimaru is cooperating with me now, do you know that?”

Kimimaro sneered: “Stop lying, you nine-tailed demon fox, what kind of role is Lord Orochimaru, you are also worthy of cooperating with Lord Orochimaru, stop dreaming!”

Naruto shook his head, this kind of fanatical worship cannot be solved with just one sentence, forget it, send you on your way!

As he said, Naruto stretched out his palm directly: “Tianyin of All Things!”

With a whoosh, Kimimaro was sucked in directly. He was very shocked and raised his hand in a hurry. A bone spur was exposed and inserted directly into the ground. He wanted to block it, but it went further and further forward!

“Damn, this guy!”

Naruto frowned and grabbed his hand slightly. Kimimaro immediately felt a strong suction force!

There was no way. Kimimaro was instantly covered with bone spurs, and then suddenly shot out, swish swish swish, like a hedgehog throwing bombs, rushed out!

Naruto was not panicked at all. Just as he was about to react, Mifune blocked him directly with a sword style!

Clang clang clang.

Bone spurs fell one after another, but were all blocked by Mifune!

Kimimaro was stunned. Mifune snorted coldly, smiled slightly, then stepped back and dodged to the side..

Naruto smiled slightly, and the Rasengan in his other hand was ready. Kimimaro came up and directly printed the Rasengan on it.

The Rasengan rotated and printed directly on Kimimaro’s stomach. Kimimaro was unwilling to accept it. It seemed that this was the only way!

Naruto shouted, and the Rasengan was pushed out. Kimimaro’s stomach was directly pierced, revealing a big hole, and a large piece of debris was scattered.

Kimimaro was completely useless.

“Where is the sealed ninja!”

Naruto roared, and the sealed ninja behind him rushed over. With a whoosh, the cloth binding technique attacked, and Kimimaro was sealed.

After sealing Kimimaro, Naruto shouted to Kankuro over there: “Kankuro, are you done over there!”

Kankuro controlled Scorpion and his parents’ puppets and was fighting with Scorpion!

“Right away!”

Grandma Chiyo sneered, “I won’t hold back, Kanjiurang, you better be careful!”

Kanjiurang wiped the blood off his cheek and said, “Of course I know. It’s my honor to learn from Grandma Chiyo’s puppetry! Here I come, Grandma!”

Kanjiurang used his black secret technique, and with a twitch of the chakra line, a bound puppet jumped out of the ground and bit off Grandma Chiyo’s ankle!

Grandma Chiyo was a little surprised and said, “You have been running away just to lure me here?”

Kanjiurang nodded and said, “Ah, Grandma Chiyo’s puppetry is very powerful. If she can still move, it will be too troublesome. So, I have no choice but to find a way to trap you first!”

As he said that, Kanjiurang did not give Grandma Chiyo a chance, and activated the puppets of Scorpion and his parents, and rushed up directly!

The sound of the puppets running resounded throughout the forest!

Chiyo continued to use the Ten Secret Techniques and attacked Kanjuro. Kanjuro controlled Scorpion’s parents and shot out steel wires again to cut off the chakra line. Scorpion’s puppet rushed directly to Chiyo. Chiyo was controlled by Kabuto and could only shoot out chakra lines. She wanted to compete with Kanjuro for the puppet, but how could Kanjuro let her do so!

“Rest in peace, Chiyo!”

Kanjuro pulled hard, and the Scorpion puppet attacked Chiyo like a ghost!

With a bang, Scorpion’s hand pierced Chiyo’s chest!

Kanjuro and Kabuto were surprised at the same time. Even Naruto squinted his eyes, and Mifune sighed, because they all saw that at the last moment, Chiyo gave up resistance and did not react, but opened her chest!

Granny Chiyo looked at Scorpion’s puppet in front of her, slowly raised her arm, touched Scorpion’s face, and said with a smile: “Scorpion, perhaps, as a grandmother, I am not qualified. You could have become a great puppeteer, but in the end, because of me…”

Granny Chiyo smiled bitterly, and finally turned her head to look at Naruto over there, and said with a smile: “Naruto, the best thing I did in my life was to save Gaara and believe in your friendship with Gaara!

Hahaha, the Impure World Reincarnation Technique invented by the Second Hokage is really touching. At least it makes me, an old woman, realize my dream.”

After saying that, Granny Chiyo automatically released herself.

Mifune shouted: “Seal the ninja!”

The cloth binding technique unfolded, and layer after layer of cloth strips attacked, wrapping Granny Chiyo and completely sealing her up.

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