After Naruto finished speaking, Fugaku was the first to stand up. He came to Itachi, put his hand on Itachi’s shoulder, and comforted him: “Itachi, you have worked hard! These past ten years must have been very painful!”

Itachi looked at Fugaku and shook his head with a smile.

Mikoto also let go of Sasuke, came to Itachi, touched his face and said: “You have suffered, child.”

Outsiders may not understand Itachi, but as Itachi’s parents, Fugaku and Mikoto can understand Itachi.

As Fugaku said, for them, the pain is only the moment of death, but for Itachi, it is a torture that lasts for more than ten years!

Not only must he endure the self-blame of killing his parents and the infamy of killing his clan members, but more importantly, he must accept the hatred of his beloved brother, Sasuke!

Even so, he did not forget to guard Konoha and protect Konoha!

It can be said that in the past ten years, Itachi has never been calm when he is alone in private, because he said that he has to continue to complete the unfinished tasks while feeling guilty and blaming himself.

Therefore, for Itachi, fighting with Sasuke and dying in Sasuke’s hands was a kind of relief for him.

Because he finally died with a clear conscience, when facing Sasuke at the end, Itachi raised his bleeding hand, touched Sasuke’s forehead, planted the last Amaterasu technique to protect him, and said the classic words: “Forgive me, Sasuke, this is the last time!”

Then he fell to the ground and died.

It was because of this that Sasuke understood the pain and struggle of his brother Itachi. After Obito told him the truth, he was very painful and finally understood that his brother had always loved him deeply.

Now, Sasuke is complete. He resurrected his parents and most of the Uchiha clan.

However, not everyone can understand Itachi!

Someone stood up and shouted: “Don’t make Itachi sound so great! What’s the point of starting from the village! It makes us Uchiha clan have no sense of the overall situation!”

Someone next to him echoed: “That’s right! At the beginning, Itachi was a spy sent by our Uchiha clan to infiltrate the Konoha high-level. If Itachi chose our side, and Shisui also stood by our clan, we could have ended the battle quickly!”

“That’s right! If Itachi didn’t tell the news, we could have quickly solved the Konoha high-level, the Third Generation, Danzo, the two staff officers, and the direct Hokage Anbu!”

“That’s right! If Shisui joined the battle, we could have used the strongest illusion to control the Third Generation, so as to achieve less bloodshed and sacrifice!”

Faced with these insults, Shisui said: “Why must we launch a coup? Can’t we just have a good talk!”

Someone in the crowd laughed.

“Hahaha, Shisui, you are the strongest illusionist in Uchiha, are you blind? The weak and incompetent way of ruling by the Third Hokage allowed Danzo to do whatever he wanted, and also used the Nine-Tails incident to suppress our Uchiha clan!”

“That’s right! In this case, what if we don’t rebel! The whole village is wary of the Uchiha clan. Since the Nine-Tails incident, it has become even more excessive. They don’t regard us as companions at all!”

“That’s right! Moreover, when Konoha was just founded, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were the two major co-founding clans. Now that the Senju clan has declined, our Uchiha clan should be in charge of Konoha. It is not the turn of the Sarutobi clan to say anything!”

“That’s right!”

“That’s right, I agree!”


The voices of rebellion still did not disappear, and they rose and fell among the crowd.

Shisui sighed and looked at Itachi. This time he finally understood why Itachi chose to exterminate the clan. There was no way to negotiate. No matter what, most of these people wanted to rebel.

Obito took the initiative to stand up and looked at everyone and said: “The Nine-Tails incident was indeed done by the Uchiha clan!”

As soon as this was said, the opposing Uchiha clan instantly became quiet, and then cursed: “You fart!!!”

“That’s right! Apart from our ancestor Uchiha Madara, who has the ability to control the Nine-Tails! If we can control the Nine-Tails and plot a coup, we will directly rebel openly and flatten Konoha!”

“That’s right!”

Then, someone whispered: “Our captain seems to have a Mangekyō Sharingan!”


“Is it true?”

Everyone looked at Fugaku, and Fugaku shook his head and said: “I do have a Mangekyō Sharingan, but the Nine-Tails incident was not done by me!”

After Fugaku finished speaking, everyone was even more confused.

If it’s not the captain, then who is it?


Shisui shook his head and said, “At that time, I didn’t have that ability!”

“Hmm? Who is that?”

“Yes, yes!”

Faced with everyone’sDoubtfully, Obito smiled slightly, looked at everyone and said: “Yes, Uchiha Obito!”

As he said that, Obito explained everything to everyone, including how he was picked up by Madara, revived, and then turned evil!

He passed through the Konoha barrier, kidnapped his master’s wife Kuyukina, released the Nine-Tails, and attacked Konoha!

In the end, he was repelled by his master, the Fourth Hokage Minato, and the Nine-Tails was sealed in Naruto’s body.

Later, after recuperating for a few years, Itachi found him and joined forces to kill the Uchiha clan.

After Obito finished speaking, the Uchiha clan was stunned.

Damn, it feels like it was done by the Uchiha clan, and the Konoha high-level officials were not wrong.

This made them feel a little guilty, because they always believed that the Nine-Tails incident was not done by the Uchiha clan, and indeed, at that time, no one in the village was a suspect!

The only Fugaku was still leading the clan to evacuate the people when the Nine-Tails erupted.

As for the end, Minato died in battle, which also revealed that someone else released the Nine-Tails, and the Third Hokage was the last to see the death scenes of the Fourth Hokage and Kusuna.

Just as they were silent, someone discovered the blind spot.

“Wait, that Obito, what did you just say, you were picked up by Madara, and he saved you!”

Obito nodded.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

The members of the Uchiha clan shook their heads. When was Madara? He was a contemporary of the first Hokage, Hashirama. How could he live to that time?

Obito looked at everyone and said, “Madara is a very powerful person. He did rely on some means to live to that time. This requires another thing to be designed!”

As he said, Obito looked at Naruto and said, “Naruto, just project it, let them see what you have experienced from your perspective in the past ten years.”

Naruto nodded, and then came to the front of everyone.

At this time, everyone really looked at Naruto.

“Purple eyes!”

“Eye patterns like reincarnation!”

“Could it be!!!”

“Eye of the Immortal, Samsara Eye!!!”

And here, Fugaku had already noticed that Sasuke’s left eye was also a Samsara Eye.

The Naruto in front of him actually also had a Samsara Eye, what’s going on!

You know, it’s also recorded on the stone tablet that the final form of the Mangekyō Sharingan is the Samsara Eye!

Could it be that this Naruto is also from the Uchiha clan?

Just as they were wondering, Naruto’s Samsara Eye turned directly and then projected into the people present!

In an instant, these people received the images transmitted by Naruto. They saw the changes over the years, and they saw Naruto’s growth over the years!

Fugaku and Mikoto also saw it. They saw Naruto’s determination to pursue his son Sasuke!

The Uchiha clan also saw that their ancestor Madara was resurrected and fought with Hashirama!

After the projection ended, the tribesmen present fell silent, digesting the scene.

After a long while, a voice suddenly rang out from the crowd: “Damn! The third generation is really inhuman!”

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