Izuna broke away from Madara, looked at Hashirama and asked: “Brother Hashirama, do you still remember when Konoha Village was just established, you and the bastard Tobirama were discussing my brother Madara becoming Hokage in the office?”

Hashirama thought about it and said with some impression: “Yes, I remember, what happened?”

Izuna continued: “At that time, did you say that you wanted my brother Madara to become Hokage, and the bastard Tobirama said that you made your own decision, and then told you that your decision alone does not count, and you have to go for democracy!”

“More importantly, Tobirama also said that the Uchiha clan hates The stronger the will, the stronger the pupil power, and the Sharingan is even more so! Let Madara be elected Hokage, who knows what the Uchiha clan will do! ”

“And they also said that you are the biggest contributor to the establishment of Konoha, even the people of the Uchiha clan think so, so Madara can’t become Hokage. You can recommend him as a candidate for Hokage. The final choice will be decided by the Daimyo of the Land of Fire and other people in the village!”

After Izuna said this, Hashirama completely recalled that he had a quarrel with Tobirama about Madara becoming Hokage.

Izuna continued: “Brother Hashirama, didn’t you feel that there seemed to be someone outside the window at that time!”

Hashirama narrowed his eyes slightly, he had guessed it.

Izuna looked at Tobirama and said, “Yes, it was my elder brother Madara who was standing outside the window at that time. My elder brother heard the whole conversation between you and Tobirama!”

Izuna said with disgust, “At that time, Brother Hashirama, you asked Tobirama if he had sensed the presence of someone here just now.”

“Tobirama said no, he didn’t use chakra just now.”

Izuna looked at Hashirama and said, “Brother Hashirama, do you believe it! Tobirama obviously knew that my brother was coming, so he deliberately told his brother!”

Hashirama exclaimed and looked at Tobirama in surprise.

He remembered very clearly that when he came to the window, there was a leaf with a hole in the middle. When he picked it up, the leaf was cut in two.

“Tobirama, is what Izuna said true!!!”

Tobirama snorted coldly and said very frankly: “Yes, I sensed it and said it on purpose, but what I said was wrong. Look at how much disaster your Uchiha clan has left for future generations!”

Madara pulled Izuna and said: “Stop talking, Izuna!”

Izuna let go of Madara’s hand and said angrily: “I’m going to say it!”

Izuna pointed at Tobirama angrily and complained to Hashirama: “Brother Hashirama, you know, in fact, my brother is still looking forward to being Hokage under your persuasion, and even wants to devote himself to it, and transform the guilt of not protecting the Uchiha brothers into protecting the village!”

“As a result, this Tobirama was too hostile to my brother, so my brother disappeared in order not to embarrass you!”

“You know what happened later, Brother Hashirama!”

“I can say this, if my brother had become Hokage, with you, Brother Hashirama, by his side, nothing would have happened and he would have fallen into the trap of Black Zetsu!”

“It wouldn’t have happened later, because Tobirama came to power, the Uchiha clan became the police department, which caused the alienation and awe of the people in the village, and finally wanted to launch a coup, and finally was exterminated!”

After Izuna finished speaking, she looked at Hashirama and said emotionally: “Brother Hashirama, tell me, whose fault is it!”

Ban turned his back and said nothing.


When he heard the conversation between Tobirama and Hashirama, he was completely chilled.

Tobirama was too hostile to him and too prejudiced against the Uchiha clan. In order not to embarrass Hashirama, he decided not to be Hokage and disappeared.

At this moment, Hashirama looked at Madara who turned his back and knew that what Izuna said was true!



Hashirama was so angry that he came directly to Tobirama and shouted: “Tobirama, go over and admit your mistake!”

Tobirama said unhappily: “What did I do wrong! I just wanted to protect Konoha, what did I do wrong! Isn’t what I said right? The Uchiha clan is born evil!”

“You still say!!!”

Hashirama was so angry that he went up and slapped him directly.

With a snap, he slapped Tobirama in the face.

Tobirama was extremely surprised. Although the body of the Impure World Reincarnation did not hurt, this was the first time his elder brother slapped him.

Damn, when he was alive, Hashirama did not slap him. Now that he died and resurrected, he was slapped.

Tobirama was immediately aggrieved.

Pointing at Izuna, looking at Hashirama, he said angrily: “Okay, okay! He is right, go and recognize him as your brother!”

With that, Tobirama flashed away.

Sarutobi stretched out his hand and shouted: “Second-generation master, second-generation master!”

Minato sighed on the side, the grudges between the founders of Konoha were too complicated.

Madara came in front of Hashirama and said:”Hashirama, go find Tobirama.”

Hashirama waved his hand and said, “Let him go, he’s not a child anymore. He made a mistake, why don’t you admit it!”

Hashirama came to Izuna and said regretfully, “Izuna, I’m sorry. It’s my fault that I didn’t teach him well as the eldest brother. It’s really my fault that I didn’t hold your brother back! Otherwise, your brother wouldn’t have…, the ninja world wouldn’t have…, and the Uchiha clan wouldn’t have…”

Izuna understood Hashirama’s character and knew that he was sincere , so he comforted Hashirama, “Brother Hashirama, you are good in everything, but sometimes you listen to advice too much. With your strength at that time and my brother, to be honest, Susanoo Buddha, two people destroyed Shikoku, that was too easy! But in the end, you had to listen to a wide range of opinions!”

Bada was amused by his brother’s words, and helped Hashirama out, saying, “He is too peace-loving, and sometimes he is depressed and resentful!”

Hashirama rolled his eyes and said, “You two brothers are framing me together, right!”

Izuna and Madara looked at each other and laughed.

Then, Madara looked at Hashirama and said, “Hashirama, go and coax Tobirama, after all, he is the second generation Hokage, and you slap him in front of the third and fourth generations, he will lose face a little bit!”

Hashirama was still angry because he felt that what Izuna said made sense.

As the second generation, Tobirama himself was prejudiced against Uchiha, which directly affected the third generation ruling group’s view of Uchiha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is okay, after all, he is the child that he and Tobirama raised together, and he is also influenced by him a little. He puts the overall situation and unity first, and always regards Uchiha as a comrade.

Danzo is different, he is completely the other side of Tobirama’s dark successor.

In order to protect the village, he will do anything.

Thinking of this, Hashirama regrets it.

If he knew that it was Madara outside the window, he would find him back and make him the Hokage.

As long as Madara is pushed to the position of Hokage, Madara will transform his love and regard the village as his own treasure.

As Izuna said, at that time, with me as an advisor, these things in the future will never happen, and Black Zetsu will not have a chance to take advantage of it.

The Uchiha clan will also be greatly integrated into the village. After all, their eldest clan leader is the Hokage, and it is their responsibility to protect the village.

So, Hashirama said angrily: “No, let him go alone and reflect on it. I spoiled this guy too much!”

Banara sighed, and then said: “I’ll go. After all, there is indeed a big misunderstanding between me and Tobirama. I will go and solve it myself.”

Izuna and Hashirama refused, but Madara insisted. There was no way but to compromise.

Here, Tobirama flashed to a road outside the village and walked very depressed. As he walked, he was almost tripped by a stone.

Tobirama was a little angry, walked back, kicked the stone away, and did not forget to complain: “Born evil Uchiha!”

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