Kushina’s voice was deafening!

Tobirama didn’t make any movement, nor did he say anything about being born evil, or saying that he would do it himself!

He was very quiet, because he had no reason to do it, even if Kushina said that she would destroy the village.

The reason was simple, this was a mother’s sincere cry for her child.

Not only did she become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki for the sake of the village, but her husband, as the Hokage, also made her child the next Jinchuriki for the safety of the village!

That’s fine, but in the end both husband and wife died.

A true hero of Konoha.

As a result, Naruto, the son of a hero, did have a miserable childhood, and he almost turned evil.

Seeing this, Tobirama looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen again, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have chosen the wrong successor.

How come so many things happened during the reign of the third generation?

So, Tobirama remained silent and arched his head to Hashirama, meaning: You are the eldest brother, the founder of Konoha, you have something to say.

Hashirama was pushed out, looking at Kushina, he also felt a little sorry, because what Kushina said was indeed the truth.

Madara was on the side, watching the show with his brother Izuna.

At the beginning, when Madara killed himself with his own hands, he told himself: Anyone who destroys the village, he will personally eradicate it at all costs!

This was well-intentioned.

But at that time, Madara predicted: “”

Look, there are not many examples like Naruto!

The third generation did not embarrass Hashirama, and took the initiative to stand up and said: “Kukina, I’m sorry, I really neglected this matter!”

“Originally, I thought that since the news that Naruto was a Jinchūriki had been exposed, I couldn’t reveal his identity as your child, otherwise, I was afraid of being hunted down by enemies!”

“So, I let Naruto’s surname Uzumaki instead of Namikaze, because Minato ended the lives of many ninjas from other villages, and I was afraid that these people would assassinate him!”

“It’s different to have the surname Uzumaki, it can make other people misunderstand that Naruto is the same as you, a member of Uzumaki “The Jinchūriki will be selected by the clan to become the Jinchūriki!”

“If they touch the Jinchūriki, it means going to war with Konoha. They will think twice. What’s more, Naruto is under surveillance by my Anbu ninjas!”

“But I neglected Naruto’s education. This is indeed my fault. I shouldn’t have just given him money!”

Ku Xingna obviously didn’t buy it and said, “Sir, no matter what you say, you and the Konoha high-level officials just treat Naruto as a weapon, not as a companion at all!”

When Ku Xingna said this, the Third Generation was completely silent.

Kushina continued, “Uzumaki, I understand that’s your consideration, but what’s wrong with giving Naruto some love and finding a teacher to educate him!”

“There are already Anbu ninjas monitoring and protecting Naruto, it’s hard to find an Anbu guard directly under the Hokage to educate him!!!”

“In the final analysis, you just treat Naruto as a weapon, and don’t treat him as a companion of Konoha at all!”

The third generation sighed and said, “Kukishina, this is indeed my problem. The top leaders at that time were indeed very sensitive to Naruto, and I really didn’t balance it well!”

The third generation had nothing to say in the face of Kushina’s questioning.

After all, what he did was really inadequate.

If Naruto had turned evil at that time, it would have been a major harm to Konoha, and Konoha would have fallen into chaos again. He really failed as a Hokage.

Kushina wanted to say something, but Naruto held her hand and said, “Mom, the past is the past. When I was a child, the third grandfather was also very good to me. He was also very caring and took care of me. I played pranks everywhere, and other teachers scolded me when they saw me, but he was the only one who protected me. In a sense, as a Hokage, he also took good care of me!”

Naruto had been a Hokage in his previous life, and he knew that as a Hokage, there were many things to do.

What’s more, the third generation’s ability was limited, and sometimes he had to deal with Danzo and others.

He didn’t take good care of Naruto, but he still cared about Naruto in his heart.

Seeing that Naruto understood him so well, the third generation was moved and said, “Naruto, I’m sorry, when you were a child, I really didn’t take good care of you!”

Naruto smiled and said, “Third generation, I will never forget the scene of eating fish with you by the river. It was also from that that I could see that you still took good care of me in your heart. Although my mother thought that was not enough, I understand that you have taken care of me to the greatest extent!”

Naruto’s words made the third generation feel a little guilty.

Did he really try his best to take care of Naruto?

The third generation sighed and said, “It seems that as a Hokage, I really didn’t do anything. Even if it was to maintain the stability of the village, I couldn’t do it.”Whether it was Orochimaru, Danzo, the extermination of the Uchiha clan, etc., it was all because of his indecision and wanting to do everything that led to the tragedy!

For a moment, the third generation was very frustrated.

The fourth generation of Minato looked at the third generation and said: “Third generation, everything is over, and now Konoha is stronger and more stable, and the ninja world is more peaceful. Including Naruto’s growth, it is actually inseparable from the peace of the village you maintained at that time!”

As he said, Minato took Kushina’s hand and looked at the third generation and said: “Kushina loves children, so sometimes what she said may be a little heavy. I hope you don’t mind, third generation.”

The third generation waved his hand and said: “It’s okay, Kushina is right, and I did have many shortcomings when I was governing Konoha. I’m really sorry, Kushina!”

Facing the sincere apology of the third generation, Kushina took a deep breath and exhaled: “Since Naruto and Minato have chosen to let it go, third generation, you have admitted your mistakes, and I have nothing to pursue. It’s just that my son Naruto has suffered!”

As he said, Kushina touched Naruto’s face.

Minato smiled and said, “Maybe, this experience is a treasure for Naruto. This suffering also made Naruto who he is now!”

Kuyukina rolled her eyes and said, “Who said that you must suffer to achieve success? You are really an idiot! What I dislike is some people who, after achieving great success, say how difficult it was for them before, as if others must suffer to succeed!”

Kuyukina looked at Minato and said, “You have suffered from hardships since you were a child, but you have been smooth sailing and finally became Hokage!”

Minato was speechless.

Indeed, he was a genius since he was a child, and he was handsome all the way from ninja school to adulthood.

He graduated from ninja school at the age of 10 and was the first to graduate in his class.

The boy was an expert in picking up girls, and he captured the heart of Kuyukina.

The Third Ninja World War broke out!

He flew with Flying Thunder God in one hand, and led Konoha to victory directly.

The young man became famous directly, and the name of Yellow Flash shocked the ninja world.

Later, because of his outstanding achievements, he became Hokage at the age of 23! ! !


You are talking about suffering to a genius!

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