The duel between Gai and Kakashi officially ended.

Perhaps from today, the way Kakashi and Gai get along may change, but their friendship will never change.

Gai stretched and said, “Oh, such a passionate battle, it’s been a long time since I last saw it!”

Li Shan came to Gai’s side, looked at Gai happily and said, “Teacher Gai, your youth has won!”

Gai laughed and said, “Of course, but Kakashi didn’t lose either, his youth has also won. Kakashi, after becoming the Hokage, you must protect Konoha well!”

Kakashi smiled and said, “I will.”

Lin and Obito also came over to congratulate Kakashi and Gai on the end of the duel.

Kakashi looked at Lin and Obito and said, “Let’s go, we can go to the teacher’s house now.”

Knowing that Kakashi was going to take Lin and Obito to Minato’s house, Gai stopped stopping him. He had originally wanted to invite Kakashi to have dinner together tonight, but now it seems that there is no chance.

After Kai and Lee separated, Kakashi brought Lin and Obito to the market, bought some things, and then came to Minato’s house together.

At this time, Minato and Kushina were still busy with Naruto’s wedding and decorating the new house.

There was a knock on the door, and Minato came to open the door.

With a creak, the door was opened, and Minato said in surprise: “Kakashi! Why are you here!”

Lin also appeared from behind Kakashi with Obito, and greeted Minato: “Minato, we are here too.”

Minato said in surprise: “Ah, Lin, Obito.”

Kusukina hurriedly put down the work in her hands and walked out of the room when she heard Minato calling her name. Looking at the people in front of her, although she didn’t recognize them at the first time, Kakashi took the initiative to greet them.

“Hello, Master’s wife, I’m Kakashi, this is Lin, this is Obito!”

Kusukina was very happy because she hadn’t seen Minato’s disciples for a long time, and Lin rushed over directly.

“Master’s wife!”

Kuyukina said in surprise: “Ah! It’s Lin.”

Then, Kuyukina looked at Lin with concern. Lin’s height and appearance were still those of a teenager. Looking at her eyes again, it was a standard sign of the Impure World Reincarnation.


Kuyukina sighed.

Looking up again, Obito behind Kakashi looked uncomfortable at the moment. After all, he was a little embarrassed to face his former master’s wife.

Kuyukina smiled slightly, pulled Lin and said: “Come in, what are you doing standing at the door.”

Kakashi smiled and nodded, then turned around and called Obito in.

Kakashi put down the fruit he bought, and then sat on the sofa at the invitation of Minato.

Obito sat down next to Kakashi, and Lin was pulled by Kushina to sit next to him. Kushina held Lin’s hand and stroked her, saying, “Lin, are you also resurrected like Master’s wife?”

Lin nodded and said, “Yes, Master’s wife, I haven’t seen you for a long time. It’s great to see you this time!”

Kushina touched Lin’s head and said, “Silly child.”

Kakashi smiled and looked at Kushina and said, “Master’s wife, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Do you still remember me, Kakashi?”

Kushina nodded and said, “Of course I remember you, Kakashi.”

Then, Kushina’s eyes moved to Obito. Kushina looked at Obito and asked, “Obito, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Obito took a deep breath and exhaled. He understood that what was coming would come.

Obito stood up, then knelt in front of everyone, and apologized sincerely: “I’m sorry, Minato-sensei, Kukona-sensei, I shouldn’t have done that, causing such great harm, especially to Naruto and Master-sensei, it’s irreparable harm! I’m sorry!”

As he said that, Obito kowtowed directly.

Lin looked at Obito in front of him, frowned and murmured: “Obito.”

Kukona looked at Obito in front of her, it would be a lie to say that she was not angry.

Just think about it, a husband’s apprentice you have taken care of since childhood, but when he grew up, he took you away while you were giving birth, and dug out the Nine-Tails in your body!

What’s more fatal is that Obito also used Naruto to threaten Minato and asked Minato to leave Kukona. After Minato dodged, he found that Naruto was covered with explosive talismans!

If Minato was not fast, he would use space ninjutsu to jump out.

Naruto must die!

In other words, Obito almost killed Naruto.

Kushina is a mother, and there is no mother who doesn’t care about her children.

Therefore, Kushina has complaints about Obito.

It can be said that without Obito’s attack, Minato and Kushina would not have such a fate, and Naruto would not have had such a miserable childhood.

Minato saw that the scene was somewhat silent and awkward, and took the initiative to speak: “Actually, I also have a responsibility.When fighting against Uchiha, I didn’t realize Obito’s true identity, but suspected that he was Uchiha Madara. If I could have realized it at the first time, there would be no subsequent events! ”

Lin saw Minato teacher take the initiative to take the blame, she broke away from Kuyuki Na holding her hand, ran to Obito, and knelt down with Obito.

“Mrs. Kuyuki Na, Mr. Minato, it’s all my fault!”

Lin looked at Lin and knelt down with him, and said anxiously: “Lin, why are you kneeling too? This is none of your business!”

Lin looked at Obito and said: “If I was smarter and hadn’t been caught, Kakashi wouldn’t have saved me, and I wouldn’t have chosen to die at Kakashi’s hands, and you wouldn’t have turned evil for this, then there wouldn’t be these things later, and everyone could be fine!”

Obito took Lin’s hand and said: “No! Everything started because of me. If I hadn’t been chosen by Madara, there wouldn’t have been these plans. You heard it too. Madara chose to let you die in order to turn me evil, thus stimulating my hatred and making me hate the world! ”

Obito was very moved and said, “It’s all my fault. In fact, if I had a little ability to distinguish, I wouldn’t have fallen into Madara’s trap!”

Kakashi couldn’t sit still anymore, so he stood up and knelt down.

Obito was stunned, “Kakashi, what are you doing?”

Kakashi sighed and said, “I broke your promise and didn’t protect Lin. If I had the ability to protect Lin, Lin wouldn’t have been captured, and there wouldn’t have been these things later! It’s all because of my lack of strength!”

Obito argued, “Kakashi, this is none of your business!”

Kakashi retorted, “Why is it none of my business? If I could fulfill my promise to you, Lin wouldn’t have been captured! ”

Lin hurriedly said: “Kakashi, it’s none of your business. If I can protect myself, I won’t be captured!”

The three people argued endlessly, and Minato stood up and said: “Enough, stop arguing! If that’s the case, then I’m not competent enough. If I could appear by your side in time and take you away with Flying Thunder God, there wouldn’t be so many things!”

Obito wanted to say something, but Kushina said: “Okay, you master and apprentices!”

Kushinna took a deep breath and exhaled: “Although the past is over, when I knew that it was you, Obito, who captured me back then, I was still very sad, because I couldn’t believe that a child I treated so sincerely would do such a thing to me and my family!”

Obito was silent when he heard Kushina’s words, and his tears had already flowed out at this moment.

Regret, really regret.

Kushinna continued: “But later I heard Naruto talk about you, and until I saw you now, Obito, Master’s wife tells you that I forgive you! ”

Obito was crying and looked up in surprise.

Kuyukina stood up, came to Obito, half squatted and said: “You who want to be Hokage so much, you who want to protect Rin so much, you who want to prove yourself in front of the village and the teacher so much, if you don’t love this world enough, how can you burst out with such strong hatred later!”

Kuyukina wiped Obito’s tears and said: “Obito, you must have hidden a lot of hatred in your heart. It must be very uncomfortable to hide alone behind the mask!”

Kuyukina spoke like a mother, just as she had admonished Obito before.

Obito’s guilt reached its peak at this moment, and he hugged Kuyukina all of a sudden.

“Wuwuwu, Master’s wife, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it…”

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