Sure enough, it was right to come to Naruto.

At this moment, Sai seemed to have found a glimmer of hope.

But what should he do next?

Naruto looked at Sai and said with a smile: “Sai, next, you have to put yourself in a very sad mood!”


Sai was very confused and looked at Naruto and asked: “Naruto, tell me, what should I do next!”

Seeing that Sai was very smart, Naruto gave Sai some advice: “You have to understand that Ino is actually a very kind-hearted girl, and she is very gentle, considerate and thoughtful! Hey hey hey… Hinata, what are you doing!”

Hinata gritted her teeth, twisted Naruto’s ears with her hands, and pretended to be angry and said: “It seems that you know Ino very well, so many adjectives to describe Ino!”

Naruto admitted his mistake with pain: “Isn’t this an understanding of your companions? Sorry Hinata, I was wrong, please let go, I am giving Sai some advice!”

Hinata glanced at Sai, snorted coldly, and let go.

Naruto rubbed his ears.

Hinata is gentle, but she is also very sensitive. When she gets jealous, she behaves like a little woman.

Naruto continued to say to Sai: “So, Sai, you will go back next time. Stay at home alone and feel sad. It is best to drink some wine. Also, you are good at painting. You should draw some pictures of Ino and spread them all over the floor to show your love!”

Sai was excited when he heard this: “How do you know Naruto? After Ino scolded me, I kept drawing pictures of Ino when I got home. Now the whole floor is covered with them!”

Naruto gave a thumbs up when he heard this.

Very good. Sai’s sincerity is great. He doesn’t need to act at all. Even if Ino tries to change her heart, she can still feel the sincerity of Sai.

“Great! Sai, just keep your previous state and go home and be depressed!”

Sai frowned and said, “But Naruto, who am I showing off to if I’m so depressed?”

Naruto sighed, looked at Sai’s disappointing look, and said to him, “You stay at home alone and feel depressed, leave the rest to me, I’ll help you!”

Sai asked in confusion, “Naruto, how are you going to help me?”

Naruto smiled and said, “It’s not that simple, I’ll help you find Ino, and then tell her that you’re alone at home and feeling depressed, what do you think Ino will think when she hears this? Will she come to find you, and when she sees you so sad, and her portraits all over the floor, do you think Ino will be moved!”

Sai’s eyes became brighter and brighter when he heard this.

Yes, yes, why didn’t he think of this.

Looking at Naruto again, Sai nodded.

Naruto is indeed Naruto, after this set of combined punches, Ino will definitely be moved by him, hahahaha, he will also have a sweet love.

Naruto knew Sai was fantasizing when he saw Sai like this. He looked at Sai with concern and continued to tell him: “Sai, remember, if Ino comes to comfort you, you just need to express your true feelings and show your depression!”

“Don’t pretend to be sad, just express your depression, because Ino can read minds, so as long as you express your true feelings, there will be no problem!”

Sai nodded repeatedly, then got up and prepared to go back to prepare.

“Then Naruto, I’ll go back first, you can find Ino then!”

Naruto raised his hand and said: “Hey, don’t worry, at least until tomorrow, let Ino’s emotions ease up, and if you go back now, I will go to find Ino immediately, that would be too fake, you have to be more serious when acting!”

Sai nodded repeatedly, indicating that Naruto was right.

That’s right, Naruto made sense, and I overlooked this point.

So, Sai and Naruto agreed that Naruto would go to Ino tomorrow afternoon, and Sai would be sad at home. It would be best if he went back today and started drinking to create a very chaotic scene at home, so that there would be traces of a day.

When Ino arrived, there would not be so many flaws.

Sai nodded repeatedly and then went home directly.

After Sai left, Hinata crossed her arms and looked at Naruto in front of her, squinting and asked: “Naruto, I can’t tell that you have so many tricks!”

Naruto snorted, with an expression that he had misunderstood me, and looked at Hinata and said: “Hinata, look at what you said, I am not resourceful, just to give Sai some ideas!”

Hinata snorted coldly, grabbed Naruto’s ear again and said: “Give me ideas, right? Come on, come in with me, I will give you some ideas too!”

Naruto felt pain because his ear was being pulled, so he had to follow Hinata toWalk forward.

“Hey, hey, hey, Hinata, what are you doing? Don’t do this. It’s broad daylight. Just go inside the house. You…”

Hinata didn’t care at all and dragged Naruto into the house.

Then, inside the room.

“Return to Heaven!!!”

Hinata performed the Return to Heaven again and turned around directly.

Naruto gritted his teeth and tried to hold back. Persistence is victory!

The land of the soul.

Kurama felt a dark feeling in an instant. He knew that Hinata and Naruto were fighting again.

Kurama snorted coldly and said, “Really, fighting every other day, will it ever end!”

After Sai came out of Naruto’s house, he went straight to the store.

He looked left and right. It was his first time buying wine, so he was very cautious.

“Boss, boss!”

“Here I come, hello, what do you want to buy?”

Sai pointed at the drinks on the shelf and asked, “Boss, which of your drinks is easier to drink, the kind that makes you half drunk!”

Sai thought, Naruto asked me to drink, so I can’t get drunk, otherwise how can I express my inner feelings at that time!

So, buy the kind that is not easy to get drunk.

The boss smiled knowingly when he heard Sai’s question and asked, “Is this your first time buying a bottle of wine!”

Seeing that he was discovered, Sai nodded directly, “Yes, it’s my first time buying wine.”

The boss smiled and took a bottle of wine from the shelf, handed it to Sai and said, “If you don’t drink often, then buy this kind, this kind of shochu, the degree is low, and it is brewed with pure grains! It tastes good!”

“But you have to be careful not to drink too much, because this kind of wine has a strong aftereffect! It’s easy to get dizzy!”

Sai took the wine, listened to the boss’s story, and nodded repeatedly.

“Boss, you mean, don’t drink too much and it will be fine, right?”

The boss nodded and said, “Yes, yes, yes, it’s okay to drink one bottle, it’s not very strong. If you drink three or four bottles, you will easily get drunk, and you may even lose your memory!”

Sai looked at the amount of the bottle and felt that it was very suitable.

“That’s it!”

Sai bought six bottles at once.

After buying, Sai also bought some snacks and then went home.

After returning home, Sai began to try drinking.

Sure enough, the taste was very comfortable, there was no spicy feeling, but it was sweet. Sai drank one cup after another.

Tonight, he will experience the feeling of losing memory!

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