Those who don’t know how to cherish their companions are worse than garbage!

When Bai Ya heard what Naruto said, he was shocked. He subconsciously asked, “Is this really what Kakashi taught you?”

Naruto nodded and said, “Yes! Teacher Kakashi has always been the teacher of the Genin. His assessment is very strict! Because in his eyes, your ninja skills are up to standard, but more importantly, whether you cherish your companions during the mission and are willing to break the rules for your companions is the final result of his assessment!”

When Bai Ya heard what Naruto said, he suddenly laughed. There was bitterness and relief in his smile.

His son didn’t blame himself, but understood himself and took his behavior as a guideline.

Good, that’s great.

Bai Ya didn’t know that all this was thanks to the man named Obito. If it weren’t for his sacrifice and entrusting the Sharingan to Kakashi, Kakashi wouldn’t understand his father’s painstaking efforts.

Naruto looked at the touched White Fang and said, “Uncle White Fang, come back with us. We hope you will show up at Kakashi’s inauguration ceremony tomorrow to give Kakashi a surprise!”

“After all, no matter how many friends bless him, it is not as good as the blessing of a family member!”

Hearing this, White Fang was finally moved.

Yes, Kakashi is alone now. It is really hard to imagine that he can reach his current status alone.

This is Hokage.

You know, it is difficult to become a Hokage without some background and family support.

White Fang didn’t know that after his death, Kakashi followed Minato, who later became the fourth Hokage!

Since Minato is the master and apprentice of Jiraiya’s lineage, Kakashi is also related to the third generation, and is related to Tsunade and Orochimaru. So in the final analysis, he is still from the lineage of the third generation Hokage, so he is also a red seedling.

So Kakashi became Hokage, and the main family of Konoha Village recognized it.

White Fang agreed to Naruto’s request.

“I’ll go back with you.”

Naruto smiled slightly, then turned to look at Orochimaru and Kabuto and said, “Do you two want to go back together? After all, the village will be very lively tomorrow.”

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said, “The inauguration ceremony of the Sixth Hokage is still very interesting.”

Kabuto smiled and said, “It’s been a long time since I went back to Konoha Village to eat ramen.”

Naruto nodded and understood.

So, he directly activated the Nine-Tails Chakra hand and placed it on the shoulders of the three people.

White Fang was shocked and said, “This chakra!!! You are!!!”

Naruto smiled and said, “The son of the Fourth Hokage, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of Konoha, the direct disciple of Jiraiya, the owner of the Samsara Eye, Uzumaki Naruto!”

With a whoosh, the Flying Thunder God flew away directly.

The next second, Naruto appeared in his study with Orochimaru, Kabuto, and White Fang. In order to avoid the news of White Fang’s return, Naruto went to his home instantly.

“Dad, Mom, are you home?”

Naruto called out. At this time, Minato and Kushina came over. They had returned from the Hokage’s office.

Orochimaru took the initiative to greet: “Minato, Kushina!”

Minato nodded: “Lord Orochimaru.”

Kushin also nodded, then looked behind Naruto and smiled: “Lord White Fang.”

Minato smiled excitedly: “Lord White Fang, you are finally here!”

White Fang is Minato’s idol. When Minato was young, he always regarded White Fang as his idol, especially when White Fang gave up the mission to save his companions. In Minato’s view, this is a particularly great thing.

Although the people in the village did not understand, Minato thought White Fang did the right thing, because he himself regarded the lives of his companions as more important than the mission!

White Fang looked at Minato in front of him and smiled: “Minato!”

Before White Fang died, Minato was already very famous. After all, he was a genius of the younger generation.

Kushina called out, “Come sit in the living room, why are you crowding in the study!”

Everyone came to the living room, Kushina poured a cup of tea for Orochimaru and Kabuto, and Orochimaru took it and said with emotion, “Minato, this is the first time I come to your house to drink tea!”

Kushina complained, “That’s right, Lord Orochimaru, you were so busy before, so busy that Lord Jiraiya was looking for you everywhere!”

Hearing Kushina teasing him, Orochimaru laughed.

Kabuto held the cup and glanced at Lord Orochimaru. He felt that Lord Orochimaru had changed a lot now, and he didn’t have the cold feeling before!

It’s no wonder that Kabuto was so emotional, because once a person has experienced some things and reaches a certain age, his personality will also change.

After sitting down, Minato told Naruto about TsunaTsunade asked them to go to the Hokage’s office and explained some of the processes of Naruto’s toasting ceremony. Minato told Naruto about this. Tsunade asked Minato to pass on the message.

Naruto nodded.

Orochimaru stood up and said, “Naruto, nothing to do. I’ll take Kabuto out and take a walk around the village. By the way, I haven’t seen Jūgo and Mizuki for a long time. I’ll go find them.”

Naruto stood up and said, “No problem, Uncle Orochimaru. You guys go and get busy first.”

White Fang showed a hopeful look and said, “Naruto, can I also take a walk around the village? Oh, by the way, it’s not possible now.”

Looking at White Fang’s expectant eyes, Naruto smiled and said, “No problem, you can! But, Uncle White Fang, you have to use the transformation technique, otherwise, the people in the village will panic!”

White Fang nodded, although he was very excited and stood up, and said excitedly, “Ah, good, good!”

Naruto smiled and said, “I won’t follow you. With your ability, you should be able to transform and walk around Konoha with ease. After all, the title of White Fang is not called for nothing!”

White Fang nodded very moved, because Naruto’s move was equivalent to giving him trust.

Naruto nodded, and then said to White Fang: “Uncle White Fang, give me your hand!”

White Fang stretched out his hand, and Naruto made the Flying Thunder God mark.

“Don’t get me wrong, this is to make it easier for me to find you if anything happens!”

White Fang nodded and said: “Naruto, don’t worry, I won’t reveal my identity!”

With that, White Fang left with Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Before going out, White Fang used the transformation technique to transform into an ordinary villager. This was a role he often used when he was lurking before, and now it is very convenient to use.

After going out, White Fang nodded to Orochimaru, looked back at Naruto’s house, and then went out.

Walking on the street, White Fang looked around and tried his best to suppress his joy, because for him now, the village has changed too much and developed too fast. Although many marks are still there, it is still very surprising for his time.

In order to avoid acting like it was his first time, he looked around casually, so that he would not be easily discovered. After all, he had done this many times before.

As he walked, two people suddenly came towards him, and White Fang’s eyes widened instantly.

Rock Lee was walking on the street, pushing Kai’s wheelchair.

“Teacher Kai, tomorrow Kakashi will be the Hokage. What gift do you think we should give him?”

Kai sat in a wheelchair, stroking his chin and thinking: “I’m thinking about it too, Li. This is really a headache. After all, Kakashi and I have been friends for so many years. What to give is really a headache.”

Li thought for a while and said: “Should we ask Neji? He has a smart mind.”

Kai seemed to be enlightened and said: “That makes sense. Let’s go and ask!”

White Fang turned around and stared at Kai, muttering in his heart: “This person… is Might Guy? No! If it is this era, he can’t be so young, so why do they look so similar?”

In a trance, he remembered that this person just said that he and Kakashi are friends for many years.

That’s right!

In the ninja school, the boy covered with scars, when he asked his son Kakashi to ask his name, he proudly said: My name is Might Guy!

Could it be him, that boy, why is he in a wheelchair?

And who is the boy behind him? He is wearing the same clothes and hairstyle as he did when he was a child. Could he be his son?


People of the same age have sons, but Kakashi still has no partner.

White Fang sighed and continued to walk forward.

Here, Kai hummed and suddenly looked back.

“Teacher Kai, what’s wrong?”

Kai shook his head and said, “Ah, it’s okay, let’s keep going.”

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