The two of them were very happy.

"Naruto! Do you hate your father?"

Kushina and Naruto, who were laughing, paused for a moment and looked at Minato at the same time.

Minato said with some self-mockery: "Because of me, I sealed the Nine-Tails in you, making you bear the fate of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, losing your parents and your complete childhood."

Hearing Minato's words, Kushina took Naruto's arm and stroked his body with guilt, as if she was feeling Naruto's changes over the years.

The piece of flesh that fell from her son, who had been pregnant for ten months, has grown so big in the blink of an eye.

I don't know if he has eaten well in these years, if he was naughty in school, if he was bullied by classmates, how he took care of himself when he was sick, etc...

Kushina had too many questions to ask, but looking at such a big child in front of her, as a mother, she didn't know where to start.

In the end, all that was left was guilty love.

As if she wanted to comfort Naruto, or to comfort Minato, Kushina said softly: "Naruto, in fact, your father didn't mean it, it was really at that time..."

"I understand!" Naruto said.

Minato Namikaze looked at Naruto in surprise.

Naruto looked at Minato and Kushina and said: "I understand the love of my parents for me. Under the circumstances at that time, sealing the Nine-Tails in my body was on the one hand to make me a hero of Konoha, and on the other hand to prevent the unknown masked man from causing turmoil in the future ninja world!"

Hearing that Naruto actually said his considerations so accurately at that time, Minato was both relieved and guilty.

He was relieved that his consideration was correct and understood.

He felt guilty that his child was so sensible and didn't blame him, which made him feel bad.

In fact, Minato hoped that Naruto would make a big fuss with him.

Naruto continued, "Besides, Dad also considered me very carefully. He not only left the seal key of the Nine-Tails, but also added his own chakra to the seal of the Eight-Tails to prevent me from going berserk;

Even, in order for me to master the Nine-Tails chakra in the future, he injected mom's chakra into the seal when sealing!

I saw all of this."

Looking at his parents, Naruto took a deep breath and said with tears in his eyes, "I don't regret becoming this container, because before becoming this container, I was already filled with your love!"

Naruto had been a Hokage, and to some extent, he understood his father's approach better than in his previous life.

Kushina's tears flowed down, and she hugged Naruto all of a sudden.

"Child, Daddy and Mommy are sorry for you! Wuwuwu..."

Kushina couldn't bear it anymore, and all the suppressed emotions and love for Naruto were vented out.

Her son was so sensible. Not only did he not blame her and Minato, but he was so understanding and supportive. This made her heart full of love to compensate her son.

Naruto closed his eyes, sobbed, and shed tears.

Namikaze Minato wiped his tears, walked forward, and hugged Kushina and Naruto.

The family of three only had the opportunity to hug each other in this life.

After a long time, the three separated.

Kushina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, took Naruto's hand and said, "Naruto, how have you been these years?"

Naruto scratched his head and said, "I'm... okay."

Minato said, "Come on, let's sit down and have a good chat."

So the family of three sat on the ground.

Minato looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, can you tell Dad about your childhood?"

In fact, Minato wanted to know whether the people in the village treated their son as a hero.

Naruto raised his eyebrows and said, "Dad, do you really want to hear it?"

Kushina keenly caught Naruto's emotional changes and asked, "Yes, Naruto, tell me, Mom wants to hear it too."


Naruto frowned and looked at Kushina and Minato and said, "Actually, it's not very good. To be honest, I had a miserable childhood."

Kushina frowned in surprise and said, "Miserable?"

Naruto nodded and said, "Well, I remember when I was three or four years old, I lived alone and often didn't have enough to eat and was hungry."

Kushina was shocked and said, "Not enough to eat!!! Hungry!!!"

Minato hurriedly asked, "Didn't the third generation take care of you?


Naruto said, “Grandpa Sandai has always taken care of me. Basically, my living expenses were all given by Grandpa Sandai, but I was young at that time and spent money recklessly. And after you died, Grandpa Sandai became Hokage again, so he was busy and didn’t have much time to take care of me. And…”

Kushina was a little angry. Seeing Naruto hesitated, she asked, “And what? Say it!”

Naruto was frightened by his mother’s sudden domineering side. He blurted out in fear, “And, at that time, people in the village discriminated against me, called me a demon fox, and regarded me as a monster. So, basically few people were willing to play with me. Even if I bought a lot of candy to please them, no one would play with me. So, at the end of the month, I often had no money and went hungry. "

Kushina almost felt sick after hearing this.

As a Jinchūriki, she could relate to Naruto's discrimination.

When she was a child, she came to Konoha Village as the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. At that time, she was relatively well taken care of.

After all, Lady Uzumaki Mito was the wife of the First Hokage, the sister-in-law of the Second Hokage, and the master's wife of the Third Hokage!

Before she came, Lady Uzumaki Mito personally summoned her, comforted her, and even had a fight with the Konoha high-level officials. It's a greeting, this is very important!

In this way, Kushina was bullied a lot in Konoha.

Look at her son again, Naruto said it very easily, as if it was nothing, but the actual situation is probably beyond Kushina's imagination, he must be ostracized to death!

Just think about it, a three or four-year-old child, in order to make friends, spend money to buy candy to please others and let others play with him.

How lonely it must be! ! !

Minato hurriedly asked: "What about the third generation, didn't the third generation publicize you as a heroic deed? Didn't he tell the people in the village that you are my son!"

Namikaze Minato was very uncomfortable, this was different from what he expected.

At least, Naruto, as his son, must be treated favorably by the village and villagers.

After all, he also died for the village, and Naruto can be regarded as the descendant of a martyr.

Kushina said angrily: "How dare he! If the taboo of the Nine-Tail is publicized, how many enemies will come to kill him! Moreover, in the eyes of Konoha's high-ranking officials, Naruto is probably just a weapon!!!"

Speaking of this, Kushina cried out!

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