Konoha Village.

In Orochimaru’s laboratory.

Orochimaru and Kabuto have already prepared for the operation, and now they are waiting for Naruto to return from the moon with Toneri.

While Kabuto adjusted the instrument, he talked to Orochimaru: “Lord Orochimaru, what do you think Toneri Otsutsuki on the moon looks like? Will he look like the Six Paths Sage, or like Kaguya?”

Orochimaru sat on the experimental table, flipping through some information, and smiled, “Why? Kabuto, do you want to study the body of the Otsutsuki clan?”

Kabuto smiled and said, “Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Lord Orochimaru. Indeed, I am very interested in the body of the Otsutsuki clan. I really want to know what kind of physique it is that can survive on the moon above the starry sky. It’s really curious.”

Orochimaru closed the book and said, “Actually, I am also very curious! After all, for so many years Come on, you and I have learned about the body structure of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, as well as the special physique of the Uzumaki clan. Their special features all come from the legendary Six Paths Sage! ”

Kabuto nodded and said, “That’s right! Even the necessary condition for opening the Samsara Eye is to integrate the power of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan to fully open it. It’s really hard to imagine that as a direct subordinate of the Otsutsuki clan, what would his body structure look like? Would it be a fusion of the cells of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan? ”

Hearing Kabuto’s guess, Orochimaru’s heart was also a little itchy. After all, the basis of this guess was their research data for many years. Now, there is a sample coming over, how can they not be excited.

Just thinking about it, Naruto teleported directly with Toneri.

“Uncle Snake, Kabuto! We are back.”

Since Naruto activated Orochimaru’s mark, Orochimaru was the first to react. He immediately stood up and said with a smile: “Ah, Naruto, you are back. This is the Toneri you mentioned!”

Kabuto hurriedly put down the work at hand, walked over, stood beside Lord Orochimaru, looked at Toneri in front of him, and after a careful look, he nodded and said: “Sure enough, there are still some differences!”

Naruto looked at Kabuto in confusion and said: “Kabuto, what did you say?”

Kabuto waved his hand and smiled: “Nothing, nothing.”

Toneri could sense the two people in front of him and everything around him. He nodded and said: “Hello, my name is Toneri Otsutsuki, the branch of the Hamura clan, the last guardian!”

Orochimaru also smiled and said: “My name is Orochimaru, the one next to me is Kabuto, we are all Naruto’s friends, welcome to your first visit to Earth!”

Toneri smiled slightly when he heard this.

Kabuto said enthusiastically: “Don’t be nervous, we are here to perform the transplant surgery on you, come on, lie down here, we will check you out!”

As he said that, Kabuto pulled Sheren to come over, but Sheren didn’t move. Naruto said: “Sheren, go ahead, they transplanted my Samsara Eye, so don’t worry!”

Sheren was a little surprised to hear Naruto say that his Samsara Eye was transplanted, not opened.

But he didn’t ask much. Since these two people could transplant Samsara Eye, then Byakugan was naturally out of the question. Sheren followed Kabuto and lay down on the experimental bed in front of him. Kabuto then attached various testing instruments to Sheren.

“What are you doing?”

Faced with Toneri’s question, Kabuto explained: “This is to check your body, observe your blood pressure, etc., to prevent the inability to control your blood pressure during the operation later, causing blood to spurt out!”

Hearing this, Toneri frowned and said: “Can’t I control it with chakra?”

After being asked by Toneri, Kabuto was a little embarrassed and said: “Of course…of course!”

Orochimaru came over with a notebook and smiled: “Toneri, right? This is a safer examination. Chakra can certainly be controlled, but after such an examination, the operation is safer and the transplantation effect is better. Naruto did the same thing at the beginning.”

Hearing this, Naruto looked at the instruments that Kabuto had now, and felt that he didn’t have them when he transplanted the Samsara Eye.

What is Kabuto doing?

“Right, Naruto!”

Seeing Orochimaru looking at him meaningfully, he asked calmly. After a look, Naruto instantly understood.

“Ah…..Yes, yes, that’s right, that’s right.”

Hearing this, Sheren lay down obediently, took a deep breath and said, “Thank you.”

Orochimaru smiled slightly, walked over and looked at Kabuto and said, “Kabuto, go prepare the anesthetic!”

Kabuto nodded and said, “Okay, Lord Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru sat in front of the instrument, facing the various physical data displayed, and kept recording them in a notebook.

Here, Kabuto has preparedThe anesthetic is ready.

“Sheren, drink this!”

Sheren didn’t think much about it. Anyway, they had all received the transplant, and these two people were introduced by Naruto, so Sheren didn’t even ask, and drank it directly.

After drinking it, Sheren lay down, and then Kabuto asked Sheren to count a few numbers.

“What do you mean?”

Kabuto smiled and said, “It doesn’t mean anything, you will know after counting.”

Sheren frowned slightly, and rolled his eyes at the transplant. What numbers do you want me to count? Really, but the next second, he felt that something was wrong with his body, because he could clearly feel that his body began to lose consciousness.

“What did you give me to drink?”

Sheren subconsciously wanted to get up, but Kabuto pressed him down and said, “Relax, relax, this is anesthetic, it will be fine soon, it will be fine soon.”

Sheren wanted to speak, but his mouth was not smooth.

Slowly, Sheren was completely unable to speak and fainted directly.

Naruto came over and asked, “Hey, Uncle Orochimaru, Kabuto, you guys are not going to study Toneri, are you?”

Kabuto smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Naruto, we won’t do anything to your friend. We’re just checking his body and drawing a few tubes of blood to check and see.”

Orochimaru also nodded to Naruto.

Naruto took a deep breath, took out the petri dish, looked at Kabuto and Orochimaru and said, “Okay, drawing a few tubes of blood is not a big deal, you guys do it.”

Seeing Naruto agreed, Orochimaru and Kabuto began to operate.

Because Kabuto gave Toneri general anesthesia, and was afraid that Toneri was different from ordinary people, Kabuto also increased the dosage.

After Orochimaru and Kabuto got the data they wanted and drew blood, they began to transplant Toneri’s Byakugan eyes, and Naruto sat aside and watched the whole process.

After about an hour and a half, everything was over, Toneri’s Byakugan eyes were transplanted, and his eyes were covered with gauze.

Then, Kabuto and Orochimaru began to test Toneri’s blood, and took Toneri’s blood to do some experiments. As for Naruto, he sat next to Toneri, waiting for Toneri to wake up.

“Lord Orochimaru, there is a discovery!”

Kabuto shouted in surprise, and Orochimaru also walked over excitedly to check. The two were like a primary school student who discovered a new world.

Naruto sighed, shook his head, and continued to look at Toneri.

This guy can really sleep. Two hours have passed, and he hasn’t woken up yet.

“Kabuto, how much anesthetic did you use? What’s going on? Why hasn’t he woken up yet!”

Kabuto was doing experiments with all his heart and soul, and answered casually: “Not much, twice the amount of normal people! I thought he was from the Otsutsuki clan, and his physical fitness must be stronger than ordinary people, so I doubled it.”

Naruto sighed, not knowing what to say.

Just as he was depressed, Toneri’s fingers moved.

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