The twelve little strong men of Konoha were discussing how to give Naruto a gift, and Naruto’s brothers were also discussing things.

In a place in the forest, Konohamaru stared at the dead tree in front of him, and the scene of him and Naruto sitting here and chatting flashed in his mind.

Also, Naruto showed his strength in front of him for the first time!

Multiple shadow clones plus seduction technique!

He knocked down Ebisu teacher in one go, it was really amazing.

Konohamaru will never forget that scene for the rest of his life.

So many years have passed, and he has grown up, no longer that little brat, and Naruto is about to get married.

“Udon, Moegi, have you thought about what gift to give to Naruto!”

Konohamaru asked Udon and Moegi. He had a very deep relationship with Naruto, so he called his two friends to discuss what to give.

Meng Huang scratched his head and said, “Brother Naruto seems to like ramen. Why don’t we buy some ramen coupons for Brother Naruto? Brother Naruto will definitely like it!”

Konohamaru crossed his arms and nodded, “That makes sense, that makes sense!”

Meng Huang rolled his eyes at Konohamaru and looked at the two people in a very unconvincing manner and said, “Please, don’t be so straight, okay? Brother Naruto is getting married, and you are giving him ramen rolls. Isn’t it too inappropriate? It’s not Brother Naruto’s birthday, you can do this!”

Udon was puzzled and said, “Why can’t we give it?”

Meng Huang sighed and explained, ” Of course not! Naruto is getting married now, and the gifts we give must not only be liked by Naruto, but also by Hinata. It would be wrong to only give Naruto things he likes! ”

After listening to this, Konohamaru nodded and said, “That makes sense!”

Udon said “Oh”, then looked at Moe Huang and asked, “Then what can we give?”

Moe Huang thought for a while and said, “It’s better to give something meaningful! Think about it, Naruto’s current status and position must have many people giving him gifts. With Konohamaru and our current financial resources, we can’t afford to give too expensive things, so, We need to think about it carefully. It should be meaningful and valuable, and within our financial capacity!”

Konohamaru nodded thoughtfully and said, “That makes sense!”

Udon scratched his head and said, “How difficult it is to think of this!”

Moe Huang exclaimed, “That’s why Konohamaru asked the two of us to come here. If we think together, we can always think of something!”

Konohamaru thought about it and said, “How about we make something ourselves and give it to Naruto, which is valuable and economical!”

Udon asked tentatively, “What to do? Could it be that we make some clothes, or scarves, or Are they some commemorative paintings or something?”

Moe Huang waved his hand and said, “No, no, these are too old-fashioned and not original!”

Udon said depressedly, “This is not okay, that is not okay, then what should we do!”

Moe Huang thought seriously and said, “Think about it again, Konohamaru’s idea is correct. Making something is indeed commemorative and valuable! But what to do is also worth thinking about!”

Udon looked at Konohamaru and asked, “Konohamaru, what do you think?”

Konohamaru was still thinking, and suddenly, Konohamaru came up with an idea and was overjoyed!

“By the way, I have an idea. What do you think?”

Udon and Moegi looked over, and Konohamaru said excitedly: “The reason I brought you here today is because this was the place where Naruto showed his strength in front of me for the first time. It was here that Naruto defeated Ebisu alone. You know, Naruto had just graduated from the Ninja School at that time!”

“Wow!!! Naruto is worthy of being you, so awesome!”

Udon showed an admiring expression and said excitedly.

Moegi also showed an excited look, looked at Konohamaru, and motioned him to continue.

Konohamaru looked at the two people and said excitedly: “Think about it, I miss that time so much. If I am given another chance, what will I do? I will pick up a camera and take pictures of Naruto’s heroic scenes, so that I can keep them as a souvenir and have endless aftertaste! Right!”

Udon has not yet reacted, and nodded: “Yes, yes.”

Moe Huang seemed to be awakened by Konohamaru, and pointed at Konohamaru and said: “You mean!”

Konohamaru nodded and said: “That’s right! We can pick up a camera and take pictures of our blessings and the blessings of the people in the village, and also take pictures of everyone’s preparations before Naruto’s wedding. These are all precious.Memories, when you wait until later, you can take them out and look at them, how valuable they are! ”

Moe Huang clapped his hands and said, “Yes, yes! It’s novel, not cliché, and very commemorative, especially precious, and impressive! Konohamaru, your idea is great!”

Moe Huang nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Konohamaru’s proposal.

Udon also smiled and nodded, “Yes, yes, this is an idea. We can take pictures of everyone’s blessings, and then edit them and give them to Naruto brother together!”

Konohamaru added, “Not only everyone’s blessings, but also everyone’s preparations before the wedding. We also have to take pictures. This is also a beautiful memory. Generally, when getting married, there must be a cameraman. We don’t need to take pictures. We just take pictures before the preparations. This is the key, because most people only take pictures of the day and don’t pay attention to the behind-the-scenes. We have to break the routine to have better memories!”

Moe Huang agreed, “Yes! It’s to go off the beaten path, so that you will be different from others!”

Udon hummed, and then said, “Then we have to buy a camera next! ”

Konohamaru hummed, then said: “Udon, Moegi, let’s go home now, take out all the money we can, and then go to the store to buy a camera together!”


“No problem!”

The three of them hurried back, took out all the loose change in the piggy banks and cabinets, and put them up. Konohamaru even took out some things left by the third generation and ran to the pawn shop to pawn them!

For Naruto, this is nothing.

After the three of them gathered, they collected all the money and set out to the store together!

After arriving at the store, the three of them picked for a long time, and finally bought a shoulder-mounted camera at the suggestion of the boss!

But when paying, Konohamaru poured out all the money he collected and put it on the table. After the boss counted, he found that some money was still missing.

“Master Konohamaru, this is still missing, do you have it? ”

Konohamaru is the grandson of the third generation, and the whole Konoha village knows it. In addition, the fifth generation who took office later was also the disciple of the third generation, so Konohamaru has been respected in the village since he was a child.

Konohamaru exclaimed in surprise: “No way!”

He counted and found that there were indeed several hundred missing.

Udon frowned and said: “Konohamaru, what should we do now?”

Moe Huang said: “Wait for me, I will go home and ask my parents for it!”

Konohamaru raised his hand and said: “No, I will find a way.”

Then, Konohamaru looked at the boss and said: “Boss, can you give me a discount, a little cheaper.”

The boss said in embarrassment: “Master Konohamaru, it’s not that I don’t give a discount, this is already a friendly price, and if you are a few hundred less, I will let it go, but this is a bit too much, a small business, there is really no way!”

Konohamaru nodded and said: “Okay! ”

Udon looked behind him, pulled Konohamaru’s arm and said, “How about, Konohamaru, let’s change to a cheaper one!”

Konohamaru looked back at what he had just seen, but he remembered that the boss said that this one would shoot better and clearer!

“No! For Naruto’s wedding, I want this one. You wait, I’ll go home!”

Konohamaru was about to leave, but was stopped by the boss!

“Wait!!! Master Konohamaru, what did you just say? This camera, what did you buy it for? Isn’t it for your own fun?”

Seeing this, Meng Huang said, “We want to take some blessings for Naruto’s wedding, so we bought this camera!”

Udon nodded.

The boss laughed and said, “So that’s the case. Why didn’t you say it earlier? For Naruto, this little money is nothing. Forget it!”


Didn’t you say it was a small business!

The boss was very excited and said, “Wait! ”

Then he ran to the back and got a bigger one, handed it to Konohamaru and said, “Use this, this one is better, and the picture is clearer!”

Konohamaru frowned and said, “Boss, we may not be able to afford this!”

The boss said with a sigh, “It’s not polite, I put it on for Naruto!”

Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi were overjoyed.

“Thank you, boss!”

The three turned around and left, but were stopped by the boss.


Konohamaru turned around with the camera and said, “Is there anything else, boss?”

The boss rubbed his hands and said shyly, “Aren’t you going to record a blessing? Can you also record one for me? I also want to send a blessing to Naruto!”

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