Naruto brought Jiraiya and Sai to the street and walked to the door of a store.

Jiraiya was also puzzled and asked: “Naruto, you want to buy some drinks?”

Sai also looked at Naruto, not knowing what he was going to do.

Naruto smiled slightly, pointed at the store, and said to Jiraiya and Sai: “We will no longer sell alcohol here, and it will be changed into a ninja tool store!”

Jiraiya exclaimed, very surprised: “The boss of this store is doing well, why did he suddenly quit? I really like drinking their alcohol!”

Naruto smiled and said: “Because it was bought by Tenten, Tenten is going to open a ninja tool store here, and will sell ninja tools in the future!”

Jiraiya said thoughtfully: “So it was bought by Tenten, I didn’t expect that girl to be so rich!”

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and said: “Originally, she didn’t have enough money, but later I invested in it and bought this store for her!”

Sai was surprised: “Naruto, did you pay?”

Naruto nodded and said: “Yes, Not only I paid, but Neji and Lee also paid, which means we opened a store together, and Tenten is the boss! ”

Jiraiya said “oh” twice, then crossed his arms, looked at Naruto and asked, “Naruto, what does this have to do with you bringing us here?”

Seeing that Jiraiya had asked the purpose of his coming here, Naruto smiled and said, “It’s like this, you, the lecherous sage, like writing, but now you are about to marry Tsunade. I think you must be anxious to make money and don’t want to borrow my money. After all, it’s for your master’s face, right? It’s hard to get over it.”

Jiraiya snorted coldly and said, “Who said that? I don’t have it. I have enough money!”

Naruto waved his hand and said, “Come on, I don’t know you. When I was training with you before, basically, as soon as you received the manuscript fee, you would go to order a lady to drink, and your money was basically gone!”

Jiraiya remained silent.

Naruto continued to look at Sai and said, “Sai, you are good at drawing. I think it’s great that you can work with Jiraiya. After all, you have a girlfriend. Although the Ino family is also a big family in Konoha, men should at least have some money on them. So you should work harder and help the lecherous immortal draw more comics. With the popularity of Intimate Paradise, you will definitely be able to make money!”

Sai listened to what Naruto said and nodded very seriously.

Naruto looked at Tiantian’s shop in front of him and said, “So, I was thinking, can we open a shop? I want a shop that is dedicated to you guys, just like Snake’s laboratory!”

“In the future, this place, Lustful Sage, Sai, you guys will work here, work, what’s wrong?”

When Lustful Sage heard Naruto’s idea, he was very happy and nodded, “Not bad, not bad, Naruto, your idea is good, I agree, Sai, what about you?”

Sai saw that Naruto proposed it, and Jiraiya nodded, so what would it look like if he didn’t agree.

So, Sai smiled and said, “I have no objection!”

Naruto smiled and said, “Well, you guys come with me, let’s go buy a shop.”

As he said that, Naruto took Jiraiya and Sai to another street.

Because this kind of work place does not need to be in a particularly prosperous place, it only needs a good venue and good decoration, and the rest doesn’t matter.

Below the commercial street, it used to be the old street of Konoha. Now the old street is no longer in good condition. The commercial street is the new street, which is not very prosperous. Therefore, Naruto took two people to the old street to find a shop.

After searching for a while, they found a shop that used to sell calligraphy and paintings, calendars and other decorations. The owner was old and did not plan to do it anymore.

Sai liked this place at first sight.

“Naruto, buy this place. It happens to be upstairs and downstairs. We will work upstairs, and I will draw some things downstairs and sell them at the door. How about it?”

Seeing Sai’s eyes shining, Naruto knew that he was attracted by Tiantian’s shop.

“Sexy Immortal, what do you think?”

Sexy Immortal nodded and said, “I have no problem. This place is big and there is upstairs. It’s great!”

Naruto smiled and said, “Okay, let’s buy this place!”

When signing the contract, the boss was very straightforward.

Because Jiraiya and Naruto are both very well-known figures in the village, the boss is very pleased to sell the shop to such people, not to mention that the handsome young man next to him said that he would also paint and sell his own paintings.

In this way, it can be regarded as inheriting the style of this shop and keeping it alive.

After the contract was settled, the boss said that you can come to get the key tomorrow, because he will move out tonight and plan to live in the countryside.

Ask the boss whyWhat is not in Konoha Village? The boss said with a smile: “Thanks to you, Naruto. If it weren’t for you, the outside of the village would be very peaceful now. Living in the countryside is very safe, hahaha!”

Naruto was very relieved. This was the second person who changed because of his behavior.

After the three people waved goodbye to the boss, Naruto was ready to go to Tiantian’s store to see if he needed help. Jiraiya looked at the position of the sun and said goodbye first, because if he didn’t go back, he really couldn’t go back.

Sai looked at Jiraiya who was going away and sighed: “Jiraiya-sama has really changed a lot. I remember that Jiraiya-sama was very cool before!”

Naruto snorted and said: “Of course he is cool. If he is not cool, how can he be called a lustful immortal.”

Sai sighed and said: “Marriage, what does it bring to men?”

Naruto looked at Sai in surprise. Brother, you haven’t married yet, and you haven’t even become a man yet. Why are you so emotional?

Sai saw Naruto looking at him, smiled slightly, held the draft, said goodbye to Naruto and went back.

After seeing Sai leave, Naruto ran to Tenten’s shop to take a look. At this moment, Tenten had already received the key of the shop from the boss. When Naruto and his friends came before, Tenten had not come yet.

At this moment, Tenten, Neji and Lee were cleaning up the shop.

Li: “Tiantian, do we need to move all these things out?”

Tiantian nodded and said, “Yes, we need to move them all out!”

Li nodded and said, “Okay, let’s treat it as training!”

Ningci sighed and said, “Li, you are really a good candidate for hard labor!”

Tiantian came over and scolded, “What can I say, Li, don’t just sit there, go and pull that hanging cloth over there.”

Ningci looked at the hanging cloths and said, “Is it necessary? The decoration of this store is also good. There is no need to decorate it with hanging cloths!”

Tiantian took the design drawing and pouted and said, “I don’t! The ninja tool store of my dreams is not like this!”

Ningci looked at the pouting Tiantian and had no choice but to do it.

Naruto walked in, looked at the busy scene, and said with a smile: “Hey, you’re getting busy now!”

Ten-Ten saw that it was Naruto, and said with a smile: “Naruto, come and see what the ninja tool shop I designed looks like, how does it look?”

Naruto took a look, nodded and said: “Well, not bad, it’s designed by Tian-Ten, it must be very good!”

Ten-Ten was in a good mood when he was praised by Naruto.

Ningji sighed, no wonder his sister Hinata could be won by Naruto, this guy, what he said is not credible at all.

Of course, except for the fact that he said I was a genius.

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