Naruto was dragged back home by Hinata.

Looking at Hinata’s posture, it was obvious that she wanted Naruto to pay his dues!

Naruto regretted it so much. He should have stopped reading this comic earlier.

However, this cannot be blamed entirely on him. After falling in love with Ino, Sai completely liberated his heart. He could draw that kind of charming pose easily, and the painting was particularly vivid, which made people excited at a glance.

As a result, Hinata saw it and got jealous, and Naruto was in trouble.

“Hinata, I’m just looking at it, I don’t have any other thoughts!”

Hinata snorted coldly, ignored Naruto, and still pulled Naruto to walk home.

Naruto was a little anxious.

At this time, his parents must be at home. If Hinata dragged him to fight at home, the noise must be very loud. If his parents heard it, it would be so embarrassing!

“Hinata, can we not go home yet!”

Hinata glanced at Naruto, thinking that Naruto wanted to escape paying taxes, she smiled slightly and continued to pull Naruto forward.

Although Naruto was unwilling, he could not resist. After all, listening to his wife was his habit.

Naruto, who was feeling depressed, suddenly met Jiraiya, who was very excited, at the next intersection. Jiraiya saw that it was Naruto and waved excitedly: “Hahaha, Naruto, I was just about to find you!”

Naruto was overjoyed when he saw that it was the lecherous sage.

He was saved.

“Lecherous sage!!!”

Jiraiya stepped forward, looked at Naruto and Hinata and smiled: “Hinata is here too, are you two out shopping?”

Hinata was still very polite to Jiraiya. After all, he was Naruto’s master, one of the three ninjas of Konoha. She still respected him because of his seniority.

“Master Jiraiya, we just came back from my house!”

Jiraiya said, nodded, and said thoughtfully: “Yes, yes, the second day after the wedding, we have to go back to the parents’ house! Well, what else do you have to do now? If there is nothing else, I have something to do with Naruto, so I will borrow some time from you, okay? Hinata!”

When Naruto heard this, he was immediately very excited.

Woo woo woo, you appeared just in time, I am really crying!

Naruto looked at Jiraiya, his eyes full of gratitude, Jiraiya frowned, why is Naruto looking at him like this, really.

Hinata looked at Naruto, then looked at Jiraiya, and had no choice but to agree.

“Then… Master Jiraiya, please do as you please.”

Jiraiya laughed and said: “Okay, okay, Hinata, we will see you later.”

As he said that, Jiraiya put his arm around Naruto’s shoulders and walked forward.

Hinata looked at Naruto going away, turned back and gave her a playful look, Hinata couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

Naruto, when you come back at night, you’re dead!

Here, Jiraiya hugged Naruto and was about to share happy things with him. Naruto was the first to express his gratitude: “Sexy Immortal, you showed up just in time!”

Jiraiya was very puzzled and said: “What’s wrong, Naruto!”

Naruto sighed and told Hinata what happened between him and Hinata today. Jiraiya was surprised after hearing it: “Where is the intimate paradise comic version?”

Naruto: “In Hinata’s bag.”

Jiraiya touched his chin, thought about it, and then smiled: “It’s okay, Hinata is just jealous, think about it, you are so focused on reading that Comics, how can she not be angry! ”

Naruto shrugged helplessly and said, “That’s true.”

Then, Naruto looked at Jiraiya and asked, “Sexy Sage, you are looking for me, what’s the matter?”

Jiraiya smiled and hugged Naruto and said, “Just when you mentioned this comic, I tell you, I came to you for this matter. You know, the publisher told me that the comics are selling out, especially popular. Now there are no stocks in several bookstores in Konoha. The publisher is rushing to print them!”

After Jiraiya finished speaking, the whole person was laughing.

“Naruto, I tell you, you made a fortune this time!!!”

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and asked with a smile, “Why, Sexy Sage!”

Jiraiya hugged Naruto and walked towards the studio they opened.

“Let’s go, Sai is waiting for us in the studio. Let’s go there, eat, drink, and then chat. ”

In the studio


Jiraiya, Sai, and Naruto toasted.

After taking a sip of shochu, Jiraiya exclaimed, then pulled a zipper bag next to him, lifted it up, opened it, and placed it in front of Naruto, saying, “Naruto, this is the dividend this time!”

Naruto went forward and took a look. It was incredible. With this money, he could at least buy several large houses in Konoha.

“Oh my god,So much!”

Jiraiya took the wine glass, sat with legs apart, and said with a smile: “This is nothing, Naruto, I tell you, as long as we sell a comic, we will earn dividends!”

Sai nodded and said: “That’s right, Naruto! This is just an appetizer!”

Naruto said happily: “Okay, okay, as long as we can make money, I don’t want this money for now, lustful immortal, Sai, you guys share it, and we will share it next time when there is more money!”

Jiraiya glanced at Naruto, came over confidently and smiled: “You don’t think this is the money to be divided, right?”

Naruto was stunned, frowned and said: “What do you mean?”

Jiraiya laughed and waved his hand: “Sai, tell him! ”

Sai looked at Naruto and smiled, “Naruto, this is the money for you, and it’s just your dividend money. The money you invested has not been distributed to you yet. The dividend money from Jiraiya and I have already been received, and Jiraiya has given it to me!”

Naruto said, “Oh,” and thought, “In other words, this money is for me, the part that belongs to me, and the dividend from my investment has not been given to me yet?”

Jiraiya drank and nodded proudly.

Little guy, now you know how powerful your master is!

Not only the novel is selling well, but the comics are also selling well!

Naruto was happy to hear the news, “Awesome!”

Sai raised his wine glass and looked at Jiraiya and said, “This is all thanks to the good novel written by Jiraiya. If there is no such a good novel to open up the market in advance, this comic will not sell so well! ”

What Sai said is true!

In the ninja world, comics are published in abundance, and market competition is very fierce!

Jiraiya’s novel, Intimate Paradise, is a serialized series in itself, which has opened up a certain market and has a certain consumer group. When the comics came out this time, the first people to buy them were those who had read the novels before!

Therefore, there is a certain market foundation.

Jiraiya saw Sai toasting himself and smiled: “Hey! Sai, don’t ignore your efforts. If it weren’t for your painting skills, you can draw the charm of the characters and roles so well, no matter how good the story is, it would be in vain!”

Naruto agreed with this point.

Sai’s paintings are really great!

“Hey! By the way, Sai, I took a quick look at the comics, and there are many poses that I can’t think of. How did you come up with them?”

Seeing Naruto ask this, Sai smiled shyly.

“Naruto, I also learned it through practice. ”

After these words were spoken, Naruto and Jiraiya looked at each other, said “oh” meaningfully, and laughed.

The three men raised their glasses together.

There is a deep meaning in this, all in the wine!

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