Kai has completely untied his knot through a dream.

So, Xiao Li’s worry is completely unnecessary, Kai has walked out of it by himself!

Yes, that’s right.

After Kai defeated Kakashi through that dream of rebirth, Kai completely understood that without Kakashi’s constant encouragement, he might not have achieved such success as he has now!

It is precisely because of the genius Kakashi that Kai has a goal to catch up with!

It is precisely because of this that Kai can learn the unique skill of the Eight Gates!

After understanding this, Kai suddenly became enlightened.

At night, when the Hokage’s office building was off work, the whole Konoha knew that Kakashi and Shizune were in love, and Shizune also held Kakashi’s hand and walked on the way home from get off work.

“Are you going back to your house or mine?”

Shizune looked at Kakashi and asked.

Kakashi held Shizune’s hand and said, “Let’s go back to my house first. My father wants to have dinner with you tonight!”

Shizune nodded and said, “Oh, okay.”

So, Shizune followed Kakashi and walked towards Kakashi’s home.

Along the way, many people looked at Kakashi and Shizune and smiled, and said hello a few times. Kakashi and Shizune responded with a smile.

“It seems that everyone knows it!”

Shizune smiled and looked at Kakashi. Kakashi smiled and said, “That’s natural. After all, when we appeared together, many people saw it. Everyone spread it by word of mouth, and soon the whole Konoha heard it!”

Shizune looked at Kakashi and asked, “How do you feel now?”

Kakashi said, “It’s a very wonderful feeling. It’s like, suddenly, there is someone accompanying you. This feeling is really magical!”

Shizune smiled and said, “I have this feeling too!”

Walking all the way, finally arrived at Kakashi’s home.

Kakashi opened the door. Inside, White Fang was already cooking. Hearing the noise at the door, he laughed and said, “Hahaha, Shizune is here. Come on, come on, sit down! I won’t greet you. I still have vegetables in the pot!”

Shizune rolled up her sleeves with a smile, then walked over and said, “Uncle, let me help you!”

White Fang saw Shizune coming to help and immediately waved his hand and said, “No, no, go away, sit over there. What do I need your help for? I can do it myself. Really, you are a guest!”

Kakashi looked at this scene and laughed.

White Fang was cooking and found Kakashi laughing there. He looked at Kakashi and shouted, “Kakashi, come here and wash the vegetables for me!”

Kakashi: “Ah?”

Shizune waved her hand and said, “Oh, uncle, he only knows how to make breakfast, not this, let me do it!”

So, Shizune took the initiative to wash the vegetables, then cut the vegetables, and help White Fang!

White Fang took a look and said in amazement: “Great! Shizune, you are really capable. It seems that my Kakashi is marrying up to you!”

Shizune laughed and said: “Uncle, you praised me. Kakashi can also be excellent!”

White Fang waved his hand and said: “Hey, in this regard, Shizune is still better than you. Ninjutsu achievement and life achievement are two different things!”

After Shizune washed the vegetables, she looked at White Fang and said: “Uncle, please let me cook this dish. I will show you my cooking skills so that you can taste it and give me some suggestions!”

White Fang thought about it and nodded: “Okay!”

So, Shizune came to cook, and White Fang stood behind her and watched.

Seeing Shizune busying herself very skillfully, White Fang nodded in approval. Shizune’s technique was seen as something she did often, and it can be seen that she is usually a frugal person!

With a sizzling sound, the vegetables were poured into the hot oil, and the fragrance began to be fried slowly.

White Fang admired Shizune very much. The more he looked at this daughter-in-law, the more satisfied he was.

Turning his head to look at Kakashi, he was sitting at the table in the living room, waiting for dinner.

White Fang sighed. This boy, the girl hasn’t come yet, but he is waiting for her to work with a clear mind, and he just wants to say something nice!

No, it would be fine if White Fang died. Now that he is alive, his son has to be educated.

So, White Fang came over and pulled Kakashi over here.

“Kakashi, how can you sit down? Shizune is the first time you bring her here, and you are just sitting here. Hurry up and help Shizune, or say something nice!”

Kakashi glanced at Shizune, then said “oh” twice, and went over to help.

As a result, he was scolded back as soon as he started.

“Go sit down, this has nothing to do with you.”

Kakashi was speechless, and looked back at White Fang, shruggingShrugging his shoulders, it means that it’s not that I won’t go, it’s that I went and got scolded.

White Fang sighed, and at the same time he was happy for his son.

This daughter-in-law knows how to love her son, not bad.

Eight minutes later, Shizune finished cooking this dish, and then started cooking another one.

White Fang had already prepared all the meat dishes in advance, and there were only a few vegetarian dishes left, which Shizune cooked very quickly.

Seeing Shizune cooking the last vegetarian dish, White Fang brought the meat dishes to the table, and Kakashi also moved and went over to get the bowls and chopsticks.

Shizune turned off the fire, and the last vegetarian dish was done!

At the table, three people sat together.

White Fang picked up a bottle of soju, looked at Shizune and asked: “Shizune, can you drink some?”

Shizune nodded and said: “Yes, uncle!”

White Fang smiled and looked at Shizune and said: “Okay, I’ll pour you some.”

So, White Fang took the initiative to pour wine for Shizune. Shizune was flattered and hurriedly stood up. White Fang used his hand to press her and said: “It’s okay, sit down, sit down!”

“Kakashi, you also have some!”

Kakashi picked up the cup and said: “Oh, okay.”

White Fang filled Kakashi’s cup.

Kakashi looked at Shizune. Shizune only had half a cup, and he had a full cup.

Dad, this is called a little?

White Fang raised his cup and said: “I can’t drink, but I raise my cup to bless you two!”

As he said that, Shizune raised his cup, and Kakashi also raised his cup.

The three people’s cups clinked together, Kakashi and Shizune drank it, but White Fang couldn’t drink it because he was a body of the Impure World Reincarnation.

“Eat the food! Shizune, just treat it like you’re at home, don’t be polite!”

As he said that, White Fang brought the food to Shizune, who smiled and said, “Oh, OK, uncle, you’re welcome, I’ll do it myself!”

Kakashi looked at the food in front of him, which was far away from his bowl, and all of it was with Shizune!

Dad, you’re too partial.

While eating, Shizune praised, “Uncle, the food you cook is so delicious, and it tastes so good!”

White Fang laughed so hard that his eyes narrowed.

It was so comfortable to hear these words, and it was really a great enjoyment in the world.

Shizune said sadly: “Uncle, it’s a pity that you can’t eat it, otherwise, you can taste what the food I cook tastes like!”

White Fang smiled and said: “Although I can’t eat it, I can still smell it, Shizune, when you were cooking just now, it was particularly fragrant, I understand that the food you cook is definitely delicious! Great!”

Shizune laughed and said: “Thank you uncle for the compliment!”

Kakashi picked up a dish of Shizune, ate a few bites, and then nodded and said: “Indeed, it’s okay!”

White Fang rolled his eyes at Kakashi, how can this child talk like that, what does it mean to be okay, it should be said to be absolutely delicious!

Alas, I really don’t know how my son deceived this girl in front of me.

“Shizune, what do you like about my Kakashi?”

Shizune glanced at Kakashi, then looked at White Fang and responded: “Kakashi is very good. His title of copying ninja was resounding throughout the ninja world in his early years. He can penetrate with one hand and has amazing destructive power. Moreover, he has taught such excellent disciples as Naruto and Sasuke, which is very rare!”

“Also! Kakashi’s personal ability is also very strong, otherwise, Lady Tsunade would not have strongly recommended him to be the sixth generation Hokage!”

“Therefore, I admire Kakashi very much, and that’s why I like him!”

White Fang listened and looked at Kakashi, and Kakashi sat up straight.

Shizune is a good girl, she is honest and likes to tell the truth!

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