“Orochimaru! Why are you running out at night instead of sleeping?”

Jiraiya came over and asked Orochimaru.

Orochimaru smiled slightly, then looked at Jiraiya and asked, “Did the old man come to you to reminisce about the past?”

Jiraiya hummed, then pointed at Orochimaru and complained, “You guy, you followed us! Really, you saw us, why don’t you come out, let’s chat together!”

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said nothing.

Jiraiya approached Orochimaru and said with a grin, “What’s wrong? Are you afraid that the old man will scold you? It’s okay. The old man won’t scold you. Although you killed the old man, the old man still forgives you in his heart. Moreover, the old man attributed your change to his failure to guide you and educate you well, which led you to go astray!”

Speaking of this, Jiraiya pretended to be sad and said, “I really didn’t expect that until now, the old man is proud of you and thinks you are his most talented student. I don’t believe it. Really, the old man is really blind!”

Jiraiya said with a face full of jealousy, obviously saying that Orochimaru, you should talk to the old man, the old man will not say anything about you, and the knot between the two of you should be untied!

Orochimaru smiled and said, “Hahaha, Jiraiya, I know what you want to say. I will have a good chat with the old man if I have a chance. You don’t have to worry about this. I came here tonight just to talk to you!”

Jiraiya hummed, looked at Orochimaru and asked, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and said, “Let’s go, talk while walking!”

Jiraiya complained, “The old man also said that I look like him, but in fact you look like him the most. Both of us like to talk while walking!”


Orochimaru took Jiraiya and walked towards the park.

On the way, Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and said, “Jiraiya, I know that since I rebelled, you, like the old man, have taken some of the responsibility on yourself. Don’t say the old man, you have also been blaming yourself for not stopping me in time!”

“Even when the old man died in my hands, you also regretted why you were not in the village at the time, right!”

Jiraiya remained silent, as if he acquiesced to Orochimaru’s statement.

Orochimaru continued, “In fact, I have always understood that you have always treated me as a close friend, and you are also very curious about why the brothers who played together and grew up together ended up like this!”

Hearing Orochimaru say this, Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru and asked, “Yes, Orochimaru, you said you like science, and you like to research and invent ninjutsu. I understand that the second generation is a master of ninjutsu development, but your abnormal behavior and attitude towards the village make me feel very uncomfortable!”

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said, “I understand! You and Tsunade, like the old man, also Like many people in the village, I regard the village as something more important than life, but I am different. I realize the fragility of life, especially when Tsunade’s brother Nawaki died in front of me, I felt that life was too fragile and passed by in a flash! ”

“I don’t want to live like this, but I hope I can live forever, because as long as I am alive, I can always find some interesting things!”

“So, I started to study. During the research, I did take some detours, which led to some weird things. I am also sorry for this!”

Speaking of this, Orochimaru himself laughed.

“Later, I met Naruto. Naruto is a great man. Jiraiya, you have a good apprentice. Naruto taught me a truth. There are too many truths in this world, and you can’t pursue them all!”

“There are too many natural truths, life is too short, and the cost of creating wind is too high, so why not take advantage of the wind and enjoy the fun of drifting with the wind!”

Orochimaru smiled at Jiraiya and said, “For me, Naruto showed me at that time that he was the power of the wind, so I chose to catch his wind and enjoy the fun of the wind!”

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru asked, “How is it? The fun of riding the wind!”

Orochimaru smiled and said, “Very wonderful!”

Jiraiya laughed and said, “It seems that Naruto’s return has indeed changed too many things!”

Orochimaru also laughed and said, “It has indeed changed a lot!”

Jiraiya sighed, “You, me, and Tsunade are all the past tense. The three ninjas of the new era have appeared. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, the three of them are the top forces of Konoha in the future!”

Orochimaru thought for a while and said, “Sakura is a little short of strength. She is at mostHaving Tsunade’s strange power, her physical fitness is too far behind. After all, Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first generation! ”

Jiraiya nodded, this is true.

Tsunade is now old enough to be someone’s grandmother, but her skin is still moist, and very smooth and elastic!

Jiraiya discovered this when he first came into close contact with Tsunade!

Orochimaru continued: “Jiraiya, let me congratulate you in advance. As a close friend, you finally got your wish and married Tsunade!”

Jiraiya laughed and said: “That’s right, you are the person who has witnessed my psychological process the most.”

Orochimaru rolled his eyes at Jiraiya and said: “You idiot, I still remember that one night, you asked me to play a robber, and then went to intercept Tsunade, and then you came out and acted as a hero, saving Tsunade, and let her admire me, right!”

“As a result, I was almost beaten to death by Tsunade, really! ”

Jiraiya seemed to have thought of that time, and suddenly laughed very happily.

Yes, at that time, Orochimaru was Jiraiya’s follower. He would do whatever Jiraiya asked him to do, and the two of them were very close.

Orochimaru continued to recall: “Also, you always asked me out, I thought we were going to do something, to see something shocking, but you took me to peek at girls taking a bath, and I believed your lies!”

Jiraiya said with a smirk: “You followed me!”

Orochimaru rolled his eyes and said: “I went back, but I didn’t watch it well, you were lying there alone, watching non-stop!”

Jiraiya nodded with recollection, and then said with a face full of recollection: “It was so good at that time, you could peek at girls taking a bath everywhere, it was such a beautiful era, but it’s a pity that after growing up, due to your status, there are few such opportunities!”

Orochimaru patted Jiraiya on the shoulder and said: “After marrying Tsunade, don’t think about these things, be a good man, and protect Tsunade! ”

The two walked to the center of the park, where there was an artificial lake.

Orochimaru looked at the lake and said, “Jiraiya, life is unpredictable. In a blink of an eye, you are going to marry Tsunade. To be honest, I feel a little melancholy!”

Jiraiya rolled his eyes at Orochimaru and complained, “Orochimaru, can you please stop being like this? Why are you becoming more and more like me!”

Orochimaru tilted his head and stared at Jiraiya carefully. He remembered that Naruto said that in his previous life, Jiraiya died under Nagato. After the end of the Ninja War, he realized some things in the past and lived less and less like the old Orochimaru, but more and more like Jiraiya.

Yes, the more one hates something before, the more he lives like it later.

Orochimaru couldn’t help but think of the past, and the lonely and rebellious self he once was.

He always hated Jiraiya, hated his nagging, hated his lust, and hated that he always taught him in the tone of an elder brother. Himself.

He even wanted to kill Jiraiya, but each time he was either stopped by Tsunade or cleverly avoided by himself.

However, with the return of Naruto’s rebirth, after a series of things happened, Orochimaru found that he was slowly becoming the same as Jiraiya.

He began to pay attention to the interests of the village, began to fight to protect the village, and began to become less selfish and indifferent.

He began to understand Jiraiya’s ideas and began to agree with his ideas.

Jiraiya once said to Orochimaru: “We are ninjas, we must fight to protect the village.”

This sentence has been deeply imprinted in Orochimaru’s heart, and it was not until now that he really understood the meaning of this sentence.

Orochimaru sighed and remembered his loneliness and confusion.

He knew that Jiraiya was also a lonely ninja in his previous life, but he found his own way and became a great ninja.

Orochimaru knew that he must also find his own way to become a real ninja.

“Orochimaru, let’s go for a drink together. ”

Jiraiya suddenly said in the silence between the two.

Orochimaru raised his head and looked at Jiraiya, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Jiraiya smiled and said, “I know you don’t like drinking, but I’m getting married tomorrow. How about you accompany me to a bachelor party tonight!”

Orochimaru shrugged helplessly and said, “Okay!”

Jiraiya put his arm around Orochimaru’s shoulders and raised his hand and said, “Let’s go!”

They came to a bar and ordered a few bottles of wine.

Jiraiya picked up the glass and said, “Orochimaru, we haven’t had a drink together for a long time. Today, we have to have a good drink to celebrate our friendship.”

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya, a wave of emotion surged in his heart.

He knew that Jiraiya had always been his friend. Although they had many disagreements and conflicts, their friendship had always been there.

He raised the wine glass and said, “Jiraiya, cheers.”

Jiraiya smiled and said, “Orochimaru, you really are becoming more and more like me.”

Orochimaru smiled slightly, then raised the wine glass in silence.

Not much to say, it’s all in the wine. Silence and coldness are the true background of Orochimaru!

Orochimaru and Jiraiya talked about some things in the past while drinking. Their relationship became deeper after this drink!

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