The streets of Konoha Village were filled with a festive atmosphere.

Today the weather was very good and sunny. A beautifully decorated wedding car, pulled by a snow-white horse, slowly drove to the hotel where Tsunade was.

Along the way, the villagers of Konoha stood on both sides of the road, smiling, their eyes full of joy and expectation.

Jiraiya was sitting on the horseback of the wedding car, and he was particularly excited.

He was dressed in a gorgeous dress, holding a bouquet of bright flowers, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

The wedding car slowly drove by, and Jiraiya waved to the villagers on both sides of the road.

He felt everyone’s enthusiasm and blessings, and his heart was full of gratitude.

He understood that today’s wedding was not only for him and Tsunade, but also for the celebration of the entire Konoha Village.

It was also at this moment that Jiraiya finally understood Naruto’s feelings at the time. Now he experienced the feeling of his youth!

The road drove all the way, and finally arrived at Tsunade’s hotel.

Jiraiya walked down, and Minato came to support him as usual.

Jiraiya held the bouquet, and the four groomsmen were in place behind him. Jiraiya smiled slightly, pointed to the hotel and said, “Follow me up!”

Konohamaru held up the camera and hurried to record this beautiful moment.

Since the last time Naruto’s wedding was filmed and edited, many people have asked to copy and purchase it, because Naruto’s wedding scene was too grand, and because Naruto is a hero in the ninja world, this is equivalent to Naruto’s peripherals.

For this reason, a publishing house specifically talked to Konohamaru and wanted to cooperate.

Konohamaru also asked Naruto, and Naruto agreed that there was no problem and he should do it boldly, because his portrait rights already belonged to the whole world.

Konohamaru heard it and let it go.

The publisher did not dare to make too much money, and the big share was taken by Konohamaru, because Konohamaru said that he would share the money he made with Naruto.

When the publisher heard this, he immediately thought that it would be better for him to get 30% of the profit and Konohamaru to get 70%. After all, not everyone can sell this thing. Without Konohamaru’s endorsement, if he sells it randomly, he will definitely be screwed.

Now, sharing the money with Konohamaru is equivalent to obtaining certification and having the legal right to sell.

The sales result is obvious, it is very popular.

Konohamaru also made a lot of money for this, and gave most of it to Naruto. He also found a way to make money. This time, he seized the opportunity to film Jiraiya’s wedding again.

Udon and Moegi followed Konohamaru. Now, the two of them are employees hired by Konohamaru to help film together!

Jiraiya strode up.

The hotel owner came forward to greet him and said, “Jiraiya-sama, come this way, Tsunade-sama is over here!”

The hotel owner learned that Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama were holding a wedding here, so he cleared out the hotel and let Tsunade-sama stay there. He also helped to spend money to decorate the hotel, making it look festive everywhere.

Jiraiya came to Tsunade’s door and knocked on it, saying, “Tsunade, open the door, I’m here to pick you up!”

Inside, Tsunade was wearing a wedding dress, sitting upright on the bed, smiling and looking out the door.

Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Shizune, the four bridesmaids, blocked the door. Hinata stood aside and smiled. She was not a bridesmaid, she was here to help!

Sakura didn’t care about Jiraiya-sama today. The one standing outside the door was the groom now.

“Who are you?”

Jiraiya heard that it was Sakura’s voice, he laughed and said, “It’s me, Jiraiya!”

Seeing that Sakura had called out, Ino became bolder and shouted, “What are you doing here!”

Jiraiya looked around and laughed and said, “I’m here to take my wife Tsunade home! Open the door!”

Shizune laughed and shouted, “Sir Jiraiya, I’m sorry, this door is not so easy to open. If it were normal, we would open it, but today, you can’t open this door without bleeding!”

Jiraiya heard that asking for money was easy, no problem at all!

Shikamaru stepped forward and took out the red envelope that he had prepared long ago.

Jiraiya pushed several doors in a row, but the door still wouldn’t open. He pushed again, but it still wouldn’t open. Jiraiya knocked on the door and said, “We can’t do this. I pushed so many doors, but it still won’t open!”

Ten-Ten counted the money in the red envelope and said, “No, no, you’re sending us off with this little money. It won’t work at all!”

Iruka stepped forward and said, “How about this, let’s compromise. We push one door in, and you open a little gap. We push another door in, and you open it again. How about that?”

Ningji shouted, “Ten-Ten, don’t be too greedy. Jiraiya-sama is getting married today!”

Ten-Ten snorted coldly, not happy. Shizune took the initiative to speak, “Ningji, don’t blackmail us Ten-Ten. Just do as Iruka said. You push the door in.If you stuff the amount we ask for, we will open the door. The more you stuff, the bigger the gap we open!”

Jiraiya laughed and said, “No problem, it’s just money, just stuff it!”

The last thing Jiraiya lacks now is money.

Shikamaru came closer and said, “Master Jiraiya, you may not have that much money, why don’t you let me do it, use the shadow imitation technique!”

Ningji stepped forward and said, “Good idea, I’ll locate it!”

So, Neji said directly: “Baiyan!”

He penetrated the door in an instant and found the position of the four bridesmaids.

Jiraiya stopped him and said, “Hey, this is not fun. It’s a wedding, how can we use ninjutsu to make it lively! If we use ninjutsu, this door will be a piece of cake for me! ”

Jiraiya looked around and didn’t see Naruto.

This kid, where did he go at the critical moment?

At this time, Sasuke, who had been following behind him, stepped forward and looked at Jiraiya and said, “Jiraiya, you want to get the money, right!”

Jiraiya patted Sasuke and smiled, “Yes.”

Sasuke nodded, then looked at Minato and said, “Fourth-generation master, please take me to find Naruto!”

Minato said, then put his hand on Sasuke and opened the instant. With a buzz, the two disappeared on the spot!

After disappearing, Minato took Sasuke to find Naruto with Flying Thunder God. It turned out that Naruto was still at the banquet here, arranging for everyone to sit down with Sai.

Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato were all greeting the children of Yuyin, and they all sat down.

After Sasuke and Minato appeared, Naruto was still very surprised: “Why are you here! ”

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto. Since Naruto left, he has been like a transparent person there. Shikamaru didn’t arrange anything for Minato. He has been hanging around there. He finally caught a chance to show off, but Sasuke ran away and asked Minato to bring him to Naruto.

“Jiraiya-sama is short of money and wants to marry someone. I know you have money, so I came to find you!”

Naruto said, “Why are you short of money at this time?”

Minato smiled and said, “It’s about opening the door!”

Naruto understood.

“Wait for me! I’ll be back soon.”

With a buzz, Naruto disappeared.

Minato looked at the scene of his son disappearing and was slightly stunned. This sentence was so familiar, as if it was his own line before.

One minute after Naruto disappeared, he appeared here with a bag.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Sasuke raised his hand and said, “No, I’ll just sit here. It’s too embarrassing over there! ”

Sasuke left immediately after saying that.

Naruto smiled and sighed. He knew Sasuke well and could not force him.

“Dad, let’s go!”

Minato nodded.

With a buzz, the father and son disappeared.

The next second, the two appeared directly beside Jiraiya.

At this moment, only five minutes had passed!

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