The huge wedding scene was decorated beautifully, and the atmosphere of happiness was everywhere.

The venue carefully arranged by the people of the wedding company was like a dreamlike fairyland, making people feel as if they were in a fairy tale world. The fragrance of flowers and the colorful ribbons made the whole space particularly warm and romantic.

The carriage slowly drove into the scene under the gaze of everyone.

Here, at the dinner table, the third generation looked at the first generation and the second generation and said: “Master First Generation, Master Second Generation, Tsunade and others are here!”

Originally, the first generation and the second generation were to be at Tsunade’s hotel and be served tea, but the wedding planner in Konoha Village said: It is best not to have dead people there!

The first generation also thought it made sense. Although he was resurrected, it was unlucky!

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna sat next to them, waiting for the meal to start.

The host of this wedding was Kakashi. As the Hokage, he held the microphone and hosted it himself.

“Dear members of Konoha, and all the friends who have come from other villages, as the sixth Hokage, I officially announce: the wedding of Jiraiya and Tsunade has officially begun!”

With Kakashi’s shout, the atmosphere at the scene instantly began to boil. The melodious music sounded, like a moving symphony, lingering in everyone’s ears.

The melody of the wedding march filled the air, as if telling the love story of the couple. The guests applauded and sent their blessings to the couple with the warmest applause.

“Please come in, the groom, Jiraiya!”

Kakashi pointed at Jiraiya, who slowly walked onto the stage with a bouquet in his hand in the expectation of everyone.

He wore a neat black suit with a shining diamond on his bow tie, and looked handsome and elegant.

His eyes were shining with happiness, and there was a gentle smile on his lips, which made people feel his deep love for Tsunade.

After Jiraiya walked onto the stage, he bowed deeply to the people present, expressing his gratitude to all the guests.

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya and smiled: “Master Jiraiya, do you have anything to say at this moment?”

He took the microphone from Kakashi, and his voice was low and magnetic: “First of all, thank you all for coming to my wedding with Tsunade. I am really grateful, because there are many people’s help and blessings, so that we can have this wedding scene today!”

Jiraiya slowly closed his eyes, and Tsunade’s figure flashed in his mind. He took a deep breath and continued, “Secondly, I want to tell Tsunade that I have liked you since I was a child and have always admired you. I have confessed to you many times, but you didn’t accept it. When we grew up and you fell in love with Dan, I thought, I will protect you in the future. Later, Dan died and Nawaki left you. You were very sad and suffered from hemophobia. I was very worried about you, but you didn’t let me accompany you.”

Jiraiya stopped talking, and Tsunade’s lonely figure appeared in front of him. He remembered that at that time, Tsunade often sat alone in the corner and cried, and he could only watch from afar, his heart full of helplessness and heartache.

Offstage, the first and second generations also looked at Tsunade on the stage with heartache.

“Later, you took Shizune and traveled around the world, and I followed you and went out to play. While I was playing, I wrote novels. I want to express my feelings for you through novels, but I know that you may never see these novels.”

Jiraiya’s voice was full of helplessness and regret.

Tsunade, wearing a white wedding dress, stood at the other end of the wedding, smiling at Jiraiya.

Her eyes were full of love and gratitude. Jiraiya saw Tsunade’s smile, and his heart was full of warmth and happiness.

“Tsunade, time is really interesting. It doesn’t speak, but it answers too many questions. I used to want to say too much to you, but that doesn’t matter. In a word, I am looking forward to walking into this wedding hall with you today.” Jiraiya’s voice was full of anticipation and excitement.

Tsunade heard Jiraiya’s words, and tears flowed unconsciously.

She remembered the bits and pieces she had experienced with Jiraiya, and those beautiful memories came to her heart.

She knew that Jiraiya had always been by her side, silently guarding her.

She remembered the sunset that day, and Jiraiya said to herself: Just bet that I can’t come back, after all, you always lose every time you bet!

If there was no Naruto, maybe she really won.

But that was not what she wanted. That time, she really hoped that she would lose.

Because of Naruto, she lost, but she won someone who truly loves her!

Thinking of this, Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with love.

Jiraiya and Tsunade’s eyes met, and there was onlyEach other.

They went through ups and downs together, and finally got together.

Orochimaru stood aside, looking at the two people, feeling a little moved. After all, he had witnessed too much of their love.

Jiraiya finished speaking and returned the microphone to Kakashi.

Kakashi took the microphone and smiled: “Okay, you can see that Master Jiraiya is really happy today! We know that two people can get together because of some special fate. Now, we would like to invite the third generation who witnessed the initial fate of the two people and has a great relationship with the growth of the two people to come to the stage to give a speech!”

Applause rang out, the third generation of Hokage slowly stood up, walked to the stage, took the microphone, looked at the audience below, and showed a gratified smile. His voice was full of joy and emotion, as if he had returned to the past.

“I am very happy today, because today is the wedding of my two disciples, Jiraiya and Tsunade!”

The voice of the third generation of Hokage was full of emotion and relief.

“To be honest, as a master, I am very happy to see these two people get together. After all, I know both of them well, and they are indeed a good match!

Jiraiya was very naughty when he was young, Tsunade was okay, as a girl, she was still very quiet, the only one who didn’t like to talk was Orochimaru. The three of them taught me at the beginning. The most troublesome one was Jiraiya, who didn’t listen at all!”

Speaking of this, the Third Hokage looked at Jiraiya, and the people in the audience also laughed. Jiraiya scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Orochimaru also covered his mouth and chuckled, thinking of the days when the three of them studied under the Third Hokage.

“However, although Jiraiya is naughty, he also has a kind heart. He has been determined to become a great ninja since he was a child, and he has been working hard to protect the village and the people important to him. Tsunade is also a very good girl. She inherited the blood of the Senju clan and has powerful strength and healing abilities.”

The Third Hokage continued: “I watched the two of them go all the way and go through so much. In the end, they were able to get together, and I am very pleased.”

The audience nodded with emotion.

It turns out that Jiraiya and Tsunade have to go through such a relationship.

The Third Hokage finally smiled and said: “I hope that the two of them can live together in the future. This is my biggest wish!”

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