Naruto understood.

After all this time, this is what Obito meant!

Rin is a body of Impure World Reincarnation, so it is okay to fall in love, there is no problem, but, as Obito said, you can’t just fall in love without loving her!

So, Obito wants Naruto to help resurrect Rin completely, so that he can love her!

Naruto glanced at Lin, thought of something, and said worriedly: “Obito, even if I revive Lin now, it’s not good for you to do that kind of thing at her age now!”

Obito heard Naruto’s implication, his old face turned red, and he said confidently: “What do you care about me!”

Naruto held back his laughter and said: “Obito, I really didn’t expect that you like this type. It seems that you like loli very much!”

Obito blushed and waved his hand and said: “Naruto, no matter what you say, I tell you, hurry up and revive Lin for me. I don’t have any ideals now. I just want to be with Lin and grow old together. This is my biggest wish. Don’t you understand my heart!”

“Since you know what I am most afraid of in my heart, then you should also understand what I hope to get in my heart!”

Naruto nodded.

He has entered Obito’s heart, so he knows very well what Obito is afraid of and what he wants!

Therefore, Naruto understands the meaning of Lin to Obito.

Naruto looked at Obito and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely do what I promised you!”

Obito felt relieved when he heard Naruto say this.

Yoshi, if Naruto said that, then his happy time will come!

“Naruto, when are you going to help me?”

Naruto smiled and said, “I’ll prepare it for you right away!”

Obito’s eyes widened and he said happily, “Really!”

Naruto smiled and said, “Then it’s true. I’ll do it for you if I say I’ll do it for you. By the way, talk to Lin and let her accept it. After it’s ready, I’ll come to find Uncle Snake to complete the ceremony!”

Obito nodded excitedly and said, “Okay, no problem!”

After the discussion, Naruto and Obito walked over here. Kakashi and Lin were still chatting and laughing. Seeing Obito coming over, they still had a smile on their faces. With an inexplicable smile, Lin tilted her head and asked curiously: “What did you talk about? Obito, you look so happy!”

Obito smiled and said: “Nothing, just some happy things!”

Lin: “What happy things?”

Obito pulled Lin and smiled: “Nothing, I’ll tell you when I get back!”

As he said that, Obito looked at Naruto and Kakashi and said: “Well, Kakashi, Naruto, we’ll go back first!”

After that, Obito pulled Lin away. Before leaving, he didn’t forget to exchange a look with Naruto. Naruto raised his hand and responded with a smile.

After Obito and Rin left, Kakashi looked at their backs as they walked away, and asked, “Did you promise Obito something?”

Naruto tilted his head and said, “Teacher Kakashi, why do you ask?”

Kakashi smiled and said, “Look at his face, he’s almost smiling in front of you. I don’t know him well. He must be happy because of something, so he can’t hide it. He’s so happy!”

“I think you’re the only one who can make him happy now, Naruto!”

Naruto nodded and said, “Kakashi is indeed you. After recovering the Sharingan, his observation ability has obviously improved!”

Kaka Xi waved his hand and said, “This has nothing to do with restoring the Sharingan. It’s mainly about Obito. I know him too well!”

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled, “Yes, I promised him to help him completely revive Rin!”

Hearing this, Kakashi tilted his head, looked at Naruto in shock and said, “Naruto, are you… serious?”

Naruto nodded and said, “Seriously, I promised Obito to completely revive Rin, which was one of my promises to her, but because of some things, it has been delayed. Now, I think it can be done!”

Kakashi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t say it.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and smiled, “Teacher Kakashi, just say whatever you want to say, don’t be so hesitant!”

Kakashi nodded and said, “Naruto, to be honest, I am very happy that you have completely resurrected Rin. After all, Rin is also my best friend, and she died in my hands, which has always been a pain in my heart!

Now, I am really happy that you want to completely revive her. Similarly, Rin’s complete resurrection is also of great significance to Obito. They can be together in the future, and even get married and have children!


Kakashi said this,After a pause, he continued, “You have no problem in resurrecting others with the Impure World Reincarnation. You can reserve and accumulate strength on the pretext of future wars, but now, if you completely resurrect Rin, will it cause dissatisfaction among some people!

After all, this is a forbidden technique to bring the dead back to life.

If you can revive, then why can’t I revive!

Will everyone feel unbalanced and cause unrest in the ninja world?”

Kakashi looked at Naruto with a worried look on his face and expressed his inner thoughts.

Naruto thought about it and felt that what Kakashi said made sense.

Yes, if Rin is resurrected, Obito and Rin will have a normal relationship and will definitely get married and have children in the future!

As one of the organizers of the Fourth Ninja World War, Obito is a warmonger. It was Naruto who guaranteed it, and Obito’s performance in the later period turned from evil to good, so he was pardoned!

Therefore, his daily behavior is actually very concerned by others!

Rin’s resurrection and appearance next to Obito will definitely attract the attention of others. What will others think at that time?

Why resurrect Lin but not the people I care about?

Everyone may not say anything in front of Naruto because of his face and strength, but what about behind his back?

The human heart is the most unpredictable!

If people were really so easy to understand and friendly, there would be no war in the world. As early as the time of Hashirama Senju, the ninja world would have ushered in real peace!

But this is unrealistic!

Kakashi knows this very well, so he wants to remind Naruto.

Naruto also understands.

He has been a Hokage and knows the complexity between people, so as soon as Kakashi speaks, he understands.

That’s the truth, there is nothing wrong.

Now, on the surface, I am already a key leader in the ninja world. As long as I say a word, the five major villages will definitely respond. There is absolutely no problem!

The more leaders you are, the more strict you must be with yourself. Otherwise, how can you convince others?

If you rely on force, it will be no different from the extreme Sasuke.

After noticing this problem, Naruto looked at Kakashi and said, “Let’s revive Rin secretly. The fewer people know about this, the better. After Rin is resurrected, let Obito take Rin to continue playing outside. Don’t show up in front of everyone unless it’s necessary! Try to reduce the impact!”

Seeing Naruto say this, Kakashi thought about it and agreed to the proposal.

“It can only be this way!”

He knew that this was the best way at the moment.

They needed to handle this issue carefully and not let Rin’s resurrection cause too much attention and commotion.

Otherwise, it might cause some unnecessary trouble and danger.

After talking with Kakashi, Naruto and Kakashi separated.

Each went home.

Naruto rushed home.

When he got home, Hinata had been waiting for him at home, and the food was ready.

“I’m back!”

Naruto opened the door, Hinata got up and came to greet him, smiling, “I’m back!”

Naruto nodded.

The warm feeling of home is back.

“Let’s eat. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Please sit down and I’ll heat up the food!”

Naruto nodded and went to the bathroom.

After going to bed, Naruto and Hinata ate, chatting about trivial things while eating.

After eating, Naruto took the newspaper of Konoha to read and learn about what happened in the village. This habit was developed when he became Hokage in his previous life. Seeing what happened in the village is the key.

Hinata was washing dishes over there.

After washing, Hinata came over and sat next to Naruto.

Naruto put down the newspaper, held Hinata in his arms, and then his hands habitually began to automatically locate and hold.

“Hinata, there is something I want you to help me with!”

Hinata blushed: “You tell me!”

Naruto said: “I want to completely revive Rin and fulfill my promise to Obito, but Kakashi is worried that if I completely revive Rin, others will also want to revive people. If I disagree, others will feel unfair and then there will be a gap. I understand this, but I have to do this, after all, this is a promise to Obito!”

Hinata nodded after listening, smiled slightly and said: “Naruto, in fact, even if someone opposes, you will help Obito revive, right? You asked me, actually want to get support, right, because your heart still lacks a key affirmation!”

“You are not asking me to give you advice, you are asking me to give you strength!”

Seeing Hinata say this, Naruto couldn’t help but laugh from the bottom of his heart.

“Hinata, you are really a worm in my stomach!”

Hinata leaned on Naruto’s arms and said: “Naruto, no matter what you do, IThey will all support you. You said you have been reborn once. Why do you care about the opinions of so many people? Just do what you think!

Back then, didn’t you also run away from Konoha and join the Akatsuki organization!

You were so confident at that time!

What about now? ”

Hinata’s words suddenly woke Naruto up.

Yes, after I was reborn, I ran away from Konoha. Who understood me at that time? They didn’t understand me at all, and I was too lazy to tell them!

Hinata is right!

Do what you want!

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