Facing the four Kages in front of the TV and Kakashi next to him, Naruto took a deep breath and then said: “Everyone, you should know that I am reborn. Because of my rebirth, I have changed the fate of many people, including Kaguya!”

Speaking of Kaguya, the Kages on the TV in front of them all showed serious expressions.

Naruto continued: “Although Kaguya was sealed by me and Sasuke in both her previous life and this life, the seal after my rebirth is different from before. It is not that complicated. I directly teamed up with Sasuke to kill Kaguya! In the previous life, the battle process was more troublesome than this!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto and nodded.

“Therefore, it may be because of my change that many things are also quietly changing. This is what I am worried about now, that is, the future may not be as I expected!”

Seeing that Naruto was a little nervous, the people present fell into deep thought.

“But don’t worry about these two, because Sasuke and I can still handle it!”

Naruto smiled and looked at everyone, showing his confidence.

Raikage Ai looked at Naruto and asked again: “Naruto, according to what you said, these two Otsutsuki came to Earth to harvest chakra, right?”

Naruto nodded and said: “Yes! Let me explain it to you again. The Otsutsuki clan is actually a clan that harvests chakra everywhere in the universe. They will first send a person to a planet with vitality, and then plant a sacred tree. The sacred tree will absorb the vitality of the planet, and then produce chakra fruits, and finally be harvested by the Otsutsuki!”

“In order to continue to obtain eternal life and powerful power, the Otsutsuki “head family” sent Kaguya, Momoshiki, Urashiki, Kinshiki and others to different planets to plant chakra sacred trees. While guarding the sacred trees that will only bear fruit once a thousand years, they must continue to offer chakra to the Otsutsuki clan, and when the chakra fruits are ripe, they will hand over the chakra fruits to the Otsutsuki head family!”

“Kaguya is the one who was sent here at the beginning. As a result, after she came, she cut off the connection with the Otsutsuki clan. The connection with the Tsutsuki clan was interrupted, and the chakra that should have been handed over to the Otsutsuki clan was interrupted! Moreover, she was in love and fell in love with the mortal king here! She also swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree and gave birth to the Six Paths Sage and his brother! ”

“In this way, she became the god of the earth at that time. At the same time, in order to appease the irritable sacred tree, Kaguya sent people in from time to time to contribute vitality! Of course, she also wanted to create a white Zetsu and create an army, because she also understood that sooner or later the Otsutsuki would send people to settle accounts with her, so she had to make plans early! ”

Speaking of this, Naruto was silent for a few seconds, and then looked at everyone again and said: “In fact, what I am doing now is similar to what Kaguya did at the beginning, but I didn’t let you become white Zetsu. I united everyone, practiced together, made progress together, and formed a ninja coalition! ”

Several shadows nodded, including Shikaku and Shizune standing behind Kakashi. They had long understood why Naruto did this!

Naruto continued to say to everyone: “Although it was Momoshiki and Kinshiki who came to Earth this time, there was another person, his name is Urashiki! These three people were sent by the Otsutsuki family to find Kaguya’s whereabouts after they noticed Kaguya’s betrayal!”

“That is to say, once these three people come to Earth and find out what is going on, they will replant the sacred tree by recovering the tailed beast chakra in the body of the Jinchūriki.”

After Naruto finished speaking, several Kages understood it completely.

Before, they only knew that the Otsutsuki harvested chakra everywhere, but they didn’t know the specific people and things of the Otsutsuki clan. This time, it is clear!

Gaara noticed that Naruto had just said that there were three people coming to Earth, so why did only two come this time, and there was also Urashiki?

So, Gaara looked at Naruto and asked: “Naruto, why didn’t the Urashiki you just mentioned come with him!”

When Gaara asked this question, the other Kages also looked over.

For the first time, Naruto clenched his hands and narrowed his eyes.

The scene fell into a brief silence.

Gaara knew something must be wrong when he saw Naruto, so when he spoke again, his voice was very soft: “Naruto?”

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled, then looked at everyone and said: “Everyone, I just said that many things are accelerating. Because of my rebirth, many things are changing!”

“Let me first talk about my previous life. Although Urashiki, the Otsutsuki, went to Earth with Momoshiki and Kinshiki, he came to Earth first and has been lurking on Earth!”

“Before, when I went to the moon, I found that Toneri was not killed by Urashiki.”

“But judging from the current situation, I estimate that Urashiki has already sneaked into the earth!”

When Naruto said this, everyone present was shocked.

What’s the situation?!!!

When did the people of the Otsutsuki clan come to the earth?

Naruto looked at everyone and said, “Everyone, I want to tell you clearly that Kinshiki and Momoshiki are not scary. Why? These two people have a high-handed attitude and have always regarded the earthlings as inferior creatures. Therefore, they will not sneak attack or anything. They will come to the earth openly to find trouble with me and other Chuuriki!”

“Therefore, facing these two people, I am 100% sure that I can handle it! However, Urashiki may not be good, because this guy is too slippery, likes to lurk and sneak attack, and will not attack easily when he is not sure!”

“Therefore, it is very troublesome, so everyone should be careful! ”

“Oh, by the way, Gaara, in his previous life, the first person he attacked was you!”

Gaara: “Ah! So that’s it!”

Raikage Ai frowned and said, “I understand what Naruto said. Momoshiki and Kinshiki are very arrogant. They attack openly and honestly, which is indeed easy to fight. As for Urashiki, he likes to sneak attack and lurk, which is really a headache!”

Onoki nodded and said, “Yes, that’s right. A powerful ninja hiding in the dark is indeed a headache!”

Mei Terumi looked at Naruto and asked, “Naruto, do you have a portrait of Urashiki? Also, what methods does Urashiki know? Does he have the Samsara Eye?”

Hearing Mei Terumi’s question, the other Kages were very interested, and Kakashi also tilted his head to look at Naruto.

Naruto said, “I will ask Sai to draw Urashiki’s portrait again later. Let me introduce his abilities to everyone first! ”

“This guy has the three major eye techniques: Byakugan, Sharingan, and Samsara Eye! He is good at using the bloodline net “Yozumi Hirasaka”. ”

Onoki frowned and said, “He actually knows three eye techniques!!!”

Gaara was also surprised and said, “This is the power of the Otsutsuki clan!”

Naruto continued to add, “Everyone should pay special attention. Yozumi Hirasaka Urashiki has the ability to freely shuttle through space. He can open a cave in the air and move freely in the six spaces under his control. In this respect, he is the same as Otsutsuki Kaguya!

This technique can be used for attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt and raid opponents, and can also be used to avoid and escape in critical situations. Note that no seal is required when launching it. ”

“Also, this guy has a very disgusting technique, which is time and space retracing, which allows him to come to the future a few seconds in advance and experience dozens of enemies attacking him with the same moves, so as to see the opponent’s moves clearly!

Then he uses his pupil power to return to the present time point. When the enemy attacks him, he returns from the present time point to the time point a few seconds ago, so that he can easily avoid the enemy’s attack. ”

“In addition, Urashiki’s most common method is to use chakra hooks to invade people’s bodies and fish out your chakra!”

Mei Terumi was surprised: “The time-space retracing ninjutsu is too amazing, and this attack method sounds like fishing!”

Naruto laughed and said: “Yes, he uses a fishing rod to throw out the fishing line, and then the fish hook to hook your chakra!”

Onoki said thoughtfully: “It’s really an eye-opener. There is such a ninjutsu!”

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