Facing Kaguya’s answer, Naruto’s heart was hanging.


Because in Naruto’s opinion, training the whole world to produce a large number of combat-capable troops is the same as Kaguya creating White Zetsu.

But now, Kaguya directly said that this is not feasible.

Naruto sighed.

In fact, Naruto already had this guess in his heart. On the moon, he also discussed it with Kaguya, and Kaguya also said it was impossible. Now, Kaguya officially admitted that this way is not feasible.

The reason is very simple. The power of the Otsutsuki clan is too strong.

Seeing Naruto silent, Kaguya stood up and said, “So far, the Otsutsuki clan has only produced one true god, that is the Otsutsuki God. However, as far as I know, in order to maintain his power, the god also needs to absorb a lot of chakra to maintain his power!”

“At the same time, there are also high-level people in the clan who are practicing in this direction and are constantly consuming chakra. Therefore, there is a combination of guardians and the protected, constantly exploring the starry sky and harvesting chakra fruits! The sacred tree is just a means of harvesting!”

Naruto nodded, he was very clear about this.

Kaguya looked at Naruto and said carefully: “Naruto, since you have decided to be the enemy of the Otsutsuki clan, it means that you have to fight the most powerful race in the universe, so the Otsutsuki God is an existence that you cannot avoid. I hope you can understand this!”

Naruto responded very heavily: “I understand.”

Kaguya looked at Naruto and said: “The Otsutsuki God is not me. You can defeat me by collecting my power, but facing him, the difference in power is the key to your victory or defeat!”

Naruto has completely stopped talking.

That’s right, if you compare Naruto with the Otsutsuki God, it is equivalent to finding a junior student in the Konoha Ninja School and comparing him with the Nine-Tails.

This is an insurmountable gap.

Seeing Naruto silent, Kaguya knew that she could tell her true thoughts. She looked at Naruto and said: “Naruto, if you really want to defeat the Otsutsuki God and protect everything around you, there is only one way!”

Naruto slowly raised his head and looked at Kaguya, without any joy in his eyes, but a calm look.

Kaguya looked at Naruto and smiled, “It seems that you have already guessed it in your heart.”

Naruto remained silent, with some entanglement and hesitation in his expression.

“Do you really have to be like this?”

As if asking Kaguya, Naruto made a puzzled sound, and Kaguya responded: “This is when there is no other way. The seal is just a means to convert chakra into the use of you humans. No matter how clever and powerful your technique is, it is futile in the face of absolute chakra!”

“Therefore, Naruto, if you want to defeat the God of Otsutsuki, you must adopt the means of the Otsutsuki clan, harvest chakra, and then strengthen yourself. Only in this way can you have a glimmer of hope and have the possibility of defeating the Otsutsuki clan!”

Hearing Kaguya’s inner guess, Naruto frowned and said: “But if I use the sacred tree like you to harvest the chakra on this planet, I will be powerful, but everyone on this planet will die! What’s the point of me becoming powerful?”

“Also, even if I really eat the chakra fruit transformed by this planet, I can’t fight against the God of Otsutsuki. You said it yourself, the birth of the God of Otsutsuki is to eat the harvested chakra fruit continuously, and then become a god!”

“With such a huge amount of resources, I only have one chakra fruit from the earth, and I can’t fight it at all!”

At this point, Naruto was a little desperate.

That’s right, after fighting Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki, Naruto had a new understanding of Otsutsuki, especially Momoshiki in this life. Although he was defeated by Naruto like in the previous life, Momoshiki was not dead, and Naruto knew it.

If Momoshiki can’t be killed completely, then what’s the point of fighting against the God of Otsutsuki?

Seeing Naruto speak out his inner worries, Kaguya smiled and said, “I’m glad you think so!”

Naruto hummed, and looked at Kaguya in confusion, wondering what you are glad about?

Kaguya looked at Naruto and smiled, “The fact that you can think of so much shows that you have considered this issue. This at least shows that you will not only consider the method of universal military service!”

After listening to this, Naruto couldn’t help but chuckled, “So that’s what you mean.”

Kaguya nodded and said, “Otherwise, what do you think I said!”

Kaguya stood up, picked up the tea on the table next to her and poured herself a cup, then blew the hot air and took a sip.Then he continued: “Naruto, this method is your only way to defeat the God of Otsutsuki, you have to consider it!”

“Also, you will definitely not pick the Chakra Fruit of the Earth. After all, it has everything you care about. But, for now, I have picked the ready-made Chakra Fruit for you. Under my son’s method, it was divided into nine tailed beasts. You should understand this!”

After Kaguya finished speaking, she looked at Naruto’s belly.

In the land of the soul, the Nine-Tailed Fox seemed to sense Kaguya’s gaze, raised his head and looked over with gritted teeth.

Naruto touched his belly, then looked at Kaguya and asked, “What do you want to say?”

Kaguya said, “You know what I want to say very well, that is, become me first! Only by becoming me, you can at least fight against the people of the Otsutsuki clan who come later!”

Speaking of this, Kaguya said very confidently: “My chakra at its peak was completely afraid of Momoshiki and Kinshiki. Facing them, I am as confident as you!”

“Of course, I also understand what you want to say. Why am I so powerful, but I was sealed by my own son!”

Kaguya smiled self-deprecatingly and said, “Hagoromo and Hamura, the two of them took away a large part of my chakra, so my peak time was actually when I ate the chakra fruit and didn’t give birth to a child!”

Seeing Kaguya talking so emotionally, Black Zetsu said with some concern: “Mom!”

Black Zetsu is the incarnation of Kaguya’s consciousness, and he can fully feel the sadness in his mother’s heart.

Kaguya looked at Naruto and said very seriously: “Naruto, if you want to defeat the Otsutsuki, you must first become me, become the god on this earth, and gather the power that can be gathered. Only in this way can you rush out of this planet, find the power of other planets, and then defeat the God of Otsutsuki!”

In front of Kaguya, Naruto listened very seriously.

At this moment, Naruto’s thoughts have been pulled from the earth to the stars by Kaguya.

Kaguya’s advice to Naruto is to first condense the chakra of the earth and store it all in his body to become the Kaguya of that year!

In this way, the earth will not be harmed, because the existing chakra is what Kaguya harvested that year and has always existed on the earth, and there is no effect at all.

After Naruto becomes a sage body like Kaguya, traveling in the universe is not a problem at all.

Then, Kaguya plans to teach Naruto how to use the sacred tree to harvest chakra from other planets, so that he can grow up quickly and then fight against the God of Otsutsuki!

Only in this way can the earth have a way out and Naruto can protect everything he has!

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